Black lives matter.
Black lives matter
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I mean, how else was he gonna get his school book money?
>be American
>have wife raped and get shot
Society forced him to turn to this crime
Embodiment of evil.
>raping the woman
burn the coal...
Toll paid
That’s what they get for not having a concealed carry when we have a feral nog problem. Me and the wife both have cc and guns in our cars
We never relax around the melanin enriched
I can't believe a future Astronaut would do this
Boi Din Du Nuffin...
He be needin mony go collech an sheeeit.
He gon be pezident an som sheeeit
>just give the robber what he wants
don't relax
Did this happen in a state with death penalty?
>astro physics
>forced to drive to ATM
Must have had the woman driving, because the man would have driven into oncoming traffic, at the very least bringing police attention to the situation.
If you're EVER forced to drive your own car anywhere, do this and trust the fantastic German engineering to keep you alive.
dat nigguh str8 gangsta
where is the source
Damnit Jamal I said shoot your load not shoot your gun.
Dis nigguh ri hea str8 gangsta too!
Gotta get dat bruh sheeeit
how low do you think his IQ actually is 85 - 80 maybe lower
i mean just looking at hist face you can feel the stupidity
Should have thrown work boots at him to scare him off
Fuck the guy you drive into. Why not a pole of something?
I'm not OP, but this has the story:
As usual, he good boy, dinduffin
The only reason he gets any attention is because he's... tall.
le watermelon scientist man dindu nuffin
Kid robs old couple
Goes next door, sees woman and two daughters getting ready to leave
Forces then back inside
Father fights back
Gets killed
Kid rapes the wife in front of kids
Father was a (his) geography teacher
Room temperature, somewhere between 68-73.
And remember, some day they will parole his murdering hide. They'll argue that he was just a child, a baby really, and that it's racist to lock him up forever. The cops need to kill these retards on sight after this shit.
Holy shit that was amazing
My wife is scared of guns. I tell her she should be afraid of niggers more.
Niggers being Niggers...
How do you stop a Nigger from doing Nigger shit?
> be white adult
> shoot negro child
> fellow white people hate your rrracccisssst ass, you pieccceee of ssshhhitt
there are no good options here
Niggers gonna nig
The ONLY life that matters is your own!!!
you should show her news like the OP until she understands
When is a white man going to rape a black woman and kill her husband in front of there kids?
bullshit if it was real it would be all over the white media
looks real?
>no mother should have to fear for her son's life every time he robs a store
Carry anyway. Your wife doesn't need to know, it's concealed. Plus if she finds out, tell her too bad.
he a gud boy
niggers and muslims are subhuman and should be treated as such
happened in oklahoma
Prisons built by the white man are made to overflow with the mistakes of the negro.
Cemeteries built by the negro are made to overflow with the actions of Dixie subhumans.
good, more dead whites
They matter less than fecal matter.
The right to bear neither merit or virtue, moral destitution being necessary to Southern culture, shall not be infringed.
>building anything
Fuck off subhuman kike
Damn this video really was teasing.
That's the funniest webm I've ever seen
Some Blacks are even becoming Zombies.
Drugs are one helluva drug.
Greatest state in the nation though.
Nigger lives don't matter.
Southerners didn't purposefully starve Union POWs by the way, they simply just didn't have enough food. Hell their own soldiers and civvies were starving.
fuck donald drumpf and fuck white people
Save it for the 4th.
Hope he gets the chair.
Excuse me? He was going to be a neurosurgeon. What are you, some kind of racist?
this guy could have benefited from the american system of having a bunch of guns and a dog, but he lived proressive life and so now he's in hell with the rest of the fucking nonces
FL in the Hizzie.
>electric bogaloo.
>more like electric jiggaboo
still saved it
exactly there is no excuse not to have a gun for protection especially if you live in a diverse area, everyone knows you are way more likely to be the victim of a crime
If you look closely his shoes melt off. kek
We need to fund planned parenthood in Nigger areas.
And to somehow give economically incentives to black females to not raise children.
Where's the stars and bars, friendo?!
for what fucking purpose
cringe, these are like the videos of people putting fireworks in their mouth, what is wrong with people
lmao stupid pavement ape
Naw man
Well, he can honestly say that he got lit that night.
i hope space nigger goes down and takes his cuck boy bill nye with him
I am seething with disgust and hate. These kinds of niggers deserve to be killed on sight.
I sliced a Belgian's belly open, once. He screamed for an hour.
Then what do you propose?
You have been cucked by the liberals, so you can't exactly eradicate them like the Chinese do when blacks chimp out.
I don't have to do anything and appreciate it if you didn't take a threatening tone with the hand that feeds.
snn is doing it's shit again
doing the ole switcherooni
? doesn't look fake to me