Subaru a shit
He rejected best grill Rem, and he made cute Farris cry during last episode.
I hope in the end he'll get what he deserves, the halfblood abomination
Subaru a shit
He rejected best grill Rem, and he made cute Farris cry during last episode.
I hope in the end he'll get what he deserves, the halfblood abomination
>Best girl Rem
No. Subaru simply prefers a woman over a lapdog.
Pretty sure Emilia is just a pawn in at least 3 schemes at this point.
Delusional emiliafag detected.
I bet she fucks Puck everytime she's offscreen
Yeah it's sad but the up side is it's her kink so it's okay.
I bet Subaru did when he was in the mansion. Must be why he seemed so frustrated afterwards.
> he made Farris cry
I won't ever forgive Sushit.
Ferris deserves only joy and happiness, being forced to kill that pile of shit isn't fair for best knight
Nope. I'm actually a Ramfag, and i don't give a shit about either Rem or Emilia. I'm just saying what i see from Subaru, and why i think he told Rem he loves Emilia more.
This is a weird criticism cause it's not like Emilia doesn't act the same way once she falls for Subaru too.
>I bet she fucks Puck everytime she's offscreen
Really, who wouldn't?
>make a VN
>yes finally fuck this anime shit, a perfect medium for this series
>it's waifubait dating sim trash
Goddamn i fucking hate the Otaku market
Funny because Subaru is more a of a lapdog to her, a bad one who don't listen which is why he was disowned
> Saying worst Mary-Sue ever is superior to someone else
Sorry, my furryfu can be only the cute, tiny Ferris
are you the same fag who thought rem is a crazy bitch?
Which is the right thread?
This or the other one?
I'm the only one who finds Betelgeuse an uninteresting villain?
Rem is ok with Emilia being the main consort and her being only the second one.
Rem is a cuckquean.
I imagine that, while Subaru is fucking Emilia and kissing her, Rem is present in the room, assisting the intercourse. "Subaru-kun, do you need more lubricant? DO you need another condo- Oh, I see you are going to cum inside her unprotected, do you want me to order some pregnancy tests to ascertain that Emilia-sama has been impregnated? All I want is for Subaru-kun to be happy with his family"
Not only that, she will probabily be their maid when Emilia and Subaru get married, doing all the chores andd dirty work around the house while Emilia enjoys her life as a goddess. Subaru would probabily use her only as a sex object, as a way of satisfying his basests fetishes that he doesn't want Emilia to partake beacuse she respects her too much. So Rem would become just a eventual fuckhole where to practice anal, bukkake and other desgusting activities, receiving no love and being prohibited of feeling pleasure. And this would go on until she became too old to be of use and Subaru lost interest in her, and she would be dumped in some smelly swamp, and live the rest of her days childless and unhappy until she would die cold and lonely in the slums amidst all the dirt and filthyness.
And above all that Emilia-tan would be shining towards heaven like the true angel she is.
Remfags are scum. I hate and despise all of them. They deserve only sorrow and scorn.How can anyone like such a pathetic girl like Rem is beyond me. They must really have something wrong with their head.
It's a "crazy" with bad writing. The only thing that is worth nothing about him is his obsession with love. He has great potential, but it's ruined by his constant "randumb xdd so crazy" moments.
>making le ebin "tee hee, they're actually a boy :D" trap cry by triggering their PTSD about using healing magic to kill people
I don't see how this isn't daijoubee.
In fact, out of all the things listed, this should be an applauded accomplishment.
> answering yes and no to a double-option question
Emiliafags detected.... AGAIN
> It's a "crazy" with bad writing
I never found a crazy villain with good writing.
I simply can't appreciate them and empathize with them, it's for the same reason between Magneto and the Joker I'd always pick the first one.
Butthurting: the post
Oh hey newfriend.
> Emilia
> Mary-Sue
> Implying someone aside Subaru can like her
This user gets it
>ntr maid
>best girl
Joker actually has some depth to him unlike this faggot in the show
This show is so fucking gay I can't believe it.
Just play MuvLuv you fucking low-powerlevel trash
>obsession with love
That's just normal witch cult shit. His writing is actually decent, the method to his madness just isn't explained until Arc 4.
It's a shame how much potential this series had.
The beginning showed glimpses of something special, and even though it got bumpy midway - it still managed to hold its own in an industry saturated with uninspiring and generic Isekai anime.
They made a gritty and complex character in Subaru, along with actual well done allusions to the Seven Deadly Sins, the constellations, and much more. Tappei was very delicate with them, and intertwined it with his own language to weave a complex and non-pretentious narrative. The setting had a rich and captivating lore, along with a few mysteries that would make Tolkien jealous. Finally, they made a well developed villain-turned-heroine that serves as both a stabilizer and a foil to Subaru. Of course, the storytelling was stellar as well.
But unfortunately in typical Japanese otaku wish-fulfilling fashion, the writer takes a big fat shit on any semblance that would make a great story, and turns it into the soulless cash-grabbing garbage known as isekai. All the great characterization and mystery has turned into a generic adventure story.
A damn shame, really.
>Implying that line won't switch to Emilia once Season 2 shows the outcomes of failed loops and Emilia abandoning the election to live as a hermit caring for Subaru's grave after Rem murdered him
isekai is IN the title of the series
Are you just throwing around buzzwords because Sup Forums told you not to like something anymore?
>Getting traumatized and pretty much losing all hope and still having to struggle to get what you want
>still suffer even after you make an effort to try and change for the better
Keep throwing those buzzwords around. I'm sure someone will believe ya.
Is it always like this with a new series on Sup Forums? There's all sorts of mysteries and world building potential for the series, but since the series is new people keep shitting on it because it didn't manage to work around it yet?
Being the badass hero is pretty wish-fulfilling. His struggles seem generic and bland compared to his early struggles in Arcs 1-3
>Keep getting his ass handed to him by new enemies
>Always have to have someone by his side to help him
>Keeping himself from not going overboard on witch powers so he doesn't lose himself
I mean come on now, do you want extreme suffering 24/7? I bet your retarded ass would be complaining about how overly dark and try hard the series is if it kept the same level of suffering all the way through.
Do you know why Betelgeuse is so hyperactive? It's because he hates sloth. Betelgeuse was actually a leader of a moderate witch cult; separate from the radical group and he was quite the guy, an upright and rational man. When he and the village he was occupying was attacked by the radical witch cult...he was forced to obtain the authority of sloth through a black box entrusted to him but his incompatibility with it made him slip a bit incompatibility with witch genes (things that give authorities) cause severe psychological problems, it's why Satella has a split was only after he accidentally killed Fortuna whom he loved (It was actually the Witch of Vainglory Pandora who did this, she can rewrite phenomena with the vainglory authority)
that he ultimately broke and blamed himself in not putting more effort. Archbishops mainly act like the opposite of their sins, wrath is supposedly full of love, greed presents himself as unselfish and charitable, Lust has an absolutely revolting personality...but without realising it they are all guilty of their respective sin. All of Betelgeuse's ramblings alluded to his past, and his sloth...his constant movement and exaggerated actions are an act to avoid even the tiniest bit of sloth, and it's why hes so dedicated to the witch cult; he presents himself as the opposite of sloth...but he is guilty of it.
trips tell the truth
Fairly sure it's implied that Pandora mind fucked him by making him believe the feeling he was having when he accidentaly killed Fortuna to be LOVE, and made him badly obsessive with it. Not sure if he was actually in love with Fortuna or not, it's implied she's the one who felt something for him, but he saw her almost like a daughter.
Than that's even more fucked up man.
Dark Lord Subaru when?
Did you learn absolutely nothing from the first 16 episodes? This only reason he's "a badass hero" is because he has the benefit of 20/20 hindsight that comes with dying. He has never once in the entirety of the show solved a problem on the first attempt.
From Subaru's visit to the capital, all the way to white whale fight was nothing more than the show reinforcing the fact that without reloading safety saves, Subaru's an incapable retard. Pic related.
The reason things are going well at the moment is because a famous writer once said that drama is a bit like torture, without any downtime, the audience gets used to it and it becomes less effective. Without moments of brevity and things going right, we'll become desensitized to the lows.
Pandora is a cunt. Poor Betelguese never deserved any of this
This time we don't have only the hipsters, but also the delusional Emiliafags
You won't forget me right user?
Poor girl, she kinda looks like Ram. What's her name?
He saw Emilia like a daughter. Fortuna was Emilia's aunt.
After he kills all the archbishops, gains their powers and realizes the one he loves isn't actually Emilia. Cue the final battle against the people he once called friends and allies.
So did Betelgeuse ever smash Fortuna
Yes, and then 3-5 years later it gets remembered as a classic as the newfags that shit on it as it aired move on to other sites, and the current rotation of newfags watch it without the baggage of the airing threads' shitposting.
See Shinsekai Yori for an example of something that was tirelessly shit on while it was airing, but now it's finally cresting over the retention rate of shitposters on Sup Forums. Erased will follow suit, as well as a few others.
Hell, Steins;Gate has already long since past that point to now people use it as some sort of golden standard they use to shit on Re:Zero with. 90% of shitposters are just newfags thinking you're not allowed to unironically like something on Sup Forums.
Why is Juli such a bro?
Rem a best. A BEST.
Emilia a shit. A SHIT.
So I've been rewatching the series and I wanted to know why Roswaal left the mansion on the third day of the fourth loop, but not in the other loops. That's likely why the mabeasts decided to attack a day earlier isn't it?
Rem who?
It makes sense in arc 4, i could spoil it if you want though.
>people responding to remfags with "who"
>not realizing the fallacy that if rem is erased, which erases everything she has done, it also erases what made Re Zero good in the 1st place, and its popularity
Kek dumb fucks. When you say "who's Rem?", you're effectively saying "what's Re Zero?".
Castrate yourselves
Sure, go ahead.
All according to his keikaku
Roswaal has a gospel, which is a complete version of the ones the bishops carry. With it, he can see future events.
He knows Subaru has the power to reset the world, but has no idea how he goes about or the rules involved. He knew he was going to show up, and interact with Emilia, and contracted Elsa to steal her emblem, to test Subaru, because the book told him to do so.
Same shit with the beasts, he knew it was going to happen and left to leave it to Subaru before he had to step in himself. He did not contract the little girl who tames the beasts though.
He's trying to use Subaru for his own needs, to reach and kill the dragon to free Echidna, the witch of greed's soul, that was sealed. He loves her, and was her assistant 400 years ago.
Anwser me this please.
Is Subaru gonna get any new powers he's pretty weak and I think if can control those arms it'd be pretty neat.
He can control then.
For some reason every time he kills a bishop he gains their witch powers, and can use then later after they settle in. The problem is, every time he uses then he feels like he's losing something from himself, and so he avoids going all out with it, only using a single unseen hand with short range. It's still fairly useful though.
He gets the authority of a Bishop when he kills them
If this is true, why didn't he do the same thing in the previous loops?
his powers section in the wiki is like a page long
Can someone remind me what happened to Rem?
So how old are all of the characters in this really? If Roswaal is that old, and Bettlejuice encountered a witch, emilia is a half-elf so assuming longevity there. Hell how much of this is some ancient keiku where they have been waiting for subaru to show up?
The way Subaru was acting would not lead him to confront the dogs, the book must not have told him.
poor girl, she looks like ram. May she rest in peace
Ah, okay.
Roswaal is human, he can't live that long, he has instead lived through the years by having children, and once he reached a certain age, he'd take over his grandchildren's bodies. He was a woman in the past too.
Betelgeuse is old as shit, but that's because he's a spirit, he even knew Beatrice 400 years ago.
Emilia is around Subaru's age, but technically +100 years old. She was frozen in her childhood and lived encased in ice until recently, once she was saved by Puck.
There is certainly some keikaku shit going on for sure.
There are like five Re:Zero threads up and the three alive are filled with Remfags griping about how she won't win
What fine lives you all lead
You seem to think we're all responsible for every single retard who makes a thread, fuck off and just ignore the others if it bothers you.
I'm getting the impression that everything that's happening ties in one way or another to what happened 400 years ago when Satella was sealed. Like the only people completely unrelated would be Ricardo-tier or something.
Does any more of the setting get explained, namely all of the witchs and why satella ate them and why they are worshiped?
>reaction pic
I think you're the mad one here bruh, all I'm saying is maybe there's need for some introspection
Arc 4 works around that.
We find out a lot of interesting shit in arc 4. World building it on the roof.
Of course, not everything is explained, but it's slowly being explored.
Novelfags, when does he respawn this time? I swear if this gets retconn'd away I'm going to be salty as fuck.
The whole whale fight was amazing. Would be pretty damn anticlimactic and make the whole battle totally meaningless if it never happened. Including everything with Wilhelm.
Around the time he and Julius were talking after the meeting about what they would do or something like that.
Alright, good. Properly excited for next week again.
>17k re:z art
>12k is about Rem
>3k is about Emilia
>Going by the numbers it means 70% of the fans are Remfags and 17% of them are Emiliafags
I always found it dubious when someone said that more than half the base to be Remfags but this is no joke, and yet people actually think that Remfags aren't keeping this series alive.
Top. fucking. kek.
Less fanart is indicative that less people like what's going on, which leads to a less engaging community as shown by the drops in pixiv submissions. Obviously the community is dying after what's happened to Rem.
Everyone is going to cry to us Remfags to come back and resuscitate the series when it sinks harder than the Titanic, and like what they did to us by pretending Rem doesn't exist with smartass comments like "who's Rem?", we'll respond in kind "what's Re Zero?".
If only people understand not to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's still way above average than others, hell, Dangaronpa is around 150k.
Also pls. Fuck off, there will be no anime original ending.
user That's massive bait.
Thank you. The lack of knowledge about the setting and potential meta-plot has been irritating me.
So Subaru gets with Emilia while Rem gets fucked by faceless old men?
Man that chart makes me sad. So many awesome memories watching this series and its coming to an end. It had a good run I suppose
If the truth is considered baiting then it is what it is.
So many Re:Tards (aka EMTards) are quick to deny this simple truth. Emilia is nowhere near as profitable as Rem.
>implying Re;Zero and Erased are comparable to Shinsekai Yori and Steins;Gate
The ratio of shitposting to actual posting was WAY lower for SSY and S;G. Plus, while Re:Zero and Erased aren't awful and have pretty good ideas, I can't see them being a "classic" in the years to come.
This always happens with fantasy LN adaptations (see Danmaki/Overlord/Log Horizon/Index, all examples of LN adaptations that were polarizing on Sup Forums), usually because people get hyped up by the premise or latch on to a character, while others realize that the characters are never expanded upon or developed because LNs are only ~200 pages long and need to be focused on action and not exposition to sell.
Even though Erased isn't a LN adaptation, I feel that it suffers from the same problem of unrealized potential and high expectations. It had a good premise and solid hook, but didn't do much with the time-skipping and relied more on an appeal to emotions rather than good storytelling and exposition. Pretty much all the character development was, "Oh, look how hard they have it, wow it really hurts :'(" and the suffering that the characters went through didn't have much weight past the initial knee-jerk reactions.
That being said, anime is a joke and taste is subjective. So feel free to take this post and shit on it all day.
Fuck you. Subaru deserves better than an oni with one horn.
Roswaal is 400+ and survives by taking over his descendents.
Betelgeuse is 400+ and survives by taking over Fingers.
Puck and Beatrice are both 400+.
Emilia is ~120 but has spent most of that time frozen in stasis due to her own magic going out of control.
The Witch of Vainglory is at least 120, but probably not 400+ or Satella would have killed her.
Better than a dirty half elf
When Emilia gets a Figma, I am buying it.
So, they are supposedly acting like the opposite of their sins, virtues. But what about Gluttony? Is there anyone with a different from eating?