What was Sup Forums's verdict on Mayoiga?
What was Sup Forums's verdict on Mayoiga?
better than rezero
No joking, it's seriously one of my most enjoyed shows.
Meme'd to hell and back. I wouldn't have had it any other way.
Not enough Lion or Na-Na.
stupid fun
The threads and shitstorms that ensued were better than the show itself.
Why didn't anybody die/5
Misunderstood masterpiece.
The most fun I've had in a while.
Jackass is overrated
>A bunch of girls kicked their asses
That's pretty embarrasing
Literally nothing fucking happened and the threads for it were pure cancer.
I miss it.
The very show itself was a forced meme.
I remember Jackass and Hellcat being loved by everyone.
Objectively shit.
waifuposting and crossboard memefests
utter rubbish
ED of the season.
Man, remember when we took bets on how many of them were going to die? Remember when we tried to keep track of who was kill?
That was fun.
The threads were the best part about it.
Remember when user cut himself over Naana?
I don't know why people try and claim it isn't satire.
Truly the deconstruction of the horror genre
>cast of 100 people
>nobody dies
Plotwise, it was a complete mess.
Despite that, it was easily the most enjoyable show of the season. Those threads were some of the most fun I've had on Sup Forums in years.
Why did he do that?
Japan keeps pushing the limits of the horror genre, simply brilliant.
The most enjoyable show of the year.
The show itself was shitty but it was fun to watch and the threads + memes were great.
There's literally no point in watching it without the threads
persona 4 if it were a goosebumps episode
Epic threads.