Is he right?
Is he right?
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Spirited Away>>>>>>>Akira
Shit taste Kanye
>looking at youtube top 10s
He was wrong all along.
Hes right.
Spirited Away is not even the best Ghibli film.
>because its entry level it cant be a masterpiece
Typical plebeian commentary right there
No, but that's just his opinion which he is free to share if he likes. Moving on.
>Otaku pandering moeshit will never be respected in the medium.
Feels good.
Castle In the Sky and Kiki's Delivery Service > All other ghiblishit
>I'm a fucking retard but I still try to post on Sup Forums
Castle in the sky is probably the best along Princess Mononoke.
But Kiki is pretty boring. Not much better than When marnie was there.
They're both on the same level, more or less.
I'm more interested to see if he's a Madoka man or a Mawaru Penguindrum kind of man.
He's partially right because the best Ghibli will always be NausicaƤ and right after Monoke.
>Kiki is pretty boring
How about I fuck your shit up?
I with him. Not just because I'm more of a fan of cyberpunk than straight fantasy but because the animation techniques used to make Akira were nothing short of brilliant.
You wouldnt say that to my face.
Ill have you know I can bench 60kg.
Ghibli films are the ultimate pleb tier
I kind of want to see that list but don't want to look for it.
No. Theyre entry level, not pleb.
You dont know what youre talking about.
Do you even realize youre talking to an anime expert?
There must be like 50 lists of this kind on yt.
Isn't the casualfag thing to assume that Ghibli films are automatically the best anime? Plenty of normalfags I've met know and loved Spirited Away but have never heard of Akira. It could be a generation thing though.
Akira has some points over Spirited Away, mostly in the area of animation, but it suffers in the area of the story and overall Spirited Away is better. Though I'm pretty sure it has been more than a decade since I have seen either.
Kanye doesn't know shit about anime, or anything else for that matter.
He's the world's leading expert on Kanye West
Yes, odds are they consume most of their anime on Cartoon Network.
gibly is like disney shit from jap. bunch of retarded and overrated movies just for the studios name.
I think Spirited Away is overrated, but if I had to choose between them, I'd say Spirited Away is better than Akira.
Then again I haven't watched Akira in over fifteen years, so maybe my opinion have changed. I watched Spirited Away a couple of years ago, and I thought most Disney movies were better. Though it apparently has a lot of nuggets that only Japanese (or weeaboo) audience can understand.
Akira was a cluster fuck so most of the characters I couldn't really get emotionally invested. Not that Spirited Away was the best but I found it more enjoyable. Hell even my grandparents watched it with me which was kind of shocking.
watchmojo is cancer, they do the same video for everything, never being invested.
Haven't seen this one i think but i'd bet that one piece, naruto, fma, samurai shamploo, sao and maybe even dragonball is on the list because that are the only shows the asshole who wrote this lists watch. The rest is probably form other top 10 lists that pop up on google.
Has he ever been wrong?
All Youtube is just "Top 10 X of all time" now. Thanks Google.
Did he ever comment on Amaburi?
Spirited away is so overrated. Also ending is really anti climactic. Lol im a river spirit the end bye
movie akira was shit
the manga is superior in every way
He knows Black Lagoon though.
Beyonce has one of the best music videos of all time!
>mfw Kanye is the single biggest reason people get into arguments on youtube comment sections because he argues with literally everyone
Yeah, at least the popular channels.
WatchMojo is still the worst, knowing some people make money exploting shows, music and games i like with any personal connection is worse then a 12 yo's slideshow of best anime protagonists with kirito as no.1
even in animation and music? ;^)
Did you forget that they took your identity when they changed your name it was even starting to have effects on Chihiro as well.
Reminder that both Mononoke and Nausicaa are lesser Ghibli. Not even top 10 tier
I'll be the contrarian and say that neither is good.
One is a boring le quirky Japenese culture movie pushed by American liberal elites as WAPANESE CULTURE
The second one is a terrible film that butchered the manga
t. conservashit
Spirited Away is one of the worst written Ghibli films, it doesn't compare to Akira in story at all. Akira is fucking Nausicaa tier great.
Don't do that. I'm the most conservative person you'll meet, and Nausica is one of my favorite films.
Akira and Nausicaa are both mediocre aside from production.
>maybe even dragonball
duh, it's Trunks.
What really busts my balls when it comes to watchmojo though, (sorry for not Sup Forums) is how they repeat the same bullshit about "Superman turning the Earth the other way in the movie" every chance they get.
Compared to Spirited Away? Literally nothing interesting ever happens the movie? The only Ghibli film worse then Spirited Away is fucking Earthsea.
>I'm the most conservative person you'll meet
I bet you aren't.
>not Grave of the Fireflies
>shitter is given everything on a platter
>just has to work a bit, not even especially hard
>kills himself and sister
Yeah, nah. What a manipulative piece of shit.
>btw. this is my biographical piece I dindu nuffin now pay for my misery porn
Go fuck yourself.
If we're talking feature length anime movies then my vote goes for metropolis.
Spirited Away is just animation porn and Akira loses it's shit halfway because it's an adaption of a manga that wasn't finished.
So you didn't understand it?
That's what makes it art, just like Eva.
Spirited away and Akira are both overrated.
SA was more different then good, and aside from good animation Akira might as well be a live action or something.
But princess momonoke was good though.
The only good Ghibli film is Castle in the Sky. Akira >>>> Spirited Away.
>Akira might as well be a live action or something.
That's the point. Except if it were, it wouldn't look half as good and most of the special effects would probably be very silly instead of cool.
Those fucking YouTube lists are so stupid but so addicting. Don't go down the rabbit hole.
For once.
Politically conservative anyway. I believe in a strict conservative reading of the Constitution. I think people with tatoos and piercings are dirty.
>wasn't finished
Wasn't it? They used images from the ending of the manga in the film. I thought they just decided to change it to fit the running time and so it would be its own thing.
Porco Rosso is beyond reproach.
>I believe in a strict conservative reading of the Constitution
Meh. That's American "conservative". Would be considered extreme liberal two hundred years ago.
>I've only seen 4 Ghibli films
I love the animation in akira more than spirited but the story in spirited is so much more emotionally compelling. Maybe if I were Japanese I would be more compelled to feel sorry about the atomic bombs dropping.
"Conservative" has always been a type of liberal. The word really needs to be done away with.
Babby's still at his first 10 animes. He has a long way to go.
>list videos
The plebest of the pleb
But normalfags don't even know what reactionary means. Anything but conservative is useless in day to day conversation unless you're signaling how you're the contrarianest.
Did we go back in time 200 years?
That's what I thought.
I know, right? He forgot it's meant to be typed as Japanese animes.
We don't need to. People can hold conservative values no matter the year and there are much more conservative things than being a constitutionalist, which is generally liberal in the wider picture.
>looking at a top 10 compilation on youtube for anime movies
Looking through his eyes, the footage of Akira he would've been gang members riding bikes, shooting at eachother, and espers throwing shit at eachother, all animated nicely.
Spirited Away would've been a tiny lost girl, wandering in a bathhouse, a tiny pussy-ass dragon flying around, a ghost following the girl, and a grandmother.
I can see what made Akira more appealing to him, but should he really judge movies based on seeing 10-20 second clips from them, and some biased commentary on them?
What the fuck are you talking about? Has it not occurred to you that he's seen both movies and disagrees with the order they were in on the list?
You're retarded.
Kanye West is middle class as fuck, his dad was a journalist and his mother was a university professor.
He's probably had to watch both of them to fit in with the weird white kids at his prep school.
>twitter screencap thread
How low can Sup Forums go.
Thats being very vague.
Men are not equal, even limited democracy is a sham, freedom is not the apex to strive for, decentralized "interpret it yourself" religion is heresy and slavery is still wrong. Now that we've got that out of the way, I have a few more points:
Monarchy is the natural state of being, aristocracy is essential, protectionism a must have, globalism an evil, authoritarianism preferable to totalitarianism and anarchy.
Anime and catgirl pets did nothing wrong, though.
But that's just like my outdated opinion, man.
Yeah, because Queen Hillary is just what we all needed.
Monarchy is not the "natural state", it is a political institution best suited for a certain type of society (the type where most people are apolitical farmers).
Princess Kaguya and Only Yesterday are the best Ghibli films.
>Only Yesterday
I see you enjoy falling asleep while watching movies. Or maybe eating a pineapple is just that riveting to some people.
I see you have no attention span.
Maybe you should grow up. That pineapple scene is one of the greatest moments in anime history and a masterful microcosm of human existence.
Well, that's what it means in America, the only country that matters.
Ah, the ultimate defense. If someone doesn't like my boring movie, it's just TOO SOPHISTICATED for them.
>30 December 11
Holy shit
The manga was only halfway done. There was no way to butcher it, they merely worked with what they had.
Not to mention the mangaka was the fucking director
If you look on a wider scale why only take the past into account?
Akira isn't really even that good to begin with, two totally different films but i'd cleanly place Spirited Away leagues ahead of Akira.
>People bash Akira now
I'm feeling some culture shock here.
Akira isn't moe and contains no waifus.
Literally Akira: the Music Video
Forgot the link.
Ghibli films are literally the Evangelion of anime
Because when you look at modernity, you get holocaust, nazis, communists, jews ruling the world thru Hillary, fags spreading aids and me being stuck with the rest of Sup Forums among chinese cartoons because society offers nothing.
Here's your response.
Of course Akira is better than ghibli shit. Posting celeb tweets is cancer though.