>movie night with my trumptard friend
>put this movie on
>as soon as it starts, his eyes roll back into his head and he starts visibly convulsing and frothing at the mouth
>after movie is finished, I turn it off
>he returns to normal
>"user, I thought you said you were going to put a movie?"
>"that was 3 hours ago, the movies finished"
>show him the criterion bluray cover
>"is this some kind of joke? The cover is completely blank. I don't understand...
Movie night with my trumptard friend
I bet you thought this thread was gonna be really popular. Jokes on you though, as a drumpftard I have no idea what you're even talking about
Was that a FAKE FILM!!!
>this movie
What movie? There's no picture in the op.
why is everyone so mean to us. we just vote what we think is best for the country
Interesting. Someone post more.
It's because they lost and are still extremely bitter about it a year later
movie is not very good. don't kid yourself
>tfw trumptard
>tfw this is one of my favorite movies
my favorite thing is when leftists try to tell me that Stanley "Hitler Did Almost Nothing Wrong" Kubrick would have signaled for their point of view. Learn something you dunce.
better to avoid nuclear war and just let NK bomb the west coast a little bit, right my fellow hillshills?
I don't believe you have any friends faggot OP.
this thread was definitely made by a european
how contrived.
>watching Western movies
That must be it, because I distinctly remember the total lack of crying for eight fucking years prior to 2016.
Sup Forums - Alt Left Pussies Cry About Losing the Culture War
>let NK bomb the west coast a little bit
This is bad, how?
It's not directed at you. It's direct at, for example, the guy who spent the entirety of last night in one thread reaffirming to everyone expressing doubt that trump has already deported gorillions and is already building walls and has in fact "BTFO" Liberals. For the entire night. That's what is considered a trumptard.
I love how Putin is unimpressed by this film while Stone thinks it's brilliant
The mind of a teenaged redditor.
This isn't true. Trump voters on Sup Forums voted what they thought would piss off the most non-whites and females --and they succeeded. Everyone is pissed off a deranged reality tv star who deliberately behaves without tact as a publicity stunt is the President of the USA, and everyone hates anyone who voted for him. Trump's election was a tremendous troll --that's why you're hated-- and it's ongoing because even now Sup Forums refuses to admit Trump is legitimately a retarded reality tv star because it's only interested in the upset cause. Just be sure not to mention you were pro-Trump if you ever want a girlfriend.
We clearly won though considering how the media and the entire culture in general bends over backwards at our slightest online whining. You guys are just desperately trying to make this website your safe haven.
All of this. It was her turn and to deny this is high treason.
Let me check the DJIA
>100% increase in 5 years
Wow what a horrible president.
Thats not true for myself at least. I felt that more harm would be done by continuing the family dynasties than Trump's policies.
Ah, but you see, Hillary Clinton was also a bad candidate, which means you have to be a fucking LEFTIST LIBTARD COMMIEFORNIAN NIGGER JEW BTFO BTFO BTFO BTFO because that's how American politics works. Two party system, land of the free home of the brave woo!
Cry Like a Pussy for 8 Years Sweetie
Fail-Safe is kino, Dr Strangelove is quips
isn't that what you just did for 8 years prior 'sweetie'
Yeah Obama was a horrible president, right?
Trump may have been the best option, to be honest, when the alternatives were Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Ted Cruz was a viable option but far too slimy. It doesn't change, though, that Trump stampeded his way to victory on a tidal wave of controversy --utilizing it by upsetting as many anti-Trump people to get himself elected. People hate Trump and Trump supporters, even though he may have been the best option, because he and they have behaved like nothing but a bunch of mindless belligerent pieces of shit trolls. To cry victim --why do they persecute us???-- is laughable and pathetic.
>tfw we have to deal with Neogaf refugees in addition to redditors now
One of the worst foreign policies in the 20th century
>always want to talk about nuclear apocalpyse kino
>see a thread on Sup Forums
>it's shitty bait
>fuck it
So which has more impact for you: Threads or The Day After?
Why should he appease the people against him? I wasn't being sincere in my first post it was a joke. I'm sorry if this was your first election and you actually though a socialist would win. Bernie was a tool used by hillary to try and get the youth to vote for her and it failed spectacularly. live and learn.
>People hate Trump and Trump supporters, even though he may have been the best option, because he and they have behaved like nothing but a bunch of mindless belligerent pieces of shit trolls.
Normies don’t care that niggers are like this, why would they care if they thought it about Trump?
>my friend
Stopped reading there as I don’t like liars.
>being this dumb
The media is controlled by special interest.
And you're still losing.
>takes 3 hours to watch a 90 minute
Did you stop midway for a gay fuck sesh?
because they're on opposite sides of the culture war
not to mention his atrocious race relations.
pick one and only one
He didn't have to appease the people against him, but he actively encouraged the worst possible image of himself, and he's made no attempt to appear kind or decent. It's nothing but arrogant bragging nonstop --never apologizing, even when he makes a mistake. His supporters are even worse --just look at Sup Forums.
I was in favour of Trump winning, and I'm glad he did --the upset was tremendous-- but my God, I am fucking sick of the repetition of people sucking his withered old cock pretending he's the greatest thing ever when he's as quick to shill for Israel as the rest.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand #NeverTrumpers. The psy-op is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of political physics most of our plans will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also our anti-white outlook, which is deftly woven into our characterisation- our personal philosophy draws heavily from Saul Alinsky literature, for instance. The #NeverTrumpers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these psy-ops, to realise that they’re not just propaganda- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike #NeverTrumpers truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in our existential catchphrase “#Resist45,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Marx’s Russian epic Das Kapital. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as George Soros genius plan unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Communist hammer & sickle tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Don't be retarded.
>we just vote
>unironically voting
Holy shit, I thought it was a meme till now.
you one of those radical anarchists that doesn't vote but still pays taxes?
>moving a dead thread
retarded mods
>>How I learned to stop worrying and Love the Bomb
Sup Forums