I think the English are historically the Jew of the white people...

I think the English are historically the Jew of the white people. I truly believe we have had our races interest at heart for hundreds of years.

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We've been ruled over by foreigners for a thousand years, desu. Can't blame us good anglofolk.

The empire spread white faces worldwide. When you say foreigners are you talking about white people from French, to Scots? Either or, they were white, bringing us to today's and yesterdays England, we were white.


>kicked out Jews throughout history

>Omg anglos are Jews!

They only gained power in the last 100 years and control the EU and america.

Don't be a spastic.

The Anglos did a good job of looking out for the entirety of the race up until 1914-39 or so.

No I mean how we take care of our race. We have throughout history done more for the white race than anyone.

You need to take the reigns.

True but can't compare to the Jews, they only care about shekels.

French, Scots and Germans are STILL foreigners, doesn't matter that they were white.

Good goy. More muslim rape gangs will be deposited in your country.

We took the shekels for our people, just like they did. The difference is is they did it for religious purposes. I believe we did it because we have been rep pilled from day one that white skinned humans are superior to other races.

churchkike agrees

It was a land mass over history that bred white pride, and it spread worldwide. Whoever took the throne, they had the nations white interests at heart. Look how fast Diana was offed when she trying to marry a muslim into the royals.

Imagine if the empire had never existed. Where do you see white people now?

No, they had the interest of their little internationalist clique of inbreds at heart. In some instances, it may have intertwined with the common interest, but that wasn't what they wanted. A nobleman doesn't care what colour his serfs are. Monarcucks aren't patriots.

I pay no attention to people who don't show their flags. I think it's a sign of cowardice and shame, wherever you are from.

Why did they kill Diana then for trying bring brown into the palace?

They killed her over landmines.

Oh shit, right.

Well we're doing a pretty shitty job since 1965 unfortunately.
Hopefully something changes soon.

Speaking French I suppose.

>Implying Jews aren’t white.
Oi vey.

The new white revolution is a united revolution anyway. We needed this failure of countries for the lesser races to try to sneak in and attempt to take power. The problem with the counter white movements is they tried to co-ordinate their anti white rhetoric in multiple majority white countries at once, this has created a growing white defense movement worldwide. The world has never known a global white movement. If they thought Hitler was bad, or the British Empire was bad, they don't know what they are creating.

>Jew of white people.

You mean the richest, smartest and most powerful?

Sounds about right.

you fookin wot m8? i'll chin ya ye cheeky cunt

fookin rite pal

We definitely are the Jew of Europe, I don't think its a racial thing though, its just the easiest way for us to remain powerful is for us to always back the underdog and make sure no one country gets too powerful. We're on an island so our massive navy both protected us and allowed us to project force easily.

Daily reminder that:
>The British put white colonists of South Africa into concentration camps
>The British abandoned their pro-white colonies in Africa
>The British gave up their empire to fight le ebil Hitler
>The British fought to keep Constantinople in the hands of the Ottoman Empire

Also Churchill was fucking insane

Where the fuck is pirate?

English Protestants are the only white ethnic group to adopt Jewish practices such as circumcision. Outside of Africa the only places it occurs are the USA and Australia.

Did the British Empire not spread white faces and White religions worldwide?

what? no english protestants circumcise you fucking retard.

Reminder Cromwell let the jews back into Britain.

If you mean jew as in masonic race traitor jew worshipping cocksuckers then yeh, my glorious anglo race is what you claim.

We need to look out for number 1 asap.


the belief the anglo-saxons were a chosen people used to be called British Israelism & variations of it go back along way- alot of people literally thought the biblical tribes migrated to Britain

>the french, Why?

Explain the joke.



I lived in NZ for 3 years. I worked on the re build of Chch. You have no idea how cucked your country is, you let American culture poison you on a daily basis. And it's not even the good parts of the American culture you purely concentrate on take aways and 4x4s, and gang violence. Your country really did disgust me.

This bong gets it. The bong aristocracy has never cared about anything other than itself.

>The only nation that effectively spread the white race across every corner of the globe
Nice one schlomo.

hehe see


That's right. Pessoa wrote a caracter who was addited to opium in a portuguese ship. This sailor mentions that the english were made to live because they would be happy when receiving a gold coin while the portuguese ethos was more about discovering the world, which was alrealdy done, that's the reason of his depression.

You mean to say a Portuguese guy got depressed because the British beat him to discovering the world?

Nice story.
Meanwhile the UK created the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, south Africa and brought a global language, industry, education and medicine to the savage corners of the earth while Portugal made...Brazil.


The Jews thrive because they move into other cultures and exploit those cultures with no thought for its well-being. The same thing happened with the Normans in 1066, and the attitude they brought with them persisted to the present day in slightly different forms such as Thatcher's "There is no such thing as society."

Ordinary English are cattle for the upper classes, whether they're old landed gentry or Tory industrial/financial elite.

For the white race and minerals.

No I mean why'd he change his ID

If you're referring to the double post, it was because I was switching from 4g to wifi.
If you're referring to the content of my post, it's because we care about the White race.

You may know the nacionality of the first ship to arrive in Japan or that of the man who named the pacific ocean. He was depressed for a reason, the portuguese discovered everything, nothing else to do.
Compare the size of Portugal with England and France and you may notice, proportionately, the size of the portuguese influence.

OP confirmed

Keep speaking my language, boy.

What happened to their empire then? Why didn't they control anything?

>Expecting a race of half fish half apes to be able to do anything except be the first to gaze at something.

Yea, I'll talk in herous language when the quest is bright enought.

We got french flu, aka democracy. Africa got communism, Asia was lost after Iberian Union. It turned out really bad.
They did control a share of the world, but the way of growth they had in mind couldn't compete with capitalism, which was never a part of portuguese culture. Then, most was lost, sadly.

>It's another anti-English/anti-British thread

Then you fucked up. The British Empire plowed you like they did everyone else.

Boy, history is a chain of glory. You can't go further without fixing the mistakes of the older leader.
Portuguese got the ships working and allowed western culture to be spread throughout the world. English and Dutch got the economy right.

I'm going to have to look into this Portuguese supremacy you talk of. As far as I know the French ruled over the world before us and we beat them in navy. The Spanish joined the French to try and subdue the British military supremacy that was happening and they got militarily out classed. Nowhere did the Portuguese come into this.

Well yes Protestants of Anglo-Saxon descent

Yes and it brought all the non-whites to Britain too

Oy vey the evil racist Zyklon Ben is making a new video! SHUT THIS RACIST DOWN! youtube.com/watch?v=li4PZNer3oQ&t=...

1878 siding with muslim turks. You need to read some history

Portuguese had a navy supremacy between 15 and 16th centuries, because they developed it. Spanish were the first to plagiarise and spies all throughout Europe were interested in how the edge of the world made contact with India.
Soon after that, the Iberian Union happened. It was not the will of most portuguese, but suddenly, they were siding with their enemies, Spain, and fighting their friends, England.

>tfw pol used to know history

Do you know British history?

Yes, some celts with druid religion, romans, bretons, normans, french oh fuck the french, lets fuck them back now oh shit, i guess we gonna be an island then.

Which was your favorite pokemon?

The age it took to conquer the irish was a shame. Potatoes niggers deserve respect.



It's because we've had the (((City of London))) for over 1000 years. Everywhere else is or used to be idyllic and conservative.