RedSkull best marvel character?


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>best marvel character
that's like best rotten food.
comic books are shit.

I hate marvel but red skull is definitely our guy

marvel is SJW shit, and we need red skull to be made real to hunt down all the jews doing diversity hires at marvel.

>When you're so deluded in your SJWism that you unintentionally turn your cartoon skeleton nazi villain into the hero
This timeline is wild

this is fucking hilarious. How does someone even interpret what Captain Super Meatboy is saying here as wrong??

He looks evil so he must be evil. Don't judge people by their appearances even if they look exactly like a shifty-eyed jew.

Dude even looks like a red pill.

Red skull is the most redpilled mar-

but how?? The "you appear as X so you must be/do/experience Y" kind of thinking should have been dispelled by age 3 at the latest