>Africans are stup-
Sup Forums BTFO
Africans are stup-
>give up your country to blacks becuase muh racism
>asians take over
I'm fucking angry and I'm not even South African.
She's about as African as I am, which is not at all.
asians should remain in asia and afriniggers in africa
whites should also leave america to europe cause that's our land
take it or leave it
who is this nubian queen
White Africa only fell because of the self-hating anti-white socialist traitors.
Chinks don't give a shit about "muh racism" so they'll take over Africa now
They're going to take over the entire West.
We're throwing away our civilization and our standing in the world because of our feelings. This is insanity.
white bois btfo
I get told not to stereotype and form racial biases but then I see shit like this
i'm amused but to be fair asian people won all the awards in my white high school. so naturally this phenomenon would also happen in africa even more so
> African
> Asian
Yet more proof of the deep biological differences between the various races that inhabit our earth. How long will you liberals deny reality?
Good for her. Congratulations Sangeun.
Africa's top mathematician, so she knows basic algebra?
She was able to count to 10 without using her hands
I don't fucking understand how people can believe and shout about evolution from the rooftops. But the moment you suggest that localized conditions caused Whites, Asians, and Blacks to evolve differently they all freak out. Even more so when you rationalize that the environmental conditions caused intelligence differences. You have to be more clever and have foresight to survive through the winters in the north.
Are you stupid? Look at the state of South Africa as of 2017, I know we meme about it, but it's literally about to collapse. Asians can't 'tame' niggers. It's literally impossible.
portugal can tame niggers. we only lost because of the commie coup
I'd rather live in Chinese South Africa than fear for my family's life literally every moment of every day in post-Apartheid SA.
Awesome, now his line will turn Japanese and he will never have to return to his hellhole. And he deserves it.
This used to happen with the smart blacks back in the day with Europe. They'd look at themselves, kek a bit, and decide to turn themselves white. Too bad they can't do that anymore. Asian is all we both have.
My bad I didn't mean 'tame'. That's what apartheid was, it worked great. What I should have said is ''turn them equal''
>united nation
This proves that Africans are every bit as smart as the rest of the world. Suck it, racists.
I wonder what her verbal intelligence is.
Friendly reminder that the first African in space was a white Saffer.
Think about it, this will be hilarious. The west can't put down the niggers in Africa because of all the feels and the bad press. However, the Chinese won't give a shit about how it looks to the rest of the world.
Also, it could be useful for China to get involved in a foreign conflict. Might distract them for a while.
India and Korea are both in Asia.
> they all look the same.
Its not even a meme, non niggers are always the smartest in negro countries.
Man, fucking Chinks are everywhere. I'm surprised more people don't bitch about Chink immigration here, are the Chinese good at assimilating?
Of course she's African and I'm Asian so my IQ is due to my genes rather than white privilege
>Africa's best mathematician
>is an Asian
Hey, maybe those multicultists were onto something after all.
oh shit, wrong picture
Moer Hathaway less weenie!
Damn, I didn't know she had leaks. Even her nudes are classy minus the baby dick
no. they just dont commit crime
are these real?
>implying Egypt is not part of the middle east
that's a good point.
What an absolute fucking babe.
>baby dick
best goy
You think that's a big dick? kek
Yesssss Goyim, those self hating (((Whitesss))).
Good, goooood.
>United States
i want to die
It’s quite refreshing to see how the chinks deal with niggers.
They don’t even have a concept of racism, and mandarin is a very blunt language. They just say exactly what they observe.
Feels don’t come into it at all and everything that we say about niggers is confirmed by the cold calculating nature of the chink.
>everyone in Africa is black
when did the left regress to the level of teen movies?
Blacks trying to Race Riot among Chinks, would end up looking like the Rwandan Genocide.
No other Race but White, would put up with shit from Blacks, Mexicans, or Muslims.
No one.
>cape town
That's hardly African
Cape town is rich hangout, a gay town, a white town, but being Asian too is new to me.
>inb4 pedo
She'll probably look the same in 10 years