This board's userbase summed up in 1 pic

Can't get more accurate than that

funny, he is not THAT fat but has a big belly.

No matter how pathetic Sup Forums can get, it'll still never be as pathetic as Christine.

still haven't received my Sonichu medallion from this fat faggot

Odd, I see a lot of Sup Forums, /vp/ and /mlp/ in that picture, but not much Anime & Manga.
Can you clarify, OP?

where did you get this image of me
my facebook profile is set to maximum privacy

And you never will. She's too buys begging, opening her new Vagina with a steak knife and curing autism with bianual beats.

Not anime related friend.

This I don't even see the requisite shrine dedicated to his waifu, the ground littered with sacrificed worst girls.

Choose a bettet picture dumbass
Except pokemon I dont see anything anime related
Just Mlp shit and sonic merch and Shitty OC

That actually sums up any Sup Forums user.

Check' em

Why do people always think Chris likes anime and manga when the only reason he watched it to begin with was either Pokemon or to creep on some girl?



b-but I'm just a little girl
get thread?





read em and weep user

thanks senpai

wtf i love this board's userbase now


So who the fuck is this?

definitely this time


Lurk more, newfag.


find a flaw



>tfw you get massive dubs

Confirming that Sup Forumsutism runs true in Tulpabro. He is Sup Forums summed up.
Check my digits.

You sure about that user?

Consider these dubs checked.

That's nice and all but look at these

one of these days.....




winner :(