Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Having passed for a native of the English language, I realised that I must also pass for a native of Japanese. How long should it take for me to accomplish it?
matsuri is kawaii
Could someone explain to me what
I don't have a clue of what that means even after using rikai and googling it. I thought it'd be "arch enemy" at first but I can't see how either.
Context is she's about to get dildo'd and thus loose her virginity.
My problem with anki is that it's not learning vocab. It's learning the kanji for the vocab. If I could hear the pronunciation for the word I'd know what it was but instead I have to look at some bullshit and guess how it is read.
前に手に人? 何という意味は?
also, did I write correctly this last sentence?
I have been doing Anki for a couple of weeks now and I have gone through Tae Kim's grammar guide. I don't know what else to do now besides my daily anki, since I downloaded Yotsuba and found myself struggling to get past the first chapter. Should I just keep doing anki until I get to 1000 words and then try again with Yotsuba?
"Well a while ago I wrote the 人 character by hand a bunch of t-... uhm uh? how many times did I write it already..."
"a bunch of -t" isn't a translation here, I just added it for reading comprehension.
I could provide a better explanation with more context by the way. Now that I think about it, it probably means "before this you write 人... uh... how many times already"; she's explaining a ritual or something? In the future don't cut context please.
sorry, its a nervous student advisor speaking in front of everyone at school
You should read every day, regardless of how much you struggle. Just set aside 30-60 minutes, it doesn't matter how far you get.
It's not "by hand" it's "on my hand."
Tracing 人 on your hand with your finger to prevent stage fright is an old cliche, like imagining everyone in the audience is wearing only underwear.
Yeah you're correct.
Additionally, what is ベ〇ータ? I-I'm too pure to know such words.
Impossible unless you look asian.
>Tracing 人 on your hand with your finger to prevent stage fright is an old cliche, like imagining everyone in the audience is wearing only underwear.
oooh, so thats it.
thank you
失われたアーク is the Ark of the Covenant
At this rate something very precious inside of me will become like the lost arc.
I guess.
I could undergo facial surgery though
Ohhhh I see, makes sense. I didn't even think of that.
Same goes for Vegeta. Cheers.
I don't get the point of your post.
It is context.
I cannot understand me only by the lines of the character of the manga.
>Context is she's about to get dildo'd and thus loose her virginity.
人 + 夢 = 儚
really makes you think...
What's the difference between 飲料水 and 飲み水?
Could someone post the original dekinai? The only ones I could find are fuckin tiny
Doing my japanese course homework, rate my handwriting
The only thing you can do to fight laziness is form habits and just make the rational decision to do the goddamn work. Worst case scenario, you barely do any new anki cards and have to wait years before you're good. If you learn 5 kanji-vocabulary a day, you'll know 3,000 kanji in less than 2 years, and would have barely spent time studying. Obviously this is suboptimal but you can be a lazy shit and still do it.
Another thing would be to force yourself to read manga in Japanese. That's what I'm trying to do and it's ridiculously helpful. Reading practice is the most important thing to do while learning Japanese. If you do nothing but anki for 100 years you will never learn Japanese. Try reading a single chapter or something a day and build up as time goes on. Do *not* rely on motivation. Just make a schedule and stick with it. If you can't do that, sorry, but you really can't learn Japanese.
To be honest it's obvious you're a beginner simply judging by how careful you still seem to be writing, i.e. you don't have your own handwriting signature yet, it looks forced and unnatural.
But it's good, keep it up user.
Your う looks kind of like a backwards 'c', but I don't have any problem reading any of that. Good work.
Way too pretty
Good post. Could've been written by me (which means it's great since I'm the best).
I apply a lot of pressure while writing yes but I don't write it slowly, I'm an architecture student and I'm kinda autistic about my writing.
With time it'll get better anyway.
Just be careful about your う, as user pointed out yours look like コ with a dot on them.
you dont say 爆笑
Thanks, will work on that
>writing き and さ like that
Tryhard as fuck.
you forgot an い in おおきい
>tfw there are people who don't write い as И
>tfw there are people who don't write こ as Z
Are there any places where you can print out worksheets like this?
It's a (((mcgraw hill))) workbook
>tfw there are people who write い as И
>tfw there are people who write こ as Z
This kind of colloquial speech ends up feeling really cringeworthy from beginners.
just make your own
for example go through tyler kim and do all the words he gives you as you go through the lessons
do you guys use kanjitomo? i found it in the COR but in yotsuba its getting most of the words wrong
is it just the font?
No, I use my eyes.
it's going to get most of the words wrong. OCR is not good.
Seems to be mostly useful for identifying kanji rather than strings of kana.
if you adjust zoom level/how much white space there is around the word it gets pretty close to 100% accurate on most fonts, don't use the auto ocr on it, always drag your own boxes
I've only ever had it consistently be wrong on really blocky text in pc98 games
also it isn't like rikaisama where it will automatically resolve conjugation, so you have to use your grammar knowledge to figure out where words start and end (not easy if you are brand new to reading)
i might just wait for flyable heart to finish downloading and start with that and another program.
i have a translated version of yotsuba too. would it help to read the two side by side or would i be wasting time
How can you possibly be having trouble with Yotsuba?
bump どうぞ
yotsuba is full of anime grammar instead of textbook grammar senpai
Can I, as a Russian who learned English to a native-like level, learn Japanese in 5-6 years to a decent level, and, of course, become fluent by the end of given time span?
>loose her virginity.
It would work for understanding the meaning of the sentence, but translators always take liberties, so you shouldn't rely on it too much. Also fan translations are hit and miss when it comes to how accurate they actually are, but Yotsuba should be fine in that regard I hope.
Makes you think.
He is clearly a beginner if he's relying on OCR for yotsuba?
Get the yotsuba reading pack, more useful than side by side imo, as translators can be occasionally liberal at best and just plain making shit up at worst. It might help to get the gist of a scenario if you're really lost, though.
potable water (especially in the sense of clean)
drinking water (even from a mountain spring)
>He is clearly a beginner if he's relying on OCR for yotsuba?
Yes, my point was: if he can't even read Yotsuba without relying on KanjiTomo, maybe he should learn more grammar and vocab before attempting to read.
Who cares?
Well, me. But mostly because I like how the word "hwabyung" sounds.
I also find it notable how it's clear they're mostly hwabyunging each other.
i should know enough grammar to read it but i went through the book way too slowly so i probably forgot some things. once i see something a few times it should come back to me (i hope) and it should get easier
If the manga has furigana I don't bother and just type out + rikai what I don't understand.
If the manga doesn't I do use it. True it was frustrating to use at first but as user said once you get used to it it works pretty much all the time.
Hand over the grammar and I won't start shooting.
Just starting with anki
What deck for beginner?
what does the でも do here
the one you make yourself from words you encounter as you read
I see nothing wrong with this translation
is that how you read the intent
Today I did Anki for 36 minutes and then I read a visual novel for 2 hours and 52 minutes.
Pretty that, contextually, it means to do anything other than what they're doing right now.
They're in an obviously sexual situation, so she's trying to change the subject.
I could be very wrong, though.
I think its でもしか as in "for lack of anything better to do"
You can use the core 2k/6k/10k decks to build a kanji vocabulary so you can recognize words while reading
t. beginner
It's kind of like "kanji or something."
I dont like it either, but its the only way I can find to familiarize myself with it
I don't want to learn katakana after having learned hiragana
Is there a way to bullshit myself through sentences with only hiragana and kanji?
Just do it user-kun
No, you retard, it takes two fucking days to learn the kana and if you can't deal with that then how do you expect to learn thousands of words?
Look, here's my story :
I was exactly like you, "wow fuck Katakana, I want to jump into the fun stuff already". So I just skimmed through them and thought I'd just learn them on the go.
Well I sort of ended up learning them on the go, but still had difficulties telling a few of them apart a year or go into my studies, and if you'd ask me to write them I couldn't fucking do it although I had already learned hundreds of Kanji by them. So I had to fucking re-learn Katakana correctly after a while.
Get it? It's fucking nothing, do that now and be at peace forever, you moron.
It is possible (although not recommended) to learn grammar, kanji and vocab without knowing katakana, however you'll have to learn it eventually nonetheless.
More importantly, if you don't fix your attitude and stop being a lazy cunt, you can't learn Japanese.
By this I mean "start learning", obviously.
Can anyone help me out with that こぶた のうば line? I'm a bit stumped. I don't get the joke at all.
she is dressed like a granny?
took me 2 hours to finish a Yotsubato chapter
should I kill myself
No, you should read the next chapter.