This was undeniably the best episode

This was undeniably the best episode.

Other urls found in this thread:

dumb eva poster

Although this one comes close. The important thing to note is that Asuka episodes are the best.

>toiletfags will get triggered by this post

Asuka in general is the best. She's one of the rare mythical anime grills that actually has a deep character with some proper development. And it's just REALLY hard not to want to give her a hug after you learn precisely how broken she is.
It's a cruel irony that she's indirectly spawned a whole slew of one-dimensional tsundere trash.

It's true

I think that movie was actually too deep for me. Also, I just learned I can recognize foreign language lyrics.


>tumblr nose

n-no... Asuka is there to show us what it would be like if "tsundere girls" were real people with flaws and problems. and Rei is there to show how fucking creepy it would really be to have a soulless living fuck doll.

And what's funny is they've both gone on to spawn a generation of the characters they were deconstructing. As Hideki Anno has probably said at least once, "Fucking otakus."

In any case, the whole deconstruction thing is just one side of their characters.

I feel like the series should have had something to show reai was more human, becuase she was still human but people just assume she was written as a soulless husk, which she ironically kind of is, but she is still human. The "thank you" and smile scenes show this, but I feel like they really needed something stronger her saying she loved shinji or even gendo or a shinji-esque masturbation or implied masturbation scene would show just how human she really was

anyone who watches Eva and sees the characters as waifus or "best girls" has missed the point entirely. when shinji is jerking off over asuka and cums in his hand and says "I'm so fucked up..." that's you! you're fucked up!
how can it be any more clear what this series is trying to say to you dense fucks?

Asuka is the unexamined man's waifu.


>Man scrapes the darkness with fire lmao

Rei is the nu-male toilet fetishist's waifu

>liking characters in a tv show makes me fucked up

Okiee buds

Rei is fucking disgusting.

You all are fighting, but you all know that shinji is actually the best.

>not Tibris or Ramiel

Yet another quality post from the Asukafriends. Keep clinging on to the "muh personality" canned responses as if that's not completely missing the point.


Eh, waifus in general are fucked up. Although to be fair I've dated real-world approximations of both Asuka and Rei. "Rei" ended up having scary levels of crazy bitch hidden under the adorably shy exterior, while "Asuka" mostly went well until she resolved her issues enough to realize I was kinda shit, and then dumped on the fucking curb. That one hurt more than I care to remember....

I still say Asuka is best girl, but it's more of a literary analyzation thing than a "OMG she's my wife!" cringefest. That's best saved for Monster Musume and the like.

Not an argument.


Why not?

>this is what toiletniggers actually believe

Rei is objectively ugly as sin

Asuka is best but I don't mind Rei.

>that's you! you're fucked up!
Nah, I didn't walk into a hospital and wank over a comatosed girl's body.

I don't have anything like the confidence for that. Frankly I doubt Shinji would, which is why that scene annoys me.

I am shaking my head in real life right now, user.

It did seem out of character for Shinji.

Adding "muh" to something doesn't debunk it.

At least you have the decency to be ashamed of your shit taste

Posting purity.

Well the point of Rei's character is that she's not sure herself what her personality is meant to be. This makes her a much more interesting character than:
>I thought I was hot shit but it turns out people are better than me so now I'm sad.

I feel like part of the point of that scene was that Shinji was starting to properly break. Both in- and out-of-universe, it was basically just a "fuck it" moment.

>Rei has a personality

I like to imagine that following Rei stating that she had said thank you for the first time that she then began to vigorously masturbate while thinking of shinji

>I'm so fucked up

>But Asuka holding my nose shut to abscond away with my first kiss is fine


Nice canned response.

for a long time I thought this was a boy,
im glad it wasn't.

I like Asuka and Rei. Is that normal?

Me too.
But Asuka is wifey for lifey.

Yeah, they are both good characters, but obviously everyone is going to like one more than another.

They're both beautiful too.

I could never solve her damn riddle anyway. Biggest mystery in the show.


Best girl

I remember you. You're a good guy.

>how can it be any more clear what this series is trying to say to you dense fucks?
Here's the thing Anno and retards like you didn't consider.
I'm fine with it.

I like every episode except Bardiel.

>immediately take down Asuka and try to infect Rei
>slowly strangle Shinji
It was nonsense.

A..American Psycho (the movie) was too deep for you? It's literally just "lol vanity is bad"

I actually owned a paperback copy of this.

What is it?

Die in fire non canon slut.

You're not a good guy anymore.


What's the point of these threads? Nobody ever changes their opinions.

Yes they do

It's not just about conformity and the importance of trends, but it's also a statement on the movie itself.

No they don't.

And you are at fault for that.


Misato is cool.

You certainly are not helping

I know.

Fucking worth it for the payoff at the end.


Fun, perhaps.
Concept Misato was better.

>anta baka, anta baka, you're the baka



>not this one

It's in the filename.

>local theater is showing EoE soon
I'm ready.

I like the part where Rei gets it right on her first try and Asuka throws another tantrum for being inferior, as per usual :^)

>wanting a shit-tier broken slut who will fuck Kaji right away
>not being a nu-male

Pick only one, faggot.

What's going on here?

>unironically replying to toiletfag
You fucked up.

Leaving the anti lilin field so they can get a lift from Wunder

Usual eva thread.

She sacrificed herself for Shinji. To die for someone you love is the most human thing you can do.

>in any way natural or realistic
i must be missing some context

>masturbating to someone implies love
Damn, I had no idea I loved so many people

>Asuka is so problematic OMG I literally can't even UGH
>muh inoffensive fuckdoll Rei

Reifags have tiny brains

B-but i like them both

>Asuka's mother replaced her for a doll
>Shinji masturbated on her while she was comatose

>being a cuck is the most human thing you can do

Rei is shit

>literally wanting a girl who doesn't want you
>literally wanting a slut who will fuck someone else right away
>literally wanting a retard with zero benefits whatsoever
>literally wanting her because you think THAT is a personality
>wanting a broken idiot just because she's somewhat attractive

Top retard.

This bait is about as shitty as Rei.

Are you implying Asuka isn't a broken slut who was going to fuck Kaji right away? Because you need to watch the show again if you are.

Another eva thread where retarded people insult each other for asuka-rei shit

I'm implying you're a retard with no understanding of characters and that Rei is a colossal whore who let the whole world inside her.

I dunno guys, I prefer Rei because she's stoic as fuck. I admire people who keep their shit together even when the outside looks so bleak and they're a complete wreck on the inside. Maybe it's a stupid reason but that's how it is for me.

She engulfed him inside her brain pussy and read him poetry with her hands fused in his chest while she made him the actual center of the world. Shinji got lots of scary eldritch love, try the manga if you want Rei being tender.

>no understanding of characters
>condoning Asuka's shit personality, actions, and idiocy because "muh problems :("
>not realizing people justify their shitty attitudes all the time this way
>condoning the behavior regardless

How stupid are you?

>Be Rei
>have no personality
>be a plot device
>13 yo-tier existential shit
>we wuz ayyliums lmao
>boring as shit

>compared to Asuka, a three-dimensional character with real problems, emotions and struggles
>b-but Asuka hurts muh fee-fees ;_;
