Muh triple brackets

Sup Forums complains about Jews the way Sup Forums *thinks* blacks people (probably should) complain about white people

This is the best kike money can buy, folks
the... .best.....

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

aussies are owned by jews more than the usa shithole
connect the dots

What “owned”? there are no Jews in Australia shhhhh the world is exactly what you think it is


>There is another, rarely examined aspect of what it means to be black in America. Modern-day black activists (hell, a whole lot of black folks in general), require other black people to be BLACK first—that is, to tote around on their bent backs and black shoulders the eons of tortured black history as if that history is a current-day reality while denying who they are as individuals.
>Black people desire equal rights, to be sure, but when young black people go to racially-mixed high schools and colleges, exactly why are all black students required to only support black student organizations? Why do some of these same, educated, young black people deny other young black people from the human activity of just being a human being? The worst of this aspect of being a black college student in America is the judgement that happens in those organizations. “You ain’t black enough; why you got pretty hair—your momma or daddy white?"
>For the life of me, I cannot understand how black people are so quick to recognize racism as directed towards them from whites, Latinos, Asians, et al, and miss the very real racism that exists within our race from one another.
>I can not and do not carry the burden of my ancestors’ bondage anymore than I carry the scars of being disenfranchised in an alien land that robbed my people of a language, a culture, a land.
>So according to many an African American author, blacks are usually MORE racist than whites. Time for you niggers to apologize.
Those Soros bux are running low and can't beat actual facts, faggot. You lose again.

>Whites do things for backs
>Jews do things aganist whites

Yes, whites complaining about jews is exactly like blacks hating whites

Jews made nuclear weapons for you. Vaccines. Christianity. Movies. Comics. Video games. The internet. Sup Forums. England. Basketball. Cereals. The royal families of Europe. Hamburgers. Fish. God. Mirrors. Magnets. Babies. Allah. Macedonia. Carpet. Chairs. Books. Fidget spinners. Pillows. Anime. Kung fu. Pianos. Upright pianos. Mothers. Vacuum cleaners. Paper towels. Canned cat food. Shota porn. Brazilian porn. iPhones. Coffee.

Jews do everything for you and you lash out at them. You goyim are their children, their ungrateful children.

>Megalomaniac Jew

You haven’t done jackshit you Satan’s spawn, all you do is steal. Just like Einstein was a phony who worked at a patent office and stole white ideas

Kill your self or we will you sodomite

Oh my god your facts...they’re fucking killing me nnnngfrrrrrr must resist

Pew pew Soros bux pew pew

Gaaah no the penetration of Aryan light too strong o no muh Eretz yisssroyelle cannot withstand nnrrrrrrr you’re too tall please fuck my wife


great rebuttal, you corny faggot. get your ass back to /r/whateverthefuck and get off our board dipshit.

Fuck you, autistic little triggered bitch. This is (((my))) board

Goiym are children of jews? Its like saying that humans evolved from monkeys... well if jews werent trying to get to the top at the exp3nse of others no mattwr what some others would definetely come up with such... but hey getting kicked out of many nations is due to white hate of jewish superiority. Who is a nazi here. Clean your room before calling others what they never were. All nazis did is apply zionist tricks against jews but in open fashion. You made them happen and you are responsible for own wrongdoings. So stop guilt tripping and fix your altitude towards yourself. You are like the reverse of blacks. Blacks cannot accept lack of personal responsibility that ranges cognitive insuficiency. You cannot accept overload of personal responsibility that ranges ideological fanaticism.

Give me a break.

They're parenthesis, not brackets. You dumb abbo nigger.

Quiet, German. You lost


Because doing it in open never works and thats what (((they))) know and that is why it is always shady. Nazis did a big stupid.mistake and the german will pay for it until they are gone or something radical happens.



blacks and whites should be hating the jews together

This is a good pasta

Whites don't own hardly any media and they barely have control over a few parts of the US government anymore. This might have been valid 100 years ago when there were laws that even Hitler thought were unfair and downright brutal.

Either way, the kikes are fucking all of us and they need to be physically removed.

Stop R*ddit spacing.

Not comparable at all. Niggers are living in a country founded by and for whites, and then complain when the rules and laws don’t favor them. White people aren’t living in nations founded by jews, theyre living in our nations and have taken over entertainment, banking, and media like they’ve done in dozens of other white nations. All we want is to be left alone in our own countries. We’re not trying to live in anyone else’s country, so stop coming to ours and then conplaining about the way we have things set up.

Well the black people are just wrong though, with the jews, not so much.

I enjoy this pasta every time you post it Fritz.

Jews look white to blacks.

When blacks complain about whites keeping them down they are actually often referring to jews in reality

