holy fuck, ARE YOU GUYS READY??? antifa and black lives matter are gonna kill all white people!!! we've got a week pol, what do we do????
Holy fuck, ARE YOU GUYS READY??? antifa and black lives matter are gonna kill all white people!!! we've got a week pol...
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Minor chimp outs in the same deep blue shit holes as before is the worst that'll happen
Can't wait...do we get more points for confirmed kills on BLM, Antifa or Panthers?
More rare
these leftist queers want you to believe they are stronger than they are.
I dont buy this
When you are weak, feign strength. - Sun Tsu
Me either, but I'd like to hope. I want to get this race war kicked off damnit
in a surprise twist, MS-13 just starts kidnapping antifa & BLM kids for trafficking
All of them eh?
Well, Good luck on that fucking jihad mission. I mean it, good luck. You're going to need several gods on your side to get that job done successfully.
this is the most retarded shit i've ever seen
wanna know whats going to happen? a bunch of retards blocking streets and the occasional assault and broken windows
thats it
Saw a few posters for (((Nov 4th))) when I was in Seattle proper last week. If lefties want to trash their home bases and sanctuary cities, they can fucking go for it.
>MS-13 has pledged
Society asks: Who is the enemy? From where does he attack? How do we distinguish him from one of our own, and how do we immunize ourselves against him?
But it's too late for these questions. The illness that society feels victimized by has metastasized to an irreversible degree. It can't be cured with surgery, heavy medication, or even wholesale amputation. "Stability at all costs! No life-support machine is too expensive!" But the virus is becoming stronger than its host, and its hostility is irrepressible.
Something's happening. Prepare yourselves. Call the Police! Call the Army! Stock up and wait for this whole thing to blow over. But soon it's inescapable - it's everywhere. "You are stronger than us, but soon I think, they'll be stronger than you." Maybe its time to see how the other half lives.
The rot has set in...
Alive among the lifeless...
Once They Were Almost Human!
The Nightmare Becomes Reality
The Threat Is Everywhere
If it doesn't scare you, you're already dead!
man you ain't gonna do shit lmao
And violent attacks on defenseless trash cans
Nice dox
Does larping this hard physically hurt? It looks painful
Where is the PROOF for any of this hot air? How is this anything but schizophrenic rambling brought on by gullible retards who believe every word of bored NEET larpers?
i just lold
fuck you you incel piece of shit, I just joined antifa and we're armed to the fucking teeth! we've spent the last few months taking in arms shipments from north korea and we're ready to obliterate all of you!
Poison all the fried chicken and all the tampons. The problem will then fix itself
>north korea
Ayyyy lmao
Idunno. Everyone keeps shilling the fact that its a nothing burger. All while its being hyped to all the meth heads in antifa that it will be bloody.
Oh well I will shitpost like allways with my shotgun nearby
id like to think of it as a race war but it would be a bunch of disorganized faggots and broke niggers aimlessly rioting
>faggots show up with banners
>niggers show up with shitty hand gun they got from lajohn for 35 food stamps
>whitey shows up with rifles with scopes and plenty of ammo
no real war
just target practice for us whites
I'll have my shotguns and magazines loaded... Not because I'm worried about communists, but because I bought a house in bear country.
based fictional chink warlord.
Ms13 working with antifa and other gangs? Pretty sure they just kill and loot the people's guns and go in their merry
>bunch of disorganized faggots and broke niggers aimlessly rioting
Lol probably, but as long as it's fun and we get to shoot leftists.
Yea that's the least believable part.
kim jong in is 1000x the leader that idiot drumph is, we're gonna turn this country over to the glory or the peoples republic!!!
fake as fuck, and gay as op
The thing is that the line applies to people that know what real strength looks like, so that they can convincingly replicate it's appearance. The communists don't understand or recognize strength beyond their action movie understanding of violence... So it isn't convincing. Best course of action is to just stay home and let the cops deal with them. If any of these things come near your house, devastate them with rapid and accurate gunfire.
>Facebook allows this
Okay there cupcake. When your frosting is starting to get dry and crusty, and all that sweetness of being on "Le Winning Side of History" is as stale as the deepest part of your soul, when you realize you won't win nor come close to accomplishing that impossible war-statement.
I'll make an old fashioned hearty vegetable soup, offer a bowl if you're stick alive and kicking. Like any good folk would.
But my warning. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>we're gonna turn this country over to the glory or the peoples republic!!!
Lol ok man
Hey FBI, why don't you do your fucking jobs?
If the left actually starts just killing people for being white then I hope they get destroyed and we never hear from another preachy revolutionary for as long as humanity exists.
Soros transferred like $18 billion to his open borders foundation, the group responsible for previous organized events. This is a lot more money than has been transferred in the past; $33 million was used to support the Ferguson riots for example. I honestly am not expecting it to live up to the hype, except maybe in a few large cities, but the fact that Soros has a hand in it and that he has led successful revolutions in the past is what is concerning.
Its gonna be like every other protest day, with sjws blocking traffic and crying in a bunch of liberal cities. the only difference is more of them will probably get run over than usual
I want to believe!
but its most likely bullshit
Yeah yeah.
If uppity niggers riot then no more niggers
Allow me to let you in on a little secret.
Even if something does happen and they succeed, they'd fail anyway because surprisingly college kids have no idea how to run and organize countries.
>Working with niggers
Just lmfao, at least make the LARPs realistic.
this is a larp, right guys??
Can confirm, pic related is photographic proof of the basic issue kit for antifags
Looking forward to watching them humiliate themselves again.
Big if true
>Antifa has 800,000 members
Yea and how many of them are complete pussies?
this fucking guy
>If the left actually starts just killing people
I don't think they grasp what will happen if they start killing people for being white. I think you will see 3-5 days of "return anger" and it will be brutal. Id not be shocked to see entire cities burned to the ground should that happen.
>better safe then dead
At least you're safe before you die
Lisa has a pretty extreme case of the autisms, but I'd bet she would make a great girlfriend. Would save her from skinny white guys and gorillas during the great race war
>mfw OWS 2.0 HD becomes an even bigger circus than the first one
Nothing will happen but if it does it will be a godsend for the right.
>Antifa and BLM chimps out as hard as they can
>Finds that Americans have a rifle behind every blade of grass to oppose them
It's like the Purge, but it's legal self defense.
To arms brothers!
What do if on college campus in blue city?
Do Nothing.
Stay comfy at home and shitpost on Sup Forums.
Their main goal is to get people to come out and counter protest so they can start shit.
When shit goes down they can say look at the violent right.
Each site is going to be loaded with media, do you think they'll accurately report anything that may go down.
Why do you think they've been publicizing it so much.
DON'T TAKE THE BAIT, stay comfy faggots.
>arms shipments from dprk
Lmao oh god m8 gr8 b8
If you think this is real, please snort a kilo of oven cleaner.
It's on a Saturday
Then they get most nu males and fags, and nothing of value is lost
Overnight shipping a I'm with her shirt or else rip in pieces
> 4 million military deputized
Can confirm this isn't happening. Business as usual I'm afraid.
My fucking dick is so hard right now.
This buy guns food and ammo take care of what you love God bless you all!
If the left starts openly targeting and only killing whites teh US will go NatSoc like you wouldn't believe. I almost wonder if that's teh whole point.
Who would win them or well trained and equiped police, swat, national guard, army, marines, navy, and airforce.
Oh gee. What happens if you deeply piss whitey off? Last time we invented a new form of energy to vaporize and irradiate nips. I would awaken whitey.
Sounds like dank snuff brah
yea but wouldn't it be more comfy on Sup Forums if everyone falls for the big tricks?
ur fine its nothing
tell them that you're jewish, problem solved
Look for a map or get directions, clearly i'm lost. I stopped being a Uni student years ago.
Or are you implying >What do if attacked on college campus in blue city
Defend myself. Deal with the consiquences in court.
Go full Paddock and barricade yourself into a tower with a rifle.
good luck hiding in your homes, once we take the streets, we're coming inside next
Digits say these faggots just sperg nonsense in the streets and get arrested
So when are we going to tell the constitution to go fuck itself and just start pre-emptively arresting Antifa?
>a source says MS-13 has pledged ALL their members
No, they haven't.
>a source says Trump has deputized 4 million military people
They're sworn officers the second they join the military, dumbass, they don't get "deputized."
This entire long-winded pile of shit just shows how stupid and unprepared these kids are for actual combat. I'm going to pour a stiff drink and laugh. Did they forget the entire military (including SF) launched a real-life drill on a large metropolitan area on the West Coast just 1-2 years ago for precisely this scenario? They are so fucked and I hope they're dumb enough to take to the streets. I really do hope they're that stupid. Please.
Absolutely nothing is going to happen. Like always.
>he took the bait seriously
So lets say this happens, what will antifa do when BLM and the others attack them? i mean Antifa is mostly white people..
Women are fucking dumb. They actually believe this.
Time to whip up some Zyklon B, goyim.
Women believe whatever they are told.
get comfy.
your retarded armys cant even win in the middle of the dessert, what makes you think theyd stand any chance against a full fledged rebellion???
My dick just got hard at the thought of a lefty breaking into my home. Thank you
>MS-13 Supporting Blacks
What is this retarded larping about nov 4? It won't happen in eternity. Lefties can't into action, and if they somehow will, police will rape them.
All that bullshit you typed must be the lyrics of a My Chemical Romance song or something. Cool. You're still not going to do shit.
Your skinned corpse Will make a fine fucktoy
>Stay comfy at home
Considering we're getting into those cold and bitter months, It'd be a gas if there was some brutal wind chill in a few parts of the country where Antifa was protesting.
kek willing of course