I couldn't find any thread made in the last 3 hours after the previous one died so I made a new thread. I hope my thread is a good thread.
Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILLYA 3rei
Other urls found in this thread:
>I hope my thread is a good thread
>OP pic is a welfare mawhore shojo
you could have at least posted pissloli
Shirou appear in this ep?
I just came because they told me Shirou stopped being moe and learned some Toracu hon.
Can I follow it from the next episode onwards? I think I grasped the story and I don't care about girl talks.
He appears just in time for TUHRACE ON.
This episode was gay, like fucking turbo gay
Well the manga entrance of MiyuShirou was still better, but at least it's still a badass entrance.
It's really just in Hiroyama's art style that made that big difference I guess.
Is canon?
Confirmed route of best girl!
>Kuro as the first image.
Thread is going to be shit. Don't bother.
What is that face trying to convey?
>"I am a loli who is being physically abused."
It was a good episode, but Shirou's appearance was discussed on maxed out threads for weeks when it happened on the manga, there's really nothing to talk about.
Official answers in simple words are following:
>Nasu: Yes, it is. *seriously in humorous tone*
>Hiroyama: It's fucking spin-off. Leave me do whatever I want. *humorously in serious tone*
Take it as you want.
How the fuck did mangafags say this was good
It's fucking terrible.
>stopped being moe
He never did. That's not that Shirou.
Also there are two episodes left.
Also he'll job hilariously in next ep, unless they rape the story.
Best part of the episode, fuck this dumb loli bitch
I literally made an Ilya thread complaining about how it sucks and it died with no replies. Mangafags are on extreme damage control which is why the discussion for this show is dead and all the fatefags are just imagedumping without talking now.
not yet senpai
the face of seeing your mana dispensing rod
I want to help Beako enjoy herself
Illya installing Gilgamesh is nice but I still like Angelica more.
>no Emiya when Shirou shows up
I've never been so disappointed
That's for when he tries UBW and fails miserably.
Will e ever see Shirou do something good?
Yes, when they animate the flashback.
Just kidding, they never will.
I want to make Beako enjoy herself
This would make the show better.
Coming back to GO after quitting a month after launch sucks since I missed them and fifty other event servants
I lost my lily saiba so I wanna cry
At least I have like 250quartz to try and get Ilya with
It really was but there is a scene were it will fit perfectly
They cant fuck it up rigth?
What the actual fuck. Why, at least I can't wait for snowy UBW.
>butthurt can't get a reply on my thread
>Boohoo manga sux, mangafags damage control
You're literally the obvious butthurt faggot here, not even worthy of (You)
I want to tie up Angelica in my bed.
please do not drop goop on loli
Fuck, I felt so bad when Miyu told her the truth. She only wanted a friend.
But I just fapped
I actually liked how Silver Link replaced hers straight shock from manga by much simpler but more effective dulling of her eyes.
>no replies
>damage control
Was it rape?
You're thread is shit and Illya is shit
in my mahou/stay night?
fuck this gay shit i'm out.
Is this season not liked or something? just finished season 1
When's the next chapter coming? It's been over a month since 43
Is the thing on her head supposed to be a horn, or what? It looks like the front of a knife sticking out of her forehead which is just horrible.
It's a gem embedded in her forehead. The same as the Thor in his legend.
Also Angelica is best girl.
Its the highest rated season. But illya goes full homo and will never fuck shirou.
Mythology nod.
She's supposed to be Thor, who got it stuck in there after a fight.
It's that doesn't really sound different from what I just watched
There was a break last month. Next issue on the 26th.
And it was chapter 39.
She really is. Do we ever get to see any other installs of her after this? I don't think anything could top gil however. Please tell me she doesn't die
>Its the highest rated season
Not at all. It has been kinda boring except for some small picks and last episode.
I don't even like this stupid fucking show anymore. The writing was just terrible in this episode, it ruined the entire season. And, fuck the author. Creating a likable loli, and hurting her for nothing but shock-value/pulling of heart-strings/for us to know that the antagonist is bad. It's so damn cheap.
Wait, so this Shirou is the tanned Ilya's brother, and the moe/fluffy Shirou is still the normal Ilya's one, right?
How many Shirous are there? and do they do something interesting or do they keep jobbing?
Lastly : Which Shirou has Rin and Luvia all over his dick?
The antagonist is the only one who actually cares about Erica though.
>a likable loli
opinion discarded
She lives but so far it's just been Shirou's flashback.
>Only wearing a tshirt
Wow. I don't know which is more lewd, gil card or that.
I don't why people keep talking shit now when 3rei has been around for years. But I do think that this is the worst adaptation yet.
There is a lot of background stuff cut out. Hiroyama's art also started getting a lot better in the latter half of 2wei, and now the anime can't even compare. I don't think the impact of a lot of scenes in the anime is as good as the manga. And I love Angelica, but she looks awful in the anime.
No archermode shirou is Miyu's brother
Oh you just wait for next week
>Lastly : Which Shirou has Rin and Luvia all over his dick?
The normal one?
Kill yourself, edgy faggot.
Tanned Shirou is Miyu's brother. Moe Shioru is Illya's brother. Rin and Luvia are going after moe Shirou... which makes you wonder what they're going to do to magicless Shirou once they get back.
Wonder if they'll try having him chant UBW or some shit.
I read the manga user, I know Shirou introduction is the hype as fuck and love it, but this anime season is somewhat lacking as a whole.
Speaking of manga, is it on hiatus right now?
It's the highest rated arc based on the manga but the worst animated in the series.
Maybe it's just me but does it seem there are too many pauses in scenes? It seems like there are a bunch of unnecessary standing around as the scene progresses. Things should be a bit faster with things being more dynamic instead of stilted.
>Lastly : Which Shirou has Rin and Luvia all over his dick?
Both of them, they instantly become wet if any Shiro suddenly appears.
New OP:
It just took a one break for Hiroyama to make the Grand Order event. It should go back to normal now that he finished that.
Agreed. There's no tension. Things just happen and you're like "okay." Up until Illya installed Caster it was pretty solid, but since then it lost it's footing.
>I don't think the impact of a lot of scenes in the anime is as good as the manga
It's especially obvious when you look at them side by side. Julian/Darius punishing Erika in particular just has the frame scroll down from the ceiling with little to no animation while in the manga you pic related.
>being a secondary
>complaining about quality
Yeah honestly I haven't been enjoying this season either but it was done much better in the manga. If you want to save yourself some suffering go read the source material like everyone else who isn't retarded.
Actually she is dead internally.
>NP has an Attack/Defense down for 3 turns after using it demerit
Fucking awful.
Certainly it has been lacking, i end often reading the corresponding manga caps.
just hoping they deliver next week...
It came of differently in the manga. Basically it came down to what would happen to her if she answered yes. She didn't want to tear her loyalty away from the Ainsworth because they couldn't waste time and energy rescuing her, especially given all she knew was the Ainsworths. So, for her own good they tell her no.
It may be the biggest nuke in the game as a payoff though, or she could have a skill that cancels the demerit.
100% this. I don't know how they did it but they really fucked it up. Maybe it was the pacing or something but the manga nailed this arc in a way the show just can't seem to match.
I would still take her.
Would you a dead doll?
Fate is dead. Silver Link killed it.
This fanart is too excellent. I am saving this.
I wouldn't bet on it. She's still dealing with the awful caster damage modifier to begin with.
What the fuck is wrong with that hand?
>the "brave shine" part starts, Illya and beako clashing
Perspective is my guess. The glove is black so it makes it hard to see details.
dood pls
Did they forget to add a shadow to his face here? It looks fucking pasty and disgusting.
>everyone else who isn't retarded
>implying I'm not retarded
>implying I even know how to read
All I really want is more homoerotic smut, I couldn't give less of a shit about generic convoluted magical bullshit anime #99999. Fuck off, nerd.
The budget seems like it's really started to tank. I guess it could be in preparation for the action of the finale. GoB in particular was awful this episode.
The worst is that despite it being too slow, they cut some stuff from the manga anyway when they could have include it
damn i wanna spank this juicy loli butt