ITT: good role models
ITT: good role models
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Fake cunt stays at a hotel. Try Les Stroud.
>Samefag fishing for FPBP
>Bear Grylls
Literally all of his work is staged and fake.
nope not really
Fake and gay.
At least he finally named the jew
>captcha TAYLOR Werks
"When I grow up, I wanna drink my own piss."
i love him so much. he was too good for this earth
Wow, really? Neat! Kek loves this huwite man.
"lol, im so much of a fucking idiot and refuse to let my generals fight the war. muh pride makes me invade russia before i've taken care of Britain."
Hitler was a fucking goober and cost Germany the war. Even Nazi edgelords should despise him.
CIA niggers beware
I know a lot of people are going to shit on bear for being fake BUT google search about the mother and child who survived when stranded in the Australian outback. Kid locked the show and they survived something like 10 days and found a road. But I forgot nu-Sup Forums hates when actual survival information was a mainstream show
>his entire show is faked
>he is never in any real danger
Yeah I guess you could say he's a good role model for jews
>literally climbed everest less then a year after breaking his back after his parachute didnt open during a skydive
>head of the scouts all over the world
>SAS operator
>owns an island
>staged and fake
Based Jones
>he fell for anglo propaganda
Bare Grills is a hack
>But I forgot nu-Sup Forums hates when actual survival information was a mainstream show
>actual survival information
That dumb nigger climbed down a waterfall and would do all sorts of retarded shit. He's more likely to get someone killed than help them.
>ruined nationalism and made it a taboo, on par with the devil ideology, even sensible nationalism like wanting to control immigration in the current era has this stigma
>Killed more whites than anybody else. Could have easily overthrown the soviet government and crushed marxism but out of some pseudo-science, religious based racial doctrine thought all slavs and anybody east of Germany were subhumans and genocided/repressed them despite many of those same people disliking and suffering under marxism/stalinism, would have easily joined him guaranteeing a victory over Russia if given the chance and not mercilessly killed
>Illegally invaded white countries on illegal grounds
>Get praised by contrarian neckbeards in the modern era as the savior of the white race despite being the most responsible for the current degradation of western society by ruining western europe
>Picking the fake faggot over Les Stroud
Either moron or effective bait
You know his show is fake right? He has an entire team of people following him around.
Now stop getting jew'd by jewywood.
Hitler blew it. His hubris cost the Germans victory.
fuck off bear grylls youre a fraud
Thank you
les is the man
that guy to the right still looks too human, he needs more surgeries
And don't forget
>facilitated the need of france, netherlands and britain to import thousands of brown people as much needed labor by destroying the infrastructure of Europe and hundreds of thousands of men who would have been needed to repair it
inb4 he's a pedophile, so are you schlomo
There was no real way for Nazi Germany to "take care of Britain". The German navy was pretty sad when compared to the Royal Navy. Hitler had no intention of conquering Britain, he wanted them to surrender.
This video explains it well.
If you're going to pick a celeb survivor host then at least pick someone like Les Stroud
>commies still using whataboutism
Two wrongs don't make a right, commiefag
Bond James Bond
>ruined nationalism and made it a taboo
That was your governments work.
Steve Irwin
I second this
Top tier lad
Bear gryls is a pussy, led Stroud is the superior survivalist
>good role model
fuck off commie
only acceptable answer here
If he had used better diplomacy to keep us from giving Britain almost unlimited supplies of planes fuel and ammo he could have won through attrition
Far from a pussy but hes rarely actually in a survival situation, and hes more about entertainment then to teach
Most of the shit he does is far to advanced/dangerous to be used by normies
Ofc normies are usually doomed the second something goes wrong
Fuck anyone who shits on Bear Grylls.
>tfw too smart to do actual survival on a survival show
What am I looking at here
You're a gay larper
What is with this picture? Were the hands with the contoller photoshopped into the old photo? Was the head photoshopped on a modern photo? Is that a mask? Is that a make up to make somebody look like Hitler? Or is it just somebody who has a face of Hitler posing for photo? This doesn't look shopped, this looks legit and although it's a meme I deman answers. What the fuck is this picture? Where did it come from? Where was it taken? Are there more pictures of this set?
Yeah, fucking this.
Mike "get back to work goyim!!" Rowe
Didn't you know? The Nazis had Dreamcast! That system was way ahead of it's time.
Checks out.
wew lads
How about Marcus Aurelius instead? :3
>Not posting Ray Mears
I bet you own a ton useless orange "survival" shit
Always liked Mike Rowe
sounds like you need a few sauces
>killed 60 million Europeans
get out
Can i get a quick rundown?
Explain why pls. He was sneaky