Blackpilled Jew here. Can you guys just hurry up with that shoah already? We're living in a clown world that's falling apart at the seams and I don't want to have to live to see the end result. Please just put me out of my fucking misery. I welcome the Zyklon B.
Hello Darkness My Old Friend
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Youre gonna watch it burn
please end it
go full bobby fischer and call out the kikes. its harder for them to deflect when it comes from one of their own.
>Do a mass shooting.
>Write a manifesto with your kikery as a motive.
>An hero when you're done.
>The fire rises
>Shoah 2.0
Jews are always dishonest
I don't want people getting hurt because of me. I'm also too much of a pussy to an hero, so I'd rather just die in a systematic execution.
Pussy. Get off your ass and make the future you want happen you lazy fuck. Show some agency. You might as well just never get out of bed and starve to death.
I think you kinda misunderstood me. I don't really want other Jews to die (except maybe the greasy shitlibs and NWO elites like the Rothschilds) it's more that I just want to die myself. Preferably at the hands of the goyim.
Chin up Heebro, it's almost din din time
Serious response here. I've had two Jewish friends commit suicide. And I've struggled with why they did it. Are Jews really scared of some future event? Redpill me on this please will live to see the future you guys created
Ashkenazi Jews in general are a genetic mess thanks to centuries of inbreeding. They tend to be pretty smart because of this but it's also led to a variety of physical and mental issues; my family in particular has a long history of bipolar disorder (I only inherited the depressive end).
My worries, though? I was raised Christian (I'm only half Jewish, on my mother's side) and I know where this country and western civilization in general is headed. Either we spiral further into thought policing and degeneracy that'll eventually have us being controlled by Zucc and his Zuckerbots, or white nationalists take it back by force and both I and my two younger siblings (the only people I really care about) get shoah'd in the process. I have no stake in this fight. Maybe I can ship them off to Israel before the collapse hits, but I'm not a Jew in a cultural sense, so I'm not going with them. My fate is the Zyklon and I accept it. Silence like a cancer grows.
Cheer up mate, you're on the winning side. It'll be decades before the Jews' plans backfire and they're finally wiped out. Have fun watching the pathologically altruistic Whites wipe themselves out in the meantime.
maybe you can read the trilogy of religion from MAHHHHAMEEED!
>just dismembering people, sick fuck!!!
>be something useful clown!
>still dismembers and decapitates people
>still a sick fuck!
Why can't you just pretend to be non Jewish then? And live your life? You think someone is going to come for you? Honestly I've struggled with my original post for years. These two Jews were very smart, highly educated and held high paying jobs. But they offend themselves. They were social outcasts. That's the only thing I could think of. The one was always jealous of me fucking birches. He couldn't get laid to save his life.
>white nationalists take it back by force and both I and my two younger siblings (the only people I really care about) get shoah'd in the process. I have no stake in this fight.
Yeah, but you DO have an enemy that forced you into this fight against your will and you CAN strike back against this enemy and hurt them.
Are you telling me you don't understand the concept of revenge?
I don't want the goyim to die out, though. They're extremely nice, resourceful, and attractive people and they've been nothing but kind to me my whole life. I grew up around them going to Catholic school, and my dad was one before he died of cancer. The death of the white race won't be a win for me.
Become an Imam that preaches violence. (aka join the mossad)
>Yeah, but you DO have an enemy that forced you into this fight
We didn't force him into this fight you fucking queer. It is we who were forced into this mess, with the rampant anti-white promulgation going around in our own nations.
Then why does your kind do everything possible to exterminate us?
I already am pretending to be non-Jewish. I've essentially lived my whole life as a white Christian male. They can still find out, though. For fuck's sake, I love my mom, but she worked for the fucking SPLC. That alone should be enough material for them to find me.
I don't fucking know, man, I seriously don't. I don't have any fucking connections to the inner Jewish cabal, for fuck's sake I've lived my whole life more or less isolated from other Jews altogether. I don't have the answers.
lmao blackpilled == sloth
no, it is all a meme.
Oi Achi! Homie, the pill is hard to digest, but it’s just a stage. Do aliyah, live in Israel and promote fascism.
You’ve been around diaspora jews, most of them are leftist cucks, especially in the US, you’ll feel much better in Israel.
Meme harder.
It is the duty of the beta Jew to infiltrate a cadre of Jewish elite and nuke themselves from orbit. Moloch calls for you.
I think you are over reacting. If you think some centralized authority is going to round up Jews and gas them, you're living in a Sup Forums-created fantasy world. If you're smart, use that to your advantage and acquire wealth. Once you got your wealth, create a life that keeps you as a part of society. Volunteer with a church. Spread the love. Make the world a better place. Or move to the countryside and become a farmer.
Post a picture of your nose please
>checks flag
Thread theme
I look huuuuwyte.
You may think that but you might have big and kike blood running through you. Pretty much almost all Amerisharts
*nig bot big
Weren't Simon and Garfunkel Jewish?
>If you think some centralized authority is going to round up Jews and gas them
It almost happened already once.
I'd be pissed if my mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the mailman all watched the mohel suck the blood off my baby cock too.
Your people are fucking pathetic, a catholic priest would blush at your people's filth.
I was raised Catholic.
Well that's a step up from how you could have been raised.
Publicly rally all your Jew associates, make public with your Jew intentions, and proudly gloat about your successful Jew agenda. You can be the Jew that out Jews the Jews, user. Bring these people into the light for all the world to see!
Good luck to you fagget, if you an hero stream it. You'll be ok
I'm not striking you down fampai
>We're living in a clown world that's falling apart at the seams and I don't want to have to live to see the end result.
Why not? You've got front row seats at the fall of western civilization and you don't want to witness it? This is the only reason that keeps me going. I want to see it all come crashing down and laugh at it with fellow Sup Forumsacks in Happening threads.
It's all fun and games until you're involved in the happening.