Please draw your waifu in Paint

Please draw your waifu in Paint.

I'm not very good at drawing


I don't really have one, so I drew you're waifu instead

I don't think my waifu would like being covered in paint.

What a shit waifu

She's not even the best in the show

Erio is best Denpa Onna.


no waifu, no laifu

Why did you draw a picture of Asuka?

I'd rather her mom


100% wrong

A retard like you goes well with a retard like her

>Still in school
>Is the retard
Okay, user

Are you saying Special Ed. isn't a thing?

Probably still smarter than a drop out autist


Misaki Kureha?

Can somebody draw Ryuushi?


Yui a cute.

How do you want her, senpai?

Extra rare



Things aren't going as planned

Want to draw waifu but at work


I can't stand to draw it anymore

I'm sorry

Cute Ryuushi!

nice drawing.



>that file name

Really nice drawing! What anime is she from?

I would rather not try...


>War Orphan
>Taught Eldritch Rituals
>Fuses fish to lower half
>Presumably died to plague

who is this

Fuck, man I spent the past hour pretending I know how to do perspective and I only got this far. That looks great.


Pretty cute

Nice niche pick user, but Doll Joints will prevail.



I didn't read "paint".

Cute Murakumo!

At least I tried

Cartoon style Yukko.


That's Lucu. Didn't know she had two loving Sup Forumsnons to her name.


Nice wide.

Dunno about that.

Thank you!


This is a ninja owl with limbs

I drew this a little while ago, is cheating?



Nice drawing Hotaru user!


That bulge shouldn't be there.

This user's right , It's far too small.

rin was a weird route, she was too god damned autistic



I predict 3 common answers, try to guess which one.

Is your waifu my dick floating in the bathtub?

Looks strong.

Pretty cute.


I've been looking at this for ages and I'm still clueless. Can we have a hint?

Is it a Zexal character?

Its like you traced it
Good Job

Is this a nice waifu?



Thanks, user
She only shows up on two or three cards, so that one was the reference.

If OP stated not to look at a reference image, it'd look derpy.

Stocking? Ponyfucker?

how even

She's not Sup Forums, can I still do it?

I attempted it. I can't even draw with actual drawing tools let alone a mouse.


Lazy Nezumi is fun to play around with. It can hook into most programs. I can make passable crap even with muscle spasms.

I don’t mind.


It's blue

go ahead Sup Forumsmmunist scum


Why would you assume Sup Forums before Sup Forums?

I don't have a waifu.

I'll draw the waifu of the first guy to reply to my post with repeating digits. I'm not good and also don't expect it any time soon. If the thread is alive in a few hours, I'll get to it then.

I thought it was part of a flag for a while. I had wikipedia's list of national flags up

Doesn't sound very appealing, senpai.

im Sup Forumsermin but draw lute from sacred stones pls

i just made a wild guess user, nothing special



Bigger ver.

Cute Eureka!