Liberals want to kill us
liberals want attention
and they'll say whatever it takes until you notice them
>being triggered by a person's first amendment rights.
>I'm going to use this weapon to silence political dissidents and instill a neo-communist government.
>"This machine kills fascists"
He plans on killing members of the 30s era Italian Fascista party?
Most of us aren't doing that. We're unbelievably happy they finally are starting to get it. It's not about ''taking on the entire government''. Things get weird, people take sides, and it's your right to defend your family from fascists OR communists. This also goes for when race relations get really bad.
They're finally getting that taking away guns is a bad fucking idea.
Ask anyone screaming the word "fascism" at anyone outside their politics to define the distinctions between the political philosophies Adolf Hitler and Mussolin. Note their response.
I guess there is a talent vacuum on the left preventing good art or argument
How are Democrats going to decide which whites get shot first? We know they want all whites dead except for themselves and their small groups of family and friends. But how do you decide who gets shot first?
Will Democrats shot clean cut white men? Will they shoot Cops and government workers? Will they try to kill military personnel? There won't be enough confederate flags or Gadsden flags for liberals to satisfy their egos. So how will they decide who to kill? The world is watching.
White man, you have no future with diversity or with Democrats. Remember that come election time.
>using a quote from a, by today's standard, raycist movie
who would have thought it was the commies all along
Oh they like guns now. Maybe 50 years from now they'll be able to actually load it and hit the broad side of a barn.
No, they're fucking idiots that are overdosing on extremely hateful anti-white propaganda. They legitimately want to kill (((their))) opposition. Bolshevism 2.0 is here.
That machine should be used on bears.
What a waste of good ammunition to use that on Facists.
I thought you fucking pansies were going to BASH THE FASH, not blow a hole in them with a fucking slug.
They'll end up using it as a club after they get tired of trying to figure out how to load it.
Remember that video of the lot of them trying to shoot that fucking target from like 20 paces and lighting the field behind it up with lead? Classic.
First time I shot a 12, my asshole friend never told me loaded a slug in, so I underestimated how much I should have held the fuck on, barrel went 90 degrees into the air and caught me on the snout, mates were laughing their asses off, but I still hit a water bottle from 50 feet.
The "Hardcore ANTIFA" couldn't hit a 5 foot target with birdshot.
>Reference to entry level fiction
>From a video game
Socialist are retarded manchildren
i'd be willing to bet that thing has never been fed high brass
Betcha $50 guy hasn’t put more than 3 rounds through it. And probably nearly dropped it on the first shot.
Hak hak hak
You think you can kill me? Youre in my world.
they are all dumb af and now pretend to like guns but still vote away my 2A rights...
they should be on terrorist watch lists
t socal
The guy wouldn't even know what high brass is mate.
>bolshevism 2.0
>implying bolshevism ever went away
Why are you faggots worried. They don't war good. We are going to come out on top in the end like always. They are going to lose literally millions. its going to be a massive purge. Most of you faggots will end up dead too. The world will be a better place in the end.
t.connected guy who has the inside scoop
gay and fake
If you don't release the trigger fully you can rotate the cylinder without the hammer dropping, effectively skipping the loaded chamber. Still a nuts thing to do with it pointed to your head.
I don't own guns to protect myself from the government. I own it to protect myself from communists.
Whats the worse that could happen? Antifa LARPs and kills a good goy, kick starts a civil war where they are seen as the bad guy. Gets curb stomped by normies, military, and outdoors men.
Thats probably not the worst that could happen though.
Are you fucking stupid? They would take away all the guns of 'fascists' (i.e. people who disagree with them) in an instant if they could.
I don't blame them, either, because I would take away all their guns if I had the means to do it.
Worst that can happen? Far far worse. A bunch if larping SJWs with dreams of revolution shouldn't be your main worry.
Don't underestimate the ((deepstate)) stranglehold on our government and the media. They control the narrative. They have been planning and waiting for the outbreak of violence and I can almost guarantee they will make some kind of move during the chaos.
>the irony of painting that on a shotgun
It was a guitar. The point was that his music killed fascists in a symbolic sense. Painting that on an actual gun is the most moronic thing I could possibly imagine.
12ga with an effective range of 30-50 yards vs a proper battle rifle chambered in .308 Winchester (FAL, AR10 or whatever) with an effective range of 1000 yards.
I'm not worried. Not even a little bit.
Fuckin meme tier. When the natsoc pagan ultralarp uprising happens next year, I'm not going be packing an old ww2 shit piece rifle and nobody serious would.
>Liberals want to kill us
>Yet they're all standing in a circle holding hands and singing Kumbaya
>maybe I'm just making shit up for bait