Is Entoma hair insect parts of stylized hair dreads?
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Friendly reminder that this beta fag can't use Touch Me's armor.
He can tho
He can't.
He can.
Prove it.
Prove he can't.
Does CD masturbate furiously each night to Momon because he killed the vampire and demon or does she instead flick it to Ainz because he gibbed an entire army and subjugated Momon?
He doesn't have any class that allows him to wear plate armor.
But the has a talent that let him use any magic item.
The armor is a magic item.
His talent lets him ignore magic item's restriciton.
It doesn't overcome his own restrictions.
Is there any illustration of Osk's bodyguard, Headhunter Rabbit?
Explain this picture then smartass.
[Create Low-Tier Picture] ability
If Ainz is so smart why did he bring Narberal with him to be an adventurer instead of Solution?
You can't even begin to comprehend the genius mind that is Ainz-sama's, vermin
read LN
you guys aren't very helpful
Fuck you, he explains it in LN.
That restriction only applies to YGG players and NPCs, NWers can do whatever.
He does? I honestly don't remember.
I'm not / btw
Because the basic fantasy team is Fighter/Mage.
Since he rolled fighter he chose mage from Pleiades.
Read v2 again.
I don't remember it being explained but I can reason that it is probably because he needed a mage companion and Solution was busy with Sebas.
He does. Now fuck off and read again.
I will belive when we get a mage wearing armor.
If Ainz is so smart why did he give Cocytus such a shit army to kill lizards?
I'll reread again the first volumes eventually as I remember almost nothing from them
>that faggot again.
So you would waste your time asking stupid questions on Sup Forums for the rest of your life.
Who gives a shit that arc was garbage
Speedreaded that shit and I regret nothing
>Speedreaded that shit and I regret nothing
Fuck you
I want to fug that bug
spiders aren't bugs
I like Entoma and all but why would you want to fug her? She'd make a great pet though.
Ainz said he wants mixed adventurers teams.
He has
>human fighter, mage
>war troll fighter
>lizard fighter, druid and monk
>elf ranger, mage and druid
what else?
Narberal fits several criteria, the top two being that she looks human and won't try to murder/eat the humans they meet.
Translations when?
>won't try to murder
I'm sorry what?
But can't Solution do those things way better since she's not a retard?
She was already in the capital with Sebas when Ainz was thinking of becoming an adventurer.
so then Ainz is the retard, this really clears things up
Help, Sup Forums. What LN do I read to stop this itch of waiting for Vol 11?
She's too retarded to make an attempt
Sebas - Cobalion/Mienshao/Salamance
Yuri - Spiritomb/Mismagius/Aromatisse
Lupus - Mightyena/Houndoom/Arcanine
Narberal - Eelektross/Espeon/Zoroark
CZ - Metagross/Skarmory/Hydreigon
Solution - Ditto/Goodra/Crobat
Entoma - Scolipede/Ariados/Shedinja
They were still in E-Rantle with Chair when he was on his trip to Carne village.
How is that retarded? It's a good move since Solution is better suited for blending more than any of the Pleiades in high society.
The name of Ains Ooal Gown can never know defeat.
Thank you
Try Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
It's pretty good.
Nabe is still stuttering like an idiot trying to call him Ainz-sama in vol5 how is bringing this dumb dumb not a retarded decision?
>that part in Vol6 when the realizes she's a retard
>how is bringing this dumb dumb not a retarded decision?
She still makes sense from a team perspective, plus it doesn't really matter since the NWers seem to go retarded themselves when they see her becuase of the her beauty and whatever.
She's not that cute desu
>us it doesn't really matter since the NWers seem to go retarded themselves when they see her becuase of the her beauty and whatever.
this is a good point actually
Who would win in a battle, Kirito or Momon?
Kirito easily
>guaranteed replies
>not a single answer to OP's question
I dont mind having my own entoma even if it means she'd nibble on me until I'm nothing
don't believe her lies
Why is Entoma flat
Because Shalltear took all pads in Nazarick for herself.
I just realized why Shalltear is flat. Jesus Maruyama is a genius.
>entoma pads her chest with egg mounds that hatches flesh-eating maggots
solution also kills things by injecting them with poison and/or taking them into her body. not something a typical human adventurer does. narberal can just zap shit with tier 3 spells.
ainz wanted to be a warrior so the only choice was between narberal and lupusregina, and he probably just chose her because she's the highest level. lupu would have been a flawed companion too obviously
What the hell is up with Ainz face?
>I just realized why Shalltear is flat.
Because Pero was into lolis?
It's his "oh shit what do I say here?" face.
Dungeon Defense to read Demiurge take on a role of Demon Lord.
Lazy Dungeon Master to read +150 Karma Mare take on a role of a Dungeon Master.
No, it's his
Ainz is for ______
>Lupu would have been a flawed companion too obviously
Imagine all the laughs we get as Lupu tries to roll seduce on every man they meet.
big fat werewolf tats
where did this .gif come from
To be fair, even Demiurge stuttered in the Momon encounter during the Blue Rose battle.
in the end did he do the right thing?
The translations for a chunk of it are complete cancer though.
> Oh no~ My heart’s beating so fast adventurer-chan.
was all i could find. i'd also be interested if anyone knew more of their work, i love that .gif
helping people in need is common sense!
Is it though? All Nazarick got was some shitty human who can't do anything and is wasting Pestonya's time, and he risked exposing Nazarik because he can't keep his dragon cock under control.
i'm still mad he asked papa bones for more allowance ($100k), only to waste it on some degenerate he should have wasted. young man you're grounded, and no tsuare for 1 whole week!
>Ainz thinks about who to bring with him
>needs somebody who could work with him
>somebody who doesn't have anything really important to do
>somebody who doesn't hate humans on principle
>somebody who's powerful yet also stealthy
>somebody with excellent infiltration abilities
Further proof that Ainz is a deadbeat dad.
Ainz would ask Victim to be his adventuring companion before he would ask Pandora's Actor.
>when you fail an order from ainz-sama
PA is Ainz's ace up his sleeve, the less people know about him the better.
I think Ainz trusts PA above all NPCs, when he said he'd abandon him if he had to I interpreted it as saying that in the case of an emergency PA would be able to solve it himself.
Kinda like how a father is harder on his son because he knows he's capable of handling it.
Nah, Ainz was just being a shitty father.
I am an arachningen
Why does PA look so sad?