>Brat's birthday
>No Brat thread
You didn't forget the birthday of our Sakurako-sama did you Sup Forums?
Brat's birthday
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Check the archive faggot.
>Letting her thread die
It-It's not like I did it on purpose or anything
Happy birthday worst girl.
No one's fault.
Don't force YY threads.
Happy birthday best girl.
Eat dicks, dogkurako.
Forced threads are the best threads.
Happy Birthday, Lord Brat.
Brat a best
We didn't forget but Sakurako surely did...
Happy birthday flat annoying brat!!
brat brating
lewd brat
cute snek
New Namori drawing.
Sakurako-chan man anime when?
I want to rape sakurako so hard
You dont understand
Why rape her?
Why not seduce her?
I understand perfectly
because then there wont be any tears to use as lube.
Poor girl, life must be hard on her being so flat and all.
No, user. You dont understand just how hard I want to violently rape Sakurako
Raping is fucking wrong and stupid. Grooming on the other hand have ALL the advantages with none of the cons. Step up your game senpaitachi.
Season 4 when?
Is there enough manga content for a new season?
How would you groom your brat?
I would rather have a Oomuroke series. It have better characters and better comedy, adding, of course, the first fucking hint of a plot with the cellphone mystery.
By raping her duh
It'll probably happen once there is.
That's not grooming.
So, Why do we hate Season 3?
I thought she was really bad, but on a second thought Himawari was worse, with her goodie two shoes attitude, big titties and desu was.
Still both are bottom of the barrel Yurus.
I don't
It had the best episode
>Still both are bottom of the barrel Yurus.
Not when Chitose and Chizuru exist.
Tell me your secrets, Sakurako's Buttocks.
I want to protect Sakurako's smile by shooting my warm semen in her 13-year-old vagina.
wew lad
Why is she so perfect?
Today it's my mother's birthday as well, what does this mean?
Is your mom aho gaki?
Your mom is a fucking brat
Impregnate your mother.
Perfect Daugtheru.
This negro knows
Toshino Kyoko !
Oh, a new Himegoto flowers, I know to what I'll fap this night. Maybe several times
She's aho but not a gaki
Brat's got a hostage.
I repeat my question
Why do we hate season 3 again?
I want to force myself into brat's vagina, if you know what I mean.
that fucking educational system made her cry.
We need to burn it to the ground
Form your own opinion. If you really wanted, you could look at any thread that discussed this previously. And if you think, "Well, all that stuff doesn't matter to ME," you obviously don't care or don't want to talk about it.
I get sick of these threads when they get too sexual. Every second post doesn't have to be variations on how you want to fuck a given yuru.
I want that fang to catch on my shaft as I throat fuck Brat. Hurts so good!
I hope you die in your sleep tonight.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fuck out of the 3rd season and got me to love Sakurako a lot. But everytime I discuss it people, they say they didn't enjoyed at all. Was that because the season was too focused on secondary characters or something? I'm really lost there
how old is she anyway, for such a little brat she's pure lewd in that official himegoto flowers manga.
You probably don't discuss it here.
That happens in every thread, not only yurus. Learn to ignore lewd anons
It's easy to ignore when it's one, or two posts per thread. Every second post is another matter.
Yeah I don't. I was late to the YrYr party. That's why I wanna know
So do I, user.
Look it up, there's lots of discussion. I don't want to bring the mood down, but at it's core it went in the wrong direction. Starting with losing the episodic format, to toned down comedy, personalities, and interactions, it also had bad animation and directing.