WW3 confirmed 2020
WW3 confirmed 2020
Can't wait.
>tfw we're socially going back
It's been a long time coming
>Germany gets nationalistic
AfD is the first nationalist party to come into power since Hitler.
i think the OG means austria
WWIII just started.
UN demands that Nations all over the world to send their armies to stop the german menace.
In your country, a huge draft program starts and you, even not wanting to go, gets drafted to a branch of your forces.
What do you chose, anons?
>Weapons Officer on an IFV that uses nothing more then a 30mm autocannon as it's main weapon (TOWs doesn't count)
>Civil war in Spain
Dude, catacuks have no army, weapons, training or balls.
There won't a war
Them too but Austria didn't become nationalistic until Germany did in the last war.
Have all of you forgotten about AfD's recent wins? It was like three weeks ago ffs
Christ can we not wait for the space update before season 3? Also china needs that buff to balance out the heavy classes. Russia, America etc.
Catalonia is a literal nothingburger.
>t. Russian hacker
all it takes is one nation or group to arm them and its go time. they might be pussies but even pussies can shoot blindly around corners like dumbass sandmonkeys in syria.
When did Germany started getting "nationalistic"?
here is a brief history of the last century: commies try to gain power and either get BTFO or kill a lot of people. the LCD is commies
AfD surged and is now the 3rd largest party in Germany, made big gains.
Japan,China are getting buffs in the next seasons, but the India buff has been delayed for another season again. Some admins discussed nerfing UN as well for next season.
>Nerfing UN
that seems a bit cruel for a joke class.
>germany starts getting nationalistic
what did I miss?
I meant (((NATO)))
Which is 85% America...
Noice. Didn't even realize. So instead of Germany being far left they are now moderately left?
more like (((America)))