equal amounts of delegates for every state, direct democracy?
What's the solution to this pretty broken system?
Proportional representation.
Based Minnesota
Fuck (((Reagan)))
Monarchy desu senpai
The electoral college is just fine. Fuck off, redcoat.
do away with democracy, it's a pozzed system for brainlet niggers
Stop acting like votes or parties even matter you blue pilled niggers
The begining of the trump dynasty
Balkanization is the only alternative to the EC. Fuck off, Redcoat.
>gets shot
>wins election
>Cali going red
Damn. What happened to those days?
reagan happened, ironically
Here we go once again with the democracy meme. You fucking idiots think it's the best thing since a nigger plugging a white bitches ass.
Democracy is ad populam, a bandwagon fallacy that is nothing more than tyranny of the masses. Representative democracy isn't any better.
Go ahead and put your faith in this down syndrome political ideal, if you're retarded then it makes perfect sense.
>but muh Solon
>muh Cleisthenes
>lets go kill Hippias and throw stones into a basket cause we're dumb
Fuck off, Democracy faggots.
1. Repeal the 17th Amendment (direct election of Senators).
2. Somehow encourage the larger states to split up.
3. End Gerrymandering. Representatives must represent a distinct cultural/geographic district - they can't all just arbitrarily slice up a state's rural areas while all also dipping into a state's only metropolitan district.
I wonder why the kikes took over jew york and cali? lol
Amnesty of 1986
This. Reagan did it to himself. He was a Democrat plant who fought hard to ensure that he would be the last Republican ever elected President.
The ultimate gerrymandering!
Abolition of democracy in favor of enlightened despotism
You suddenly realize:
Democracy was created because there wasn't any proper leadership to lead the country.
The more democratic a country is the weaker the leadership is.
So fine that it got an umpa lumper in power?
it's not broken nigger
it's working just fine
This is how we save murica.
Especially kill that fucking 17th amendment.
It's not rocket science.
I think it's more important than term limits. The kind of politicians able to be elected by people are going to be very different from the kind of politicians appointed by their respective states. All you have to do to win an election is be popular, there's no guarantee of competence at all.
>umpa lumper
You fucking illiterate retard. As a British person you of all people should know that it's Oompa Loompa, you fucking dipshit.
An "umper lumper" isn't even how it's pronounced.
We already have that, retards.
If you are a book reader like me, then you'd realize that our last president was the oompa loompa
Best response. California and to a much lesser extent Texas should be broken up. California is 3 times bigger than any other state save Texas, that's way too much power in a winner take all system.
In terms of checks and balances there needs to be one on the people too, and indirect representation like representatives picking senators puts a filter on the people.
Districts should be generic squares are something resembling them. This is why congress is universally hated yet 95% of Representatives get reelected
This solves a lot of problems without "discriminating" anybody
Currently we have the bizarro world situation where state governments sue the feds over policies their own senators voted for - because the state governments have ZERO representation.
so every electoral vote is equivelant to about the same number of person votes?
You niggers know that this is a republic and by now way a democracy, right?
Sorry California is 3 times bigger than any other state outside of texas Florida, and new york, twice as big as any besides texas
Congressional District Method (Maine and Nebraska's system)
Especially applied to big states. Congressional districts award one electoral vote each, the rest is awarded to the statewide winner. This way upstate NY will have a say in electoral votes, not just NYC's voters. The same with California.
Don't get upset over Mohammad, man. He probably just learned English and is still adjusting.
No, we don't. We had proportional representation until the apportionment act of 1911 which locked the number of representatives at 435. Because we have so few representatives (and, by extension, electors) relative to population, larger states essentially have to give representatives to less populated states. So people in larger states (Texas, Cali, etc.) are under-represented, and people in less populated states (Alaska, Wyoming, Vermont) are over-represented.
Each state has a limited number of Electoral vote, 538 to be exact. If you weren't huffing sand nigger cock you would know that.
>American education
This is why we need to secede
No but in a winner take all system big states give up power per individual vote for total overall control, it can work the other way around. California could be won by 500 votes and Wyoming lost by 30000 giving you a 29500 vote defecit but 55-3 electoral lead
you did dodge the bullet with the lunatic crazy woman that should be in jail ...
... seems to work just fine
It's a good idea but there will be a massive "REEEE" re: Gerrymandering.
Based U-are-gay bro.
But it'd ruin our streak.
It's the only state west of the Mississippi with a higher than average population density but it's still carved out like a huge small populated state genius. It was formed far earlier than any state out west. It's too big.
We live in a republic. This protects us from the tyranny of the majority. There is nothing to fix.
States spend their electoral votes proportionately to their own populations.
eg: if california votes 2/3rds democrat, 37 votes go to the democrats, not 55.
Michigan has lost 4 delegates? Bogus man.
Are you talking in theory?
Because right now only two states come close to that, Maine and Nebraska.
Winner-take-all for the rest.
Here's what the constitution says about the electoral college.
>Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress
>in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct
This means each state can vote however the hell it wants to. Nebraska and Maine, as you retards no doubt have never heard, do it by congressional district: each congressional district gets one electoral vote, and the remaining two electoral votes are chosen by the popular vote of the state as a whole. There is absolutely nothing stopping any state from deciding it wants all its electoral votes to go toward whichever candidate gets the nationwide popular vote; there is also absolutely nothing stopping any state's legislature from unilaterally deciding it is voting for a particular candidate and not allowing the people to vote at all.
Armed Struggle
>No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, ... ,enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, ...
Fine line on that nationwide popular vote crap.
You don't need an interstate compact for that.