Love is like a sword, it hurts when you're stabbed by it and it can separate things

Love is like a sword, it hurts when you're stabbed by it and it can separate things.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're like the Nips. Shitty and useless.

Are you done with puberty? Then it's time for you to eat sushi.

But that sword basically only made people closer


>Baccano is out of hiatus
>Vamp still isn't

My dick is like a sword, it hurts when you're stabbed by it and it can separate things (your legs, for example).

20 METERE RADIUS EMERALDO SPLASH is like a sword, it hurts when you're stabbed by it and it can separate things


what a useless fucking wet blanket of a character she was

>Vamp will never get an adaptation
>Baccano only had one season
>Durarara has fucking FOUR seasons

Technically just two seasons, and I love DRRR too, so I'll take what I can get.
But still, it's been over 6 years already, Narita. Please remember Vamp is a thing.

This is now a sword thread.
Post your best sword.

>Complain when Baccano is on hiatus
>Comes out Hiatus
>Complain about Vamp!

>I never read the LN
>I never paid attention to the(albeit rushed and cut) anime either

I didn't start complaining about Vamp now, I just complained about both before 1935-D was released.

How about no?

Seeing Izaya finally get BTFO was my favorite part of the show

>BDs never

Fansubs can go fuck themselves.

Sword are long and hard like my dick

Sad the anime's done. Guess now I have to stop being a lazy fuck and read it.

x2 Ten was released recently.

The guy is doing Dual Audio BDs that's why it takes a while(they need to be released in english) but he's going to finish the series

You can buy the LN in english, it's cheap

Speaking about buying the LNs
>All translators dropped Baccano
>It'll take about 5+ years to reach where the translations stopped
Kill me

Nice, will put it on the list.

At least I have all of Spice and Wolf to read to stave off the disappointment.

Durarara is probably one of the most disappointing series I've seen.

The first half of season 1 was fucking amazing, the rest was garbage.

Still one of my favorite OST in animu.

Season 1 had more filler than Naruto. You want to know how many volumes they adapted in 2 cours? 3.

That's why when x2 started a lot of people wondered why the characters hadn't evolved much, but it seems retards didn't realize that season 1 covered basically the intro of the series and nothing else.

Then again, maybe it's just not for you.

My main gripe with x2 was the number of characters that were introduced only to be tossed away after making a few appearances. Why bother adding so many characters when ultimately you're not going to do anything with them?

Also the animation was shit.

I tried to read the novels, they were pretty awful. And I don't think it was just the translation, although that helped. I enjoyed the anime because it was fun and watched to the underwhelming ending. Anons were upset about it in threads, but I can't really care that much about the characters when you have like 30 of them and they get a short stories worth of development total over the entire series.


So you didn't read the novels? Your words mean absoluterly nothing then because just like Season 1 covered 3 novels in 2 cour x2 covered 3 novels PER cour.

You can't say that the characters weren't developed or that nothing happened with them if you read a rushed adaptation. And they did a lot in the anime too, so you're clearly one of those ADHD kids that didn't remember characters or didn't understand what was happening and kept annoying everyone in every thread.

Every single character is connected, going from the Awakusu-kai to Vorona and then Ruri with Kujiragi Kasane, ALL of them are introduced in a way that leads to connect with another character and a plotline that might seem separate but it's not, another big example is Akabayashi with Anri that leads him to connect with Mikado. Even the pedophile teacher was connected with someone else that lead to other connection that ended with a clear plotline.

While x2 was rushed it was 100% understandable and every character had a role in the series, but if you need to be spoonfed with everything that's happening then DRRR!! is not for you, as a matter of fact no Narita series is for you

I want to

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

EP 1:
EP 13:

>book is better than the movie

there's a word for people like you. im gonna use self-fulfilling prophecy, even though its not the right term, but i can't think right now.

So you don't have any argument, right. And I clearly said that the anime explains everything properly and gives characters screentime even if it's rushed.

Nice bait retard, go back to your Naruto/One Piece threads because ADHD kiddies can't into series that are not PUNCHHARD BOY

here's your reply

I love Celty!