> Please discuss drawing skills
Making of JoJo
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I did this in ten minutes with a 2B (no rubber). It's been 8 years since I last drew something.
Good thread. I can't believe it took him days to draw this cover.
You have potential. Why did you stop drawing user ?
3rd for best boy
Your next line is "Gappy makes me happy"
Daily reminder that Eyes of Heaven was our only chance for a decently produced crossover story and the next game we get will be ASB2 since it sold better
Keep drawing. Read/work classic books. I love Charles Dana Gibson. It reminds me of Araki's style.
Give these threads a break.
> What inspired Araki
First for arcadefag is cancer.
What's your favorte jojo?
First for I hope you die forever
using statues as dynamic pose reference is kinda genius, I'm sure its been done before but i never thought of it
To true arcadefag is such a weak as nerd no dignity
>samefagging this hard
Drink bleach, use a toster in a tub, throw yourself down a skyscrapper, eat shit, make yourself a rope necktie, do whatever is necessary to accomplish the ultimate goal of your shitty existence
I'm not good at all, I'd be good if I hadn't stopped drawing. But yeah this video motivates a lot. I did that drawing to know if I good draw something decent. But yeah I'll try make up for lost time.
Same goes to you, again, you literal cancer
i want a decent thread this time, no shitposting
how did you get into jojo?
Fuck arcadefag he stole my idea!
Discussion in my jojo thread? No way.
That's better than most drawings here
Around last November I started reading it. I had heard all the good things about it for years but the whole 8 parts and length of the series kinda of intimidated me so I put off reading it. I just got bored one day ad finally started reading it.
Read part 5 in Italy after a friend suggested it.
When Part 3 was first coming out as an anime, I heard all this hype about JoJo. So I started with the Part 1 anime and now I'm all caught up with literally everything and there's a great yearning for more JoJo that doesn't get filled until Fridays or the 19th-ish of every month.
A friend kept talking about JoJo everyday. I gave it a try and he was right.
Good video user.
Do you really know who/what inspired Araki besides those from the video
Pure trash eat hot garbage.
i watched the first episode of part 4 when it aired and i liked it so i caught up with everything so now here i am.
I had recently read Berserk, so I knew I liked manga now, rather than western comics.
JoJo seemed sweet and it was.
Why don't the jannys ever clean these god forsaken threads up? Ban all shitposters.
Not to say I don't like Western comics.
they banned naranciafag at least once
if we report the shitposters eventually we get the mod's attention
Have you seen a single shitposter in this thread so far, besides the samefaggot that is
You got caught up pretty fast it took me like 9 months to get caught up.
What's your part ranking.
I meant him specifically
>Implying he even read
I like ranking posts though
I've been banned around 6 or 7 times now
But I've developed a posting schedule so that when I post it has a very low chance of being deleted and me getting banned.
Excellent taste my friend
>part 2 that high
>part 4 that low
yeah, i was bedbound around that time and had nothing to do. I watched both seasons of SC in like three days
for me it's 4=6>3>5>7>2>1. i'm not liking jojolion a lot so far
why were you bedbound user?
Araki has a shitton of influences and he wears them proudly.
I'm putting up an Imgur album of inspirations for characters and events within the series if you're interested in seeing more inspirations behind JoJo: imgur.com
If I can ask why don't you like jojolion so far?
It's becoming one of my favorite parts right now.
I accidently clicked on JoJo instead of love live and I just kept watching to see if it was interesting
now i'm here
Joseph is my favorite Joestar and that part has awesome fights. I also love the Indiana Jones elements of it too.
Part 4 has some lackluster stands, and very few actual fights.
I like all the parts a lot though.
Stop this man. I will get us boy banned
Why is it that I get banned for stupid shit all the time, but the guy spamming the thread with ORA ORA ORA got off scot free?
very high fever, vomiting and all that stuff. i was too weak to stand up
mostly i dont like the main characters, and the fact araki recycles stuff he already used. it's not bad, just not my taste. i can see why a lot of people are liking it so far
please could you make it so that if jotaro/dio stops time you can ora-ora-ora/muda-muda-muda infinetively until time moves again
Ok man. I will stop if you implement naruto into the game
It's already like that in HftF. You don't need time to be stopped either.
Initially it was the abridged series of the Stardust Crusaders OVA done by Antfish that exposed me to Jojo.
Aftwards I got interested in the series and tracked down the manga and having been loving this silly series ever since.
I can see where part 2 really shines with it's memorable moments but they seem to few in number in comparison to bland and unforgettable moments.
I can also see what you mean about part 4 although I liked most of the stands some are just there for no reason and never show up again like the lock or surface.
I guess none of that really matters though as long as we all like every part even if some do have flaws.
what did he mean by this
I own a diavolo SAS. Which ones do you own? Do you like them. The sculpt on Diavolo's smiley face and sweater are amazing.
I've got Kira and Killer Queen is in the mail. I like him a lot, and he'll be even better once I can pose him with Killer Queen.
I had a dream that part 9 took place in Russia
has someone ever drawn a fusion of these two? there's even a Queen song called White Queen
Part 9 takes place in brazil
I asked "him" officially
>Liiiiiive in a world without ni-gg-ers
>Liiiiiive in a worl without ghooks
>A world all to my ooooowwwwnnnn
What a weird song it was
When the 2nd part's anime ended I started watching until I caught up, then I wanted more so I read the manga of part 3 and continued until I was caught up still haven't read Part 1 and 2 are they worth going back to read?
Yes the black and white looks so much better than the webms I've seen
Joseph looks like he has Fetal alcohol syndrome
has anyone found everyone in this picture?
I found gappy,polnareff,valentine,hol horse,Diavolo,ACDC,Jotaru and kakyoin
Found kars,damo,pucci,midler,johnny and gyro.
Pucci is in the changing room
new opening when?
Oh shit watch he's going to die real soon
Episode 27 or 28
Atom heart farther
chase is terrible
Gappy makes me happy
c o n f i r m e d
why do people like joshuu?
Whiny, spoiled, beta faggots self inserting
Star Platinum makes me horny
I'm sorry you have poor taste
He gets high.
post the saddest jojo picture you have
So wait, can BtD bring back the dead?
How the fuck did Hayato get revived?
>he likes the worst song so far
There are 20 characters in there, not sure if the stands counted to that 20, but I think they do. I was planning on adding Josuke, Gio and Jolyne, but I never saw it posted in the threads so I figured "screw it, there's no interest" and stopped after Gappy.
what the fuck is up with his hair, did he cut it himself?
It was BtD's first instance of activation so it just reset the day it didn't bring Hayato back.
Easily explained.
Wy couldnt they have lived happily...it hurts
this pic is extremely tragic, never forget :(
>Implying because it is worse than the others it is bad
>and thus, Part 4 never happened