Operation Okay continued

Print out posters saying “It’s okay to be white” (Pic-Related)
On Halloween post the fliers EVERYWHERE possible. Only universities seems like alt-right money.

Sup Forums i have an idea recently a "disturbing" poster went up at Boston college the left went ape shit and called the cops for an investigation and it made the newsyoutube.com/watch?v=mfu8UkvpKYc what if we made signs like this pop up in college campuses around the world? a simple sign that just says "its ok to be white" the left going apeshit over something so trivial would show just how anti white the political climate is and it would wake up normies/lemmings.
>tldr go put up signs that say "its okay to be white" in plain text with no pictures or symbols

if you have any better ideas or would like to share your thoughts please do so in this thread

Wear a costume, it's halloween! Show some spirit and discuise your self ;)
Simplistic design, no excessive use of font or text decoration.

>>It's okay to be white.

Use the same wording. Avoid bold fonts. Keep it mild.
>Okay != ok

Seems legit



Straight forward, clean, unproblematic, only way to interprit this as racism is if youre racist.


It's voluntary, friend

No ones asking your lazy ass to do anything, fuck off shill

Quoting a quote from a decade ago that's related to a different board?
Nice try timmy

Also previous thread


heck off

If you want to generate a large reaction, put them out on the morning of Halloween, and then when everyone is walking around that evening they will see them. You are going for maximum exposure right?

you are the shills making sure there are two of these threads up at all hours of the day. Not to mention the designated discord for this where they openly admitted they shill on IFunny, yet I am a shill. Maybe you need to fuck off.

Doesn't matter when on halloween you do it, but the plan is for halloween.

does it worth to try this in sweden? atm i am in jonkoping

I found a place that will make T-shirts with whatever I want on them for like $20.
I'm making the T-shirt and will be wearing it in Los Angeles.


Don't put this poster up yet, it can come later. Just put up "it's okay to be white" for now

This is a great idea actually
Leftists use tactics like this, where they will say silly things like "I exist" when promoting mentally ill gender-fluid freaks or "Black lives matter" and the likes
They are innocuous things in of themselves without context and very difficult to speak out against

I'm sure you will see some local news interview of some cunt crying about these posters, but when asked what exactly their problem is they will just be flustered

only newfags join discords, we know they're all ip-gathering honeypots.

nice try schlomo

Sieg heil!

>calls me a newfag
>not the founders of the project and that are working with Ifunny

Now if only you had a hidden cam to catch the glares.
Instead you get to enjoy the lulz all yourself.

Only a newfag would bring up a fucking nonentity like ifunny on Sup Forums

English Canada can use the same but French Canada should use "N'ayons pas honte d'être blanc"


Any germans up for this?

Should I do it in jewrmany?

Yes I live in NRW
Most cucked place to exist in Europe
Like 10 posters will already be like a second shoah for the dumb NRW libs
I am so hard up for this

AIRHORN. Can't wait to see what comes of this. Make sure you post in public places so no one can claim trespassing.

Nice. Make it happen Sup Forums. Godspeed.

Depends whose side your on silly.
>shitskin detected.

Nice. I'm also from NRW. Papers are printed. This is going up on campus and maybe a few schools.
(Schould I go for the bonus and pin it in front of refugee quarters? We have a couple here)

I'm kind of into this idea, too. It's not aggressive at all, not even offensive really. Seeing this actually calmed me down.

Yea, it is kind of satisfying to look at them.

Great stuff, great optics. Can't frame the message any less harmfully than this.

Yes we are.

>Schould I go for the bonus and pin it in front of refugee quarters

I made them in german. For this purpose maybe print them in english?