What did he mean by this?
Nicholas J. Fuentes
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Our Nick wouldn't say that even if he is an optics-cuck.
Weird, what's this? youtube.com
Oh, look: it's another TOTALLY ORGANIC & GRASSROOTS "criticism" of an "e-celeb". Nothing to see here, nope.
>"The left took decades of slow, incremental subversion to gain control of Western Civilisation; let's try and take it back in one election cycle! RACE WAR NOW!"
t. Brainlet
We won't see any of the benefits of the work and resistance we put in now; you've got to be thinking of your great-grandchildren at the earliest.
He was more referring to how you shouldn't explicitly use the term "ethnostate". Stick to implicitly pro-white policies and ideas.
>"That is not something people are concerned about & understand"
>"That is not something that will win you an election"
Also true.
An ethnostate must come out of decisions that lead to conditions favorable to the forming of an ethnostate, and not from the idea itself, it is foolish to think otherwise.
He is still young and his interests are mainly in power & influence, and not race or aything specific. He is what a consevative should(used to?) be, not a far-righter.
Also the term "ethnostate" has a bad connotation to it, just like "alt-right", "white genocide" and such, you don't use such terms if you want to appeal to your potential supporters.
>inb4 lemmings meme
It was coined by a movement that failed to appeal to anyone outside of their own ranks, all previous hard-liners did. The Alt-Right is the FIRST ever white identitarian movement that actually gained traction in the US, and for the reasons that Nick is taking about all of the time: optics.
There are valid criticisms of him, but just keep in mind that he is not anti-white in any way, so stop alienating everyone who doesn't do X, be it the JQ, this topic, or whatever.
Yes, this.
Because counter-signaling this is optics cucking.
Jesus Christ this movement is built on a cesspool. What a fucking joke. I've got no idea why all Spencer and the TRS crew fight for this.
Remember when Trump came out when he was leading in all the polls and said the US needs to ban ALL muslims from entering?
This is why talking about optics is retarded. The Alt Right needs to focus on building infrastructure and a legal, economic and political framework.
who's the QT with black hair in the front row?
>building infrastructure and a legal, economic and political framework
...that will get rejected by most because it is represented by absolute retards like in that photo. A clean image is a must, without that you will get nowhere.
Not the country's infrastracture, but the movement's itself. There needs to be a solid framework based on direct experience.
The problem is people all want to do the LARPy shit and not own a grocery store or go to law school.
Then they would have to either push away the Nazi flag and suspender types, or embrace them. Spencer is unwilling to either, as he himself said: "I am not into the disavowing game" - paraphrasing.
And having an infractructure would give the leftist media an easy target, basically discredit them all at once. They cant do that now, the AR is too decentralized for that.
Thanks for the concern trolling kike. I'm sure that posting on Sup Forums is doing wonders for the movement.
White people are already assumed to be racist. Who cares? Just embrace it.
Why doesn't Nick just join the MAGA movement instead of trying to subvert the alt right. They wave American flags and appeal to the Catholic wisconsinite
The eternal anglo traitor.
We will have our ethnostate, i will fight and die for it.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>to gain control of Western Civilisation
Fuck off. That's the kind of non sequitur bulshit statement that just causes more trouble. They are nowhere near having full control of anything you twat. Bitching and screaming and crying and whining like little children does not mean they have gained control of civilization.
What a fucking cuck. People didn't care about immigration that much either before Trump made it his main thing in the 2016 elections. Fuentes is a retard if he thinks people know exactly what their problems are. A lot of racial resentment is boiling below America, people are afraid to think and talk about it, but it's there.
Flying literal swastikas and sieg hailing is playing exactly in the hand of Hollyjews who have for the past 80 years demonized them as the pinnacle of evil, more evil than Satan.
When talking politics, normalfags look out for signs to dismiss what you are saying because they know they don't understand politics and don't want to look like idiots by getting in real debate. Normies really want you to show a swastika because that allows them to dismiss everything you say. This is one reason Jared Taylor is madly succesful in debating. People simply can't go for cheap shots like ''you're a bad nazi!'' because Jared Taylor doesn't give them ammunition. Be a White Advocate, not a fucking skinhead neonazi.
Focusing on it doesnt solve anything, it just alienates normies. Focus on being implicitly (NOT EXPLICITLY) pro white to get our birthrate up and latins to self deport. Only onces society can handle the idea of an ethnostate is when we start rooting for it.
How am I a concern troll? In my opinion optics are paramount, and decentralization is a good thing.
He's right though. Stop talking about the ethnostate and start working and talking about actual things that will get you there.
>"(((They))) don't control Western Civilisation"
>Checks flag
The state can take your son of you if he calls himself a girl and you correct him; keep thinking they're not in control.
And the struggle of black and white the jews want will not end until the earth dies.
Well we get called racist no matter what so what'she the problem?
>mexican intellectuals
Even so western civilization has never been unified in anything. This idea that there's going to be some pan-western awakening is fucking laughable. The idea that you're going to achieve that by having niggers yell at you on stage is even more laughable.
>"We'll get called homos either way, so we just might was well start sucking dicks"
This is such a tired argument already
Here's why focusing on optics can be extremely detrimental: the entire cuckservative movement. If you allow your enemy to define the parameters of engagement, you have very small chances of winning. Trump showed this over and over again. Sure, flying a swastika doesn't work? Don't do it, fly the US flag, or whatever you want. But once you cross the line into "I'm not racist talk" you've already lost.
Regarding decentralization: there needs to be an infrastructure ready to go when it's time to win elections, file lawsuits, etc. This cannot be decentralized. There need to be relationships built with talented, dedicated people. Do you think you'd be anywhere without Sup Forums, gab, discord? These platforms are not possible without organizing IRL.
In order to sell ideas like increasing the white birthrate and being proud to be white, you have to make it appealing to the average person.
The outright talk of an ethnostate is outside the Overton window (google it if you don't know what the window is; interesting theory). This means it is not yet acceptable to the vast majority of people as an idea they'd causally support. Whether the media painting the idea as racist or people's natural assumptions, talking about an ethnostate RIGHT NOW is not a good strategy.
Please focus on the means to achieve a white ethnostate, not just memeing and being edgy about it. These means include having 3+ kids and advocating for pro-White ideas that the average person will agree with.
And what would those ideas be?
What is so wrong with focusing on the ends instead of explaining to everyone all the behind the scenes Judaism?
I don't understand what you mean. Optics are clearly not the end. They're literally superficial means to a heretofore undefined end.
Whites having 3+ kids, supporting this through the government (middle class tax cuts, child tax benefits, etc.) and through the culture (making the idea of having a family with 2-4 kids popular again).
Cutting welfare programs so immigrants (both legal and illegal) will self deport. You could make it to where first generation immigrants can't collect welfare.
Drastically reducing the amount of legal immigrants let into the country each year (it's at about 1 million annually, with only 80K from Europe).
There's a ton more indirect things that could help but these are the big three I can think of atm.
But the thing is that
A: the cuckservatives do have a problem with seeking approval of the left
B: they do not have a problem with their optics at all, they are presentable already.
Do you seriouslt thing that idiots with swasikas and throwing half-assed Roman salutes will ever be appealing to anyone? Think again.
What did the movements and groups that did that achieve? Nothing apart from scorn "those nazis!" and even further move into the fringe.
The left never did that (until now), they always remained as the moderate/centrist group, catering to the masses. That is how they became so entrenched to begin with.
Face it: you either rebrand - or you lose again. The Neo-Nazi stuff has to go.
Optics are the foundation, without that you fail. Just like you can't build a house if you do not plant solid foundations for it first.
By your logic they call us racist so why not start being black.
I was born white, they call me racist either way so whats wrong with doing whats in my best interests
Optics are polish, nothing more. You can polish all you want, but there's a thin line between optics (aka PR) and outright cucking. Anyway, Nick has one goal in mind, Spencer another. Optics are generally useless for the purposes of Spencer and the Alt Right. For Nick, they may be more important.
>Optics are generally useless for the purposes of Spencer and the Alt Right
Being not embarrassing would certainly help the movement.
"Polish" would be whether you go out in a suit(Spencer) or shirt and jeans(MW), but this is just retarded, not presentable at all.
All this achieves is alienating people who would otherwise alteast be ok with the ideas themselves. Self-sabotage is what this is.
I don't think that Spencer has ever sufficiently outlined his goals or how he intends to achieve them. What is his 5-10-lifetime plan to go from getting booed off stage by niggers to a pan-western ethnic awakening?
As to optics: I agree they only matter to a point. So why not just adopt cuck optics? Why not just go out in public and cuck hard as fuck and then behind the scenes craft whatever. Democrats did that for like 50 years and it was pretty effective.
Want to keep America majority white?
Government side
>immigration reform
>quick deportations for illegals
>end birth right citizenship
>tax incentives for large middle class families
>protections for labor jobs
Society side
>slut shaming
>memeing large families as status
>moving out of blue states and to purple states
holy fucking shit
leftypol unironically has shilling operations against our e-celebs
He was talking about how you have to slowly convince normies of these things. Liberals in the 80s didn't randomly say "Hey, gay marriage needs to be legal now," they slowly worked their way to that change in policy.
Isn't Nick like 18 years old? Look, he's a smart guy and probably has a political career ahead of him, but you shouldn't get all worked about about what he says.
Yeah, whatever.
Again, you're just concern trolling. NSM can do whatever the fuck they want, and it's nobody's business. Don't like em? Don't invite them to your rallies.
It depends on your goal. I really don't want to get involved anymore because everything is working just fine. By the way, everyone knows that the Alt Right is winning except the Alt Right.
That's been going on for ages
>"The mainstream media is trying to frame the right wing as facist racists; if they're gonna call me that either way I might as well just walk around seig heiling lol"
Good goy, LITERALLY playing the role they've designated for you.
Fucking brainlets crippling the movement should be gassed first.
They really don't want that because it fucks up the trolls and the reality. For example Trump could be firing up the gas chambers right now and you don't know, I don't know and that is more powerful than playing identity politics and trying to "represent" anything publically.
Support an ethnostate by your actions and shrug if somebody tries to single you out. The whole framing of this Fuentes guy is D&C, maybe its him or just the OP but its a trap.
We are literally fascist racists kikeboi.
Nick is 100% right. The way to win this battle is to advocate for policies but without explicitly saying everything out in the open.
You're taking it out of the next where he explained it, he said normies don't get the idea of an ethno-state and isn't critical to bring up in the context of being a politician, you have to operate within the overton window, but you can get them to act further to the right by selling them on the basics first. Which is reasonable and I agree.
Is Nick literally a civic nationalist cuck like most of the rest of the MAGA movement?
Such a shame, he had so much potential.
Complete lie. Nick isn't a civic nationalist at all. The fact these smear threads exist shows how much fear he is driving in the heart of his enemies (shared blue, jidf)
Anytime someone sees that fat guy with a pepe the frog cake, its a tipoff its shared blue /jidf shill. Its one of their images they try to spam to "demoralize" people on the alt-right.
You haven't watched him at all, have you?
One of two scenarios can be true
>Nick is an ethno-nationalist but doesn't want to openly advocate for an ethnostate because of fear of being called racist which means he is a cuck
>He is a civic nationalist cuck LARPing as an crypto ethnonationalist to get those sweet Sup Forums clicks
Take your pick. But in both scenarios he ends up as a cuck so there's that
>look the wolf is dressed like a sheep WHAT A FAG AMIRITE.
I have and he keeps talking about "optics" more than the necessity of a white homeland so I am starting to have my doubts about him.
>If you're not heiling Hitler and shouting racial slurs, you're a cuck
Fuck off FBI
He hasn't watched him. This is a jidf shill thread. They are scared Nick is getting popular and they are trying to split /pol's support of him. The reason they hate Nick is because he is highly critical of (((them))) . Nick is an ethnic nationalist but doesn't think its smart to openly advocate for an ethno state but rather advocate for policies which would lead to that very thing.
>because of fear of being called racist
At least don't misrepresent what he is really saying.
They're furious after the Israel debate, it's obvious. Their plan backfired and he blew them out of the water with ease, and he got a lot of attention and high dollar donations from it. And he's just some kid, which makes it even worse for them. They can't even interact with him anymore, it's such a resounding defeat for Jews and cucks on the Alt-Light.
Who said you have to associate with Hitler and the nazis? You can advocate explicitely for a white homeland without doing that, as many people are doing such as Jared Taylor.
good for nick
jump here if you also hate spencer--->
A term used for anyone not cosplaying the (((Hollywood Nazi))) role.
Was there ever a time that specific term "optics-cuck" has been used and it wasn't PsyOps bullshit?