When will the white terrorist issue be addressed?
When will the white terrorist issue be addressed?
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when will jewish control of the media and hollywood and their coverup of terrorism be addressed?
When will the disproportionate nigger crime be dealt with?
When will the black thug issue be addressed?
It's not terrorism if he's going the right thing.
link the vid or dont start the thread faggot
>feral apes start hits your car with sticks
>put the cruise control to 5mph and lay on the horn
as Soon as white terrorists kill more than Hajjis do per week.
also this
I really don’t give a shit whether your paid or just some pseudo intellectual fagot from /leftypol/, get a real job retard.
the vid is a nothingburger
Driver is literally Hitler.
By that I mean he did absolutely nothing wrong
White terrorists are the bigger terrorist threat.
if they are barred entry, than any white terrorism is more than the zero.
But they aren’t and haven’t been barred yet white people continue to be the biggest threat. This also happened today.
Charge your phone you dumb nigger
Because the foreigners aren't here.
Get the fuck off the street you dumb fucks
>blacks are responsible for more than 50% of homicides in the US
>whites still better and more efficient killers
guess practice doesn't make perfect if you're a nigger
In the video of this, he drives like 2 mph while fat spics and niggers are trying to bust his window out.
"terrorist" my ass
We're a warrior race. If we're not put into mandatory millitary service and given constant war or constant work we go insane. If you insist that white men live like women, cooped up at home and left to chat about nothings, this is what happens.
If we don't restart conscription and find something to do - ANYTHING to do - fighting, humanitarian aid, anything as long as it involves mano-a-mano conflict or heavy lifting, white people will only get crazier until you begin to wish you just had niggers. Because niggers are susceptible to the same sickness, but they're much dumber and incapable of planning anything grand. A white man, asian, or jew, however, is smart enough to reduce the white house to rubble if insanity has set in his mind.
t. fat autist larper
did you even see the video those spics started it
I'm skinny as fuck
You can't deny that white men are prone to mental illness if not appropriately occupied.
Good times don't make weak men, they make vile men.
What this pic?
It's legal, they're blocking a public road.
Stay out of the road?
freedom fighter*
I live minutes away from where this took place. The spics and niggers were bused in from LA, they don't even live in Brea.
Brea is based as fuck, no shitskin will dare misbehave here.
Goddamnit if I didn't have you already I would've been so hyped
>200x as many non-muslims than muslims
>more non-muslim "terrorism"
Congratulations, Muslims.
Sounds like Africa. Pic related
This is just a murder.
Reminds me of all the bombs found in NY/NJ that were never reported on.
It doesn't matter if you're left, right, black, white or whatever, you know that if that was a Muslim guy stopped in the airport with a bomb in would be front page news, Trump would be tweeting about it and so on. But, because it's a white terrorist not a muslim it gets swept under the rug by the media.
After all the kikes, niggers and spics have been killed, then there won't be an issue
Purple Revolution threads for anyone interested in what the "storm" Trump mentioned is most likely about:
Predictive programming for the assassination/impeachment of Trump. Take note of any purple motifs that you see.
Don't forget the 18$ Billion that Soros donated to his Open Society Foundation. It's connected to the Purple Revolution that he and other enemies of Trump are planning.
George Soros and Open Society connections: