Something came to mind today.
Anime '' patricians '' like to shill Logh as the absolute pinnacle of animu. But then I have to wonder, if it is so amazing, why don't /lit/fags shill the hell out of it? I mean, if it is great and very faithful to the source material this should be the case, right? A cult following at least?
Is it really just the anime version of Game of Thrones ? Something people like to say is deep and methodical but can be bland and boring with blatant 2d4u exposition being shoved down your throat?
Something came to mind today
I haven't read the books so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but I figure there could be a few reasons why /lit/ isn't all over it.
Reason one is that /lit/ is filled with a bunch of pretentious fucks who only read "classic" books like Ulysses, and if you ain't talking about that then you can get the fuck out. It's why they only have a single general for things like fantasy and sci-fi.
Reason two is that it's very possible that the book hasn't aged well, prose in a book and how it's translated to visual can be two different things
Reason three could also be that the visuals, the music, and the design choices really make LOGH stand out.
So it could be any number of those reasons, and none of them at all. Have you read the books by any chance?
>blatant 2d4u exposition
If anything in LOTGH is too "deep" for you, you are a braindead retard with a 5 second attention span.
The deepest I've gone was having two terms of Sociology and I couldn't bring myself to watch this for very long.
I liked the episode on that farming planet with the soldiers and the militia being at odds with each other that happened early on,
I don't get the sense that OP has actually watched the show.
Man, it's like watching the supreme court talking about budget and shit. Not enough of the juicy Sup Forumsbait things to have it be interesting if you ask me.
Tried, couldn't connect to any character. Just was like '' oh, you're this guy. You want to do this. Good for you guy. ". And when I don't care what happens to them I see very boring space nazis rubbing hands with how they plan to take over.
Well, then you just have different taste, it's understandable. Even when something is very popular there will always be a few people who can't get behind it. Look at Moe, it's very popular in the industry but I can't stand looking at it.
Leddit of the Gay Lactating Homos
OC, and OT (Objective Truth)
There are two reasons. One is that the source material wasn't released in the west until literally this year. (And even then the company doing it hasn't committed to translating the whole thing), and the fan translations were shit. The second reason is because the source material is scifi and thus unworthy of being called literature. The SciFi Ghetto remains a thing despite the fact to this day and doesn't look to be going away any time soon.
How far did you get into it? You start getting into the more interesting character arcs much later in the series (~70), though I can't really fault you for not sticking with it for that long if you didn't like it.
Because it's garbage. Everything it has to say about society is extremely basic.
I think it was episode 16 or something?
When the little kid gets crowned Keiser or something and there were talks about returning the giant sea urchin lazer space station.
>baiting this hard
If we continue operating under the assumption I'm not, will I keep getting serious responses that interest me?
it's because /lit/ has actual good taste
where's alliance admiral fat beard? he was cool
Maybe it works better as an anime than a novel.
It's a fucking light novel series dude not a literary masterpiece.
Anime is an entirely lesser medium than literature, LOGH is a fantastic anime but it's only really considered such because anime still has so far to go.
There is not one single anime that I'd dare compare to any acclaimed written work, it's just not in the same ballpark at all, anime is fucking chump change compared to literature. You can go to any library and pick a completely average piece of fiction off the shelf and it will most likely be better than every anime ever made, this is just a fact.
LOGH is great compared to other anime, but that really isn't saying much in the grand scheme of things.
So why are you on Sup Forums?
Because people like things for reasons other than because its "great literature".
Oh, so you're pulling the "I like it, but it's still terrible by this bullshit 'objective' measure" thing. Nevermind, then, I'll leave you to it.
Because anime is fun to watch and discuss and I've been enjoying it for literally as long as I can remember.
>Let's look at things objectively
>Oh no, now I can't enjoy the Fate series or Jojo for what it is
people are seriously falling for this again?
I've tried watching logh twice, while the characters are really well written, the pace is soooo fucking slow.
It just felt like it was padded with a bunch of unnecessary bullshit at times.
>Anime '' patricians '' like to shill Logh as the absolute pinnacle of animu. But then I have to wonder, if it is so amazing, why don't /lit/fags shill the hell out of it?
As soon as loghfags see OP like this, they immediately never touch it.
literally every logh thread on Sup Forums is like this. full of bait and shitpost.
you're basically ask for an inconvenient audience to spoon feed your autism.
even /his/ can at least tried to keep the conversation clean and civil despite half of the board itself is shit. what the fuck Sup Forums
I'm not that poster.
Sup Forums was never a place for a sane discussion about anime in the first place. It tried to think that it is, but it's already rotten from the inside. /his/'s logh thread went fine because /humanities/ fags don't watch logh.
The light novels are pretty good. Reviewers say that the translation is too close to the Japanese, resulting in weird description choices (and it's true, if I see one more thing about icy blue eyes I'm gonna flip), but they're still pretty good. Honestly the anime is better at this point.
Ultimately because anime is a different medium than literature, and what people like about anime is often not found in literature and visa versa.
>Anime is an entirely lesser medium than literature
>You can go to any library and pick a completely average piece of fiction off the shelf and it will most likely be better than every anime ever made, this is just a fact.
You're being pretentious. Your problem is that you are comparing a medium that tells story through words alone to a medium that tells story through dialogue, animation, direction, and music. If you took the animation, direction, and music out of an anime and just left the script, then turned the script into a story, and THEN compared it to a typical novel, then yeah, probably the novel will tell a better story. But do you understand how much you're butchering the storytelling process? Every single part to the medium is important in telling the story. By your reasoning, stuff like movies and television are lesser mediums too.
He described it as fantastic jesus christ.
Not him, but describing something as "a fantastic anime," and then saying it's only considered that because anime overall is shit isn't really praise.
The bar for great writing for anime (and cartoons in general) is much lower than it is for the vast expanse of written literature. I wouldn't necessarily pick LOGH as the pinnacle of great anime, but your argument is poorly grounded.
>Reason three could also be that the visuals, the music, and the design choices really make LOGH stand out.
This is wrong in my opinion, the meme-core classical samples (not that they are bad on their own) really rustle my jim jams simply because they often do not fit to the atmosphere of the show. and yeah, it would have been challenging to make a full fledged original soundtrack but using stock music from the greats just frustrated me, even if I love the music by itself, I didn't want to hear it in a Space Opera story, especially if it was just theme music, alot of the time I would have been fine with just silence and dialogue.
I don't think the sound design choices for LOGH were in any way good, nor do they stand out.
>why don't /lit/fags shill the hell out of it?
Because LNs are not /lit/.
>anime overall is shit
I never said anime was shit, it's just inferior to literature, you can barely even compare the two. Literature has had thousands of years to grow and develop, there are so many great works, anime has been around for something like 50 years and is seriously underdeveloped compared to literature.
It is a lot more fair to compare anime to cinema, neither anime or cinema are bad at all, but I think both still fall very short of the merit of literature.
LOGH is genuinely pretty bad, and I'm sick of seeing it posted.
How do you define merit?
Would you describe your favorite anime as even a tenth of Karamazov?
Not him, but yes, I enjoyed various anime much more than Karamazov. Unless you define merit you're not going to get anywhere.
I'll answer your question if you answer mine first. It's only fair.
You know it when you feel it.
But Karamazov is so much more than just enjoyable.
You're gonna have to use a better definition than that. I don't even know how to answer your question. A tenth of Karamazov's merit? But I don't know what merit is other than I just feel it somehow. But I just feel a lot of things. I just felt your mom last night. Is that merit? Like come on my man.
Do you not think there is more to art than pleasure? I find porn more immediately enjoyable than most literature but porn is objectively fucking trash, can you not tell the difference between simple enjoyment and artistic value?
Well I agree with ya, user
>doesn't know what it means to have literary merit
>a "your mom" joke
Sounds about right you fucking retard.
>But Karamazov is so much more than just enjoyable.
No? I don't even know what that's supposed to mean - you're judging series by their profundity, or what?
Seriously, refusing to be clear and just saying what is effectively "you all know I'm right" isn't an argument.
>Do you not think there is more to art than pleasure?
Nope. I think that deeper themes or whatever can certainly contribute to pleasure (and sad media can be pleasurable in its own way, etc.), but if I don't enjoy it then that's that.
I read Proust, Xueqin, Tanizaki, Plutarch and this anime is based.
Why would /lit/fags praise it when all they know is a limited number of works they circlejerk around. One of the worst board with /sci/
I asked for a definition. I was given nothing. Then I'm called a retard when no one who thinks that anime is a lesser medium has given decent points. Yes, I am the one with poor argument skills.
By the way, we're not talking about literary merit, which is only applicable in the world of literature, hence the LITERARY aspect of it. We're talking the merit in a broader sense, esp in relation to different mediums, and how one medium has more merit than the other mediums.
So is the best work for you the one that is the most pleasureable?
Yes, and if you're about to go for the porn thing again, I'd have to fall back on various admittedly shaky arguments - momentary sexual pleasure vs. consistent pleasure throughout, lack of proportionate pleasure thinking back on it, whether jacking off can be considered experiencing media or just a separate activity that could increase enjoyment while doing anything, etc.
This triggers me.
I'm not the same guy. It's interesting that two people can consume art for wildly different reasons
>anime is inferior to literature
Here's a scientific term for people like you: an old fart.
>Anime '' patricians '' like to shill Logh as the absolute pinnacle of animu.
When did this happen? LOGH is still niche and it's fanbase consist of Sup Forumsfags. EVA is the anime people shill as the absolute pinnacle of animu.
>the autistic neckbeards from /lit/ decide what is good and what is not.
1/10 made me reply.
>LOGH is still niche and it's fanbase consist of Sup Forumsfags.
No it's fanbase consists of MALfags because it is #6 on that site.
>neither anime or cinema are bad at all, but I think both still fall very short of the merit of literature.
I think your wrong there. They are rare and far between, but there are movies that I would consider reaching the point of obtaining literary value. There aren't nearly as many books, but again, that's because there's been a lot more time for high quality literature to develop.
It became number 6 only relatively recently, and if you look at the number of people who actually completed the series, you'll realize its hardly a massive number.
>people actually think anime is high art
70k people isn't tiny.
It is rare to see an old OVA with more than 5k users
Compared with the other numbers on other shows on that site it is.
>Hating on based Kesler
kys senpai
Muhler is also the most boring character in the whole show.
>It became number 6 only relatively recently
Correct. I was number 1 before that.
>mueller great tier
>poplan low tier
I don't even understand this list.
>Correct. I was number 1 before that.
>being this misinformed
FMA Brotherhood has been no. 1 for years dude
It's none of those things.
It's simply because what counts for a great story in anime and literature as a whole are two very different things. The standard is pitifully low in anine, which is why LOGH stands out so much,even though it is just a pretty run of the mill sci fi story that takes a lot of cues from classical western and eastern stories.
>people actually think whether something is "high art" has anything to do with quality
Are you new or just stupid? Ah, well, LOGH was first right before Brotherhood kiddies came.
I never liked Poplan until more than halfway into the series, maybe his jokes are funnier if you understand Japanese but I always just thought he was annoying.
Not him, but you legit did drop the series the moment it gets good.
I recently started a rewatch and was shocked at how poorly a lot of the very start of the show is, particularly the empire episodes, which only really start to get good from the Alliance invasion onwards. All of the decent episodes before that are in the Alliance.
You get more attached to the characters as it goes on. It has a stupidly huge cast, which doesn't help I'm not saying you'll ever love it, but you really sampled the worst part of the show.
I disagree, the taking of iserlohn and the alliance invasion are where the show gets great. If you make it past those moments and no longer have interest in the series I don't blame them for quitting.
That is exactly what I said. The empire parts before the Alliance invasion are shit, only the odd Alliance ep before that is good (Guards this woman has lost her composure being the first good ep).
Pretty good, I don't understand the Mecklinger fans though. He's in like 2 episodes and does nothing.
He has baller facial hair and the background to his character is pretty great, even if it is only hinted at. He's an artistic genius that just ended up in the military due to the way the Empire was organised, and was drawn to Reinhard because "muh great man theory"
He's just a meme. Bittenfield is only good as comic relief too.
The anime adaptation is like a 5.5/10 at best.
What's a 10/10 to you?
Why is LoGH a 10/10 to you? It does nothing to warrant an adaptation.
The supreme court doesn't talk about the federal budget, you dingbat
Conflict of taste then. To me Madoka is unwatchable, edgy little girl shit, it's pretty much a joke to me. You probably feel similar about LoGH but would use different words to describe how bad you think it is.
It's like comparing the best romcom to the best war film (arbitrarily picked very different genres), it makes no sense.
Because I like space operas and it's the best one. I wouldn't give it 10/10 on a grand scale like compared to top tier literature, movies, or whatever, but for anime it's the best at what it set out to do.
All you do is fit things into artificial categories and give them awards on how well they rank against others.
Tell me why it's good. Use words here. Because being the best of something tells me literally nothing, other than you having found another way to categorize an entire series
these fags speak the truth, finally even Sup Forums realize their own shit taste is real.
anime can never be successful or will ever be remembered as art. If this thread was on Sup Forums they would have to agree with the statement full on. The moment logh came out as an anime, it is doomed to be inferior to any form of entertainment.
One thing you can really appreciate about LotGH is the sheer dedication that went into producing it. The idea of having an extremely narrative series was extremely before its time, and actually stands up today in some ways, though the sci-fi tropes are somewhat dated.
"Let's make a high production quality animation based upon an epic series of science fiction novels that will take 100+ episodes to complete, and release it laserdisc direct to consumers."
>"Let's make a high production quality animation based upon an epic series of science fiction novels that will take 100+ episodes to complete, and release it laserdisc direct to consumers."
Literally the only unusual thing about that is the length. High-production value sci-fi OVAs weren't rare.
Fuck off.
please don't bait with my genuine post.
I enjoyed LoGH but its adaptation is a passing grade at best.
/lit/ dosen't read books, lel
where did you get that idea from?
>Sup Forums believing anything to be "high art"
I want to talk to /lit/ about Haruhi Suzumiya because I think there's a lot to dissect in thise books, but all anyone says is "interesting ideas, but boring prose" or "animes are bad".
I liked Cazenellu. He didn't do much in the main show but in the gaidens he was a cool dude who helped Yang out.
>Bernie Sanders campaign.jpg
switch Poplan with Julian and you got a deal
This 100%
Julian is just good for watching documentaries and being a fuccboi shota maid
>Because I like space operas and it's the best one
You've never watched anything before 1980 have you?
The simple answer is it's not in English and no one has even bothered to put any of the novels in English until just a year or two ago.
Not him, but LOGH is way better than any of the 70s space operas.
Case in point.