Poland versus Richard Spencer #2

Richie is NOT WELCOME in Poland twitter.com/PolandMFA/status/923615491523883008/

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Because Poland knows he's a retard shill

holy shit he looks like a faggot.


Poland is proof that you can be a redpilled country without subscribing to all this 1488 fashy faggotry.

Why does he have such a fat neck? Does he not realize he makes white people look like soft trust fund babbies?

so they are not banning him?
who cares then, its just empty signaling.

Who is this fag and why should i care?

Spencer is literally the anti-thesis to 1488 Nazi LARPing.

Give me an example of when he's ever done this or praised the Nazis.

>wow Poland is so based for not following what anyone tells them them to

>wait, you slavic subhumans, do what I tell you >:(

It's niggers and American leftists all over again.

based poland

We have no need of him.

Burger activists should stick to their own country.

What the hell is an idiot like Spencer going to tell the people of Poland anyways?

probably the proper way to suck dick and how israel and the jews are gods chosen people!

>Spencer is a proud follower of Aleksandr Dugin.
>Spencer is NOT a white nationalist. He's a fucking National Bolshevik.
>Praises Putin
>Country was raped for more than 50 years by the Russians
>Russia threatens its borders once again
>Spencer expects to be allowed in to a 99.8% white nation that is 92% Catholic and very conservative.


But Poland has always looked out for Jews, you historically inept burger

How to organize real marches. We are generally unaware of tiki torches here.

Spencer is a fag.

The Ukraine knows how though ;)

stay mad faggot

I thought you were based, Poland.

He and his wife are known Russian shills

oh yeah totally my alt-lite friend

Daily reminder Spencer's mentor was a kike and he took it upon himself to continue his work. Look up Paul Gottfried.

>he doesn't know about Latvia
We had these for almost 10 years, aesthetic af
Not autistic retards like Charlottesville


well we all have like 1000year histories behinds our flags, burgers are young, they will learn

Care to tell me what was autistic about Charlottesville tiki march? Looks exactly the fucking same.

I've been listening to Specners podcasts since 2012.
Every time the matter of foreign policy comes up, he has always shilled for the position that benefits Russia.

Really activates my almonds. here's a (you)

This, I think. What would be the point of visiting Poland? His ideas are not applicable to a country that has not been subjected to mass immigration and multiculturalism. Still sad to ban him from speaking though.

>You thought wrong. There is almost no polish nationalism in Poland. As for polish nationalism ...
>To polish nation belong polish Germans, Tatars, Armenians, Gypsies, Jews, if they live for common ideal of Poland. Black of red-skinned (Amerindian) can become true Pole, if he accepts spiritual heritage of polish nation, that is within its literature, art, politic, traditions, and if he has unbroken will to help advance the national identity of Poles. - Wincenty Lutosławski.
Polish nationalism is sadly only cultural, not ethnic. We even have nigger politican. Such is the result of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,wet dream of most polish nationalists, which was multicultural.

What a fucking shame. You can clearly see that our governement is far from "based" or "redpilled". It's better than openly communist western politicians but still...

despite being a mountain nigger she's right
>wahhh but russkies should have an eternal guilt complex like the germans because they made us feel bad

whatever you say alt-lite! people on Sup Forums also think russia is good even on /new/. are we all dungists now too?

daily reminder spencer is pro zionism and pro israel and pro jew.

kosher approved

Spencer Retweeted
Ann CoulterVerified account @AnnCoulter Oct 2
Netanyahu for President! Israel to deport recalcitrant illegal immigrants, circumvent Supreme Court ruling


* there is almost no white nationalism in Poland

>ethnostate for me but not for thee
Are Poles kikes?

I highly suggest checking these three videos of Spencer out.


way to discredit yourself

Only 20-something males marched Charlottesville.
We have people from all walks of life, women and children participating.
We don't chant slogans that have no connection to our history like ""blood and soil" that was just edgy 1930s Nazi LARPing.

Of course not. He has defended Nazi Germany before. They don't like that shit.

Because polish aren't white U dirty sub human slav

Screaming "Jews will not replace us" won't attarct people to your ideology burger

maybe you should watch the entire march because I saw many different age groups and women going around. Some wren't even chanting the blood soil slogan

not everyone was screaming that but I see your point cant be going around talking about the JQ!

he is still allowed to come. big difference between Poland and rest of cucked Europe

>Are Poles kikes?
yes and no



no thanks. im not a fan of jew lover pro israel dickie spencer. (((the alt-right))) can really fuck off

Did you also get attacked by a hostile mob of niggers, communists, police and Jewish press?

Name the nations that are white then.

Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.

There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.

But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".

I don't want this larper cuck in my country.

kek. when even based Poland bashes the fash.

Fine, define white for me, Mehmet.

>Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes

Yeah because Poland isn't anti-semitic, racist, or xenophobic. Poland is a pillar of European values when will you start letting in billions of non-whites into your country?

so which parties or movements are ethnic nationalists in poland? are there any?

Polish young fascists


I actually hate Chernovich and all those fags.
I agree with Spencer on almost everything though, except his Russophilia.

This makes me discard him completely, because that means he and his supporters would not hesitate to sell my country down the river again (like the West did during and after WW2) if they had the chance.

Which is ironic, because we're an actia; de facto and de jure ethnostate, while Russia is not.

Also, if you support these positions, you're in opposition of what made America great and wealthy in the first place.


>holocaust is not real cause Sup Forums said so

hello burgerglasses

>You either are nazi cuck LARPer or liberal commie fag
Sup Forums at its finest


I'm a shitposter and I'm just here for trolling and because my other favorite board is slow, but for some reason I find Richard Spencer extremely hot and want to hatefuck him.

Something is probably wrong with me.

Didn't he say in a recent interview that he DIDN'T want to invade Poland?

kurwa,cant stop poland
except us hehe


> except his Russophilia.
I think a lot of you are misunderstanding the differences between admiring what Russia is doing to stop faggotry and pushing pro-white things as some kind of ultimate RUSSIAN dick sucking.

Hello, Polish retard who can't even read English properly.


sayin fuck off to spencer IS THE WAY to not allow billions muslims to my country

you see it works and yet you don't see shit

Or more simply put, It’s what the left came up with to describe why they’re losing




Have you ever seen Sup Forumsacks? Bunch of mongrelised youngsters, basement dwellers, angry nice guys, and a tranny here and there.

The alt-reich seems to me like the KKK youth from the Jerry Springer shows - but they wear suits now and have "fashy" hair.

>pic related

Your average "aryan".

>admiring what Russia is doing to stop faggotry and pushing pro-white things

>admiring what Russia is doing to stop faggotry and pushing pro-white things
Were you dropped on your head? Holy fuck. You're retarded.

Ooh, fucking PUSH ME TO THE EDGE

Y'all need to bring some women and also not wear matching outfits that make you look like you work at a Target.


>muh german occupation was bad
fags,they all got jobs in warm factories with food,shelter etc.
unlike in the cccp

no but seriously. most people in europe believe this bullshit holocaust. you can do your own research, read holocaust denial/revisionist books, watch documentaries and decide for yourself

video is great for beginners - youtu.be/SUiB9BrySw4

Don't forget the bridge he named after the jihadi murderer.

>sayin fuck off to spencer IS THE WAY to not allow billions muslims to my country
I'm not really sure how to respond to this because it can be seen in two different ways. One you are lying and pretending not to be those things even though every single person knows you are those things or if you let your enemy kill you then you win.

Admire russia for doing certain things you don't necessarily have to like everything they are doing. If you were around during /new/ you'd know that the majority of us were pro-russian not because of that shit but because of what he has done so far. Hes also against the ZOG machine at least in someway. For instance being pro-Assad is that pro-russian as well? I think what they did during that time was the right thing to do.

Go watch the rally there are tons of people who were just wearing regular clothing and lots of women.


That gif is faggy. please stop using it.

Nazi Germany is undefendable. They burned books.

I can point this out!
He talked about the necessity of expansion and how nations that not expand, wither.
The #1 problem that Poland had with Nazi Germany was its expansionism.


>pic related

I wonder who would try to stop Spencer to travel there.

>richard spencer

>fire is fascist


>Hes also against the ZOG machine at least in someway.
Dude, have you seen his cabinet and oligarchs, lmao

>also that pic of him at the crying wall

>The #1 problem that Poland had with Nazi Germany was its expansionism.
Germans expansion was a response to the Polish treating Germans like shit. Not only that but much of the land Poland had stole from Germany. Go take a look at the treaty of versailles and what happened after WW1.

fags,they were all starving and dying everyday in those warm factories with barely any food. While the other half got a shower.

I said in SOMEWAY. Him being against the war in Syria is against ZOG. That is in some part a way against ZOG.

Nice new shill graph bahaha

>Germans expansion was a response to the Polish treating Germans like shit.

> Not only that but much of the land Poland had stole from Germany.

>Go take a look at the treaty of versailles and what happened after WW1.
you want to teach me something about my history that I had to repeat in grade school, high-school, etc., burger?

Poland was a mistake.

oh hey szwedziu :d
znowu czekalem :3

You do not get it, faggot?