What are the goriest anime you have ever seen Sup Forums? Pic very related

What are the goriest anime you have ever seen Sup Forums? Pic very related

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This and Violence Jack

I haven't seen that yet, how is it?

Definitely not deserving of its reputation as the "worst anime ever" but it is very edgy and excessive, especially the second episode.
I remember the first episode being legitimately good but maybe it was just because it wasn't nearly as bad as I was led to believe.

I felt similarly about Genocyber. People were telling me it was god awful and the story made no sense so I went in thinking it was just going to be a gorefest and nothing more. Thing is I actually really liked the characters and the story even the jump to the future didn't bother me that much

> reputation as the "worst anime ever"

Please go back to whatever mal, ann or reddit you come from.

>worst anime ever
Doesn't every faggot on MAL say this about anything remotely edgy?

Don't MALfags love edgy shit?

they love SoL and anything by SHAFT

Blood-C, OP.

"Another" has its moments. GenoCyber, Devilman Apocalypse and Violence Jack are up there, but Blood-C takes the cake.

I like how "From the Director of MD Geist" is plastered up there. Don't get me wrong, I like both, but you wouldn't know by watching them. They are nothing alike.

I don't know user, Blood C has alot of blood and people dying but it isn't really gory. Granted I watched a clip from the show that was apparently the best of it so I might not be seeing all of the gore.


Genocyber in terms of actually managing to maintain a serious tone.

I think Urotsukidoji gives it a run for its money when the Overfiend literally shreds a woman with his cock, amongst other things.

Elfen lied

2009 Sup Forums please go

Corpse party is pretty gore but i dont think it's the goriest
Does mai chan no nichijou's live action count?

The music is so good that at times it just feels like you're watching a music video. The fact that its not entirely coherent adds to that feel.


>talking about the music
>not posting Fairy Dreamin'
Come on user

Obviously the best track, but that's the credit music.

Doesn't seem like..whatever genre Geno Cyber is (Body Horror?)..music, but it somehow fits.

Corpse Pary beats it.