Japan is the only country a consider to be true ally

Japan is the only country a consider to be true ally

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Japan is a pretty cool guy and draws anime of anything.

how disrespectful

Weeaboos need to step back and look at Japan objectively. Their society is a crumbling pile of dogshit.

So is ours. Have you been outside lately?

false. they are the superior culture and race

OP is a faggot, but honestly I'd trust Japan more than most of the rest of America's allies. Mainland Europe is becoming increasingly Islamized all the while selling their sovereignty to the EU, Britain tried to escape but got cucked and is also becoming overrun with muslims. South Korea's government is corrupt as fuck and the monopoly companies over there have scary amounts of influence. Canada is currently run by Trudeau who'd probably let his own mother get "culturally enriched" if it meant bringing in more ((diversity)). Turkey is rapidly turning into an Islamist state, India is a shithole, Australia isn't doing too much better than Britain, Mexico is currently invading our southern border, and the Phillipines are trying to play us off of China. And do I even need to talk about Israel?

Right now the only two countries we can trust are Poland and Japan, and of the two Japan is in a much better position to support us due to their not being part of the EU, they're an island, and the large amount of military bases we have there. I hope Trump supports the rearmament of Japan that Abe seems to be in favor of, they might be the last one left standing with us.

They're more like a well disciplined dog honestly.

From work to family to relationships, there isn't anything in that pedo and prostitution obsessed country that isn't totally in decline.

It seems terrible about Japan, but it is an interesting expression.

Same, but I'm not American. Oh and the ally is Portugal not Japan..

Japan is the brightest country of the world.


Why the fuck are her fingers so long? Holy fucking shit, what the Hell. She has fingers longer than a 7' tall black NBA player.

Doesn't matter. senpai. As long as they ship animu and hentai, i couldn't give less of a fuck about the current socio-political state of any country.

Because America is the boss of Japan.

What a weird picture to post with that statement. I see 2 qts enjoying a good feet soaking...while waiting for the bus? Or train? What the fuck?

they dont have sex with the kids they just give them head pats

Thats what they always do at first, but if you choose the right options and get on the correct route...they do more than headpats.

I don't have very many Japan related pics.


Would you rather be a tributary to China again rather than an American vassal state?

Atleast they don't have a massive hoard of niggers like we do.

I've seen her hachikuji. I want to love and protect her like a little sister.
In other news Japans great. I worked there for a while with the JASDF & it's got a great culture as long as you're mixing with anyone over the age of 21. under 21, kids will be kids.

source pls

They need us because NK wants them dead, and China wants to take over.


I guess so, not sure why asian americans are such cancerous assholes though.

Do you know that there is a jinx that "Communist countries will divide around 10 years when holding the Olympics?" Beijing Olympics was in 2008, so it may be almost time.

Today, China is sending a lot of immigrants to Japan.
Previously, Koreans were the most popular people, but now the Chinese are the most popular.

If it goes as it is it will become China's autonomous region without war or China will split and become a democratic state.

In Japan, the security alliance with the US will disappear and it will be a friendly country.

Japan is about as useful an ally as Israel. Now if they drop the pacifism and start deploying troops abroad from time to time then they would be a powerful ally.



No, OP.

62% Japs and 70% Gooks think US is cancer to the world.

Your only relevant ally in the world is Israel.

Israel is the boss that dominates the United States, is not it?
Netanyahu assaulted Mr. Kelly, did not he?

The real Japanese prime minister is not Abe.
The real shadow prime minister is Chairman of the huge religious organization Daisaku Ikeda, he is a former Zainichi from North Korea.

he is dying or is already dead, it is a secret.
In other words, another boss in Japan is North Korea.

I can not trust that investigation.
If that is true, the investigation place is Okinawa.
Most of the Japanese understand that China and Russia threaten that the US military will not support Japan.

Just happened to finally download thepiratebay.org/torrent/8860716/Touhou_1_-_14

But we are your greatest ally.

Japan is overly admired and ultimately inferior to Europe from the olden times (but arguably much superior now). I don't particularly like the lack of self awareness pan face race but they can be ok.


somehow i didn't notice Japan helping USA in their wars :] Poland on the other hand... :D

What's more there is a big buisness opportunity. USA finally wants to sell their own gas and Poland wants to buy all that gas so central europe wouldn't be dependant from russian gas anymore.