The great debate

The great debate.

>The great debate.
The last time that phrase was spammed, it was accompanied by a picture of Nichijou and Daily Lives of Highschol Boys.

The manga. Now shut up.

Apples and oranges you fucking nigger faggot. Both are great, shame it's so hard to find a decent sub of the first anime, let alone the goat latin spanish dub.

It was settled ages ago yet everyday for the last 7 years I always see at least 3 of these threads on Sup Forums, but because I'm in the mood right now I give a shit about this particular thread.
2003 was edgy teensy angsty shit with less rushed earlier episodes while FMAB was overall utterly better. If you're mildly autistic, read the manga first then watch both because everyone on Sup Forums read the manga and watched both. If you have assburger though, read the manga till somewhere between the brothers visitting their master and Mustang's gang faking Maria Ross' death, then watch the 2003 animu while continue reading the manga in parallel, then around the part where Mei and Scar met and fucked around together and the main cast discovered the nation wide human transformation circle, start watching FMAB in parallel. My memory is a bit hazy but that's the gist of it.

Oh and I have to mention this, if you manage to watch FMAB's last episode at the same time you reach the manga's last chapter, omedetou on your perfect reproduction of FMA experience.


That doesn't look like a plausible space explosion though

I watched them both too long ago to remember either of them but I'm going to say 2003 because it seems to be the less popular opinion and I hope that will make me look cooler.

I wanted to complain about that too, but I was afraid that might be interpreted as autism.

The best parts of FMA are in its beginning, and everything about the 1st half of 03 is more consistent in tone than Brotherhood

Comparing the first episode of 03 to the last of brotherhood makes you think they're a different show

The original source material >>>>>> the fanfiction, so Brotherhood >>>>> 2003

Manga > 2003 > FMA:B

I feel people always take into account them seeing 03 when they say Brotherhood is better

If you to only watch brotherhood you wouldnt be as engaged with the characters due to the rushed start, imo

Brotherhood - Shounenshit
Original - Grimdarkshit


7 years ago I said the exact same thing. Turned out it's never done.


2011 was the best, no debate here

>2003 which doesnt follow the manga better than the 1:1 adaptation

tips fedora


O-ok. Was that the other filler movie?

Watch 2003 then Brotherhood. Both are good in their own ways. I definitely prefer Brotherhood's ending.

Brotherhood has a shit start, and it doesn't pace as well in anime form as the manga. Admittedly it's great to see some of the fights animated, but on the whole it feels dragged out.

2003 has an amazing start, and when it goes anime original, actually has a very good story line. Greed's death is far better than even the manga, and the darker tone actually suits the show.

I'd even argue that 2003 has the best ending out of all forms of the story, we're constantly told throughout the franchise that actions have consequences, yet 2003 was the only part that really hammered this home in its ending, the manga and FMA:B are far too happy go lucky.

Read the manga.

>If you to only watch brotherhood you wouldnt be as engaged with the characters due to the rushed start, imo
I did exactly that and I had no problem getting into the story and characters. In-medias-res beginnings aren't that uncommon, after a couple of episodes you are already familiar with the cast, and it's a long series.
Reading the manga after watching Brotherhood feels great, since you basically see it as an expanded and more detailed version of the story you already love. I can understand why people who read the manga first were disappointed at some parts of Brotherhood, but I think a lot of the changes were reasonable.
FMA03 was the last one I watched. It was... unique, I guess. It's not bad, but at some parts it seemed like the writers introduced some plot points based on what would make the MCs angst more, rather than on what would make more sense or what would suit the characters better.

Everyone who says Brotherhood is any fucking better then anything is a complete fucking idiot

Brotherhood started off in the most awful way I've ever fucking seen, those first 13 episodes were complete fucking dogshit. Couple that with (not that important but still adds to the story) scenes that were left out and guess what? Brotherhood is worse then the manga.

What the fuck is the point of an adaptation if it's worse then the source and it also doesn't offer anything else? Cause Brotherhood doesn't offer any unique flair in it's presentation. It doesn't take the parts of the story it adapted and make them even better.

So Brotherhood is complete shit and you have low standards for liking it.

Even then, with the good manga, 2003 still completely beats it in terms of story and character writing, it had a great ending compared to the manga's bad one, so it is better then the manga and much better then Brotherhood.

Anyone who says that 2003 is just angst hasn't watched real angst.

>1:1 adaptation
>Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

There are faggots here who actually don't like Brotherhood?

first one ended so crappily I lost interest in watching the sequel, so I guess that makes it the better one.

>2003 ending

you can't raise the dead with alchemy LMAO nevermind XD

Is she ok?

I have watched the first few episodes of the 2003 version, then a few episodes of Brotherhood.

In 2003, it's starts from the very beginning, explaining things and how the brothers came to the way they are. Then there was this awesome girl/dog transformation episode. This is about where I stopped and turned to Brotherhood to see how that is. Brotherhood stats off with some military shit, I'm thrown into the happenings of it and it was confusing.

Does Brotherhood ever explain how the it all happened, and does Brotherhood tell the girl/dog story too?

>2003 has an amazing start,
It has a fucking god awful filler ridden start. People only think Brotherhood started out rushed because they expected those shitty filler episodes to pad it out.

Brotherhood's technically the better show, but I have more sentimental attachment to the 2003 show because I watched it when I was a shitty 12-year-old.

Yeah, they patched her up. Just a bad case of eternal bleeding is all.

Ed and Al's origin story is literally the second episode of Brotherhood. They do leave some details of their early training for a bit later.
Girl/dog is the fourth episode.

>What the fuck is the point of an adaptation if it's worse then the source and it also doesn't offer anything else?
To promote the source amterial, perhaps?

>hat the fuck is the point of an adaptation if it's worse then the source

But that's every adaption.

Thanks for clearing that up.

The filler episodes were much better then Brotherhood's first 13 episodes
That's why they exist but that does not make them good adaptations. Even then, FMA:B is not promoting jack shit considering that the first FMA anime was already super popular and promoted it, and the manga was also really popular
Plenty of adaptations have something to make up for it though. Berserk 1997 is worse then the manga in the story/characters, but it's visual, sound, and presentation give it a special feeling that you would only get from it. That's a good adaptation.

They're both good, now fuck off.

2003 had the better Opening for sure
Shit is funky