I'm currently 26 minutes into the movie '12 years a slave' and to be honest I feel bad for them. kinda unfair and scary. feeling as if im being reprogrammed/deprogrammed. anything to say about that?
I'm currently 26 minutes into the movie '12 years a slave' and to be honest I feel bad for them. kinda unfair and scary...
Slave owners were Jews.
That's right Goyim, feel real bad, maybe you should give them some money or something?
Good goy
12 years a slave is an excrutiatingly exaggerated take on a radical abolitionist work that was excrutiatingly exaggerated in its own time. do you honestly think humans back then were so different they treated their slaves like that with any regularity? european observers of the time noted the kindness between southern slaves and their owners, and it lended (unfortunately from a historical reference) credence to the Southern talking point that slavery was humanitarian. almost all blacks in the south were worse off for decades after emancipation.
yeah 28 minutes in, I think they are purchased by a jew. or maybe not, but he certainly looks like a jew.
also when I usually explain to people why america skyrocketed, I always mention ww2, but somehow always forgot about slave labor as well. will include that in my explanations from now on.
fuck, but that kidnapping niggers from 'safe' states and trafficking them into states where slavery is still legal and going on. oof, rough shit. and to think, this horror still goes on today. i even read that there are now more people enslaved that ever in history before? even though that doesnt make sense on the first thought.
> I feel bad for them
"They" have all been dead for at least a century. If you can find a nigger today who is treated even 1/10th as badly feel free to give him a KFC bucket as reparation.
>free to give him a KFC bucket as reparation
my ancestors didnt benefit from slave trade, alas, why would I pay reparations to tem?
you may want to research the southern regions economy post Civil War before you spout off about US industrial evolution, in many ways the south was inhibited by so many former slaves that had no real skills apart from field work.
holy shit 33 minutes in Paul Dano appears and to be honest I rewinded couple times cause he's fucking great, this is cracking me up, all the Sup Forums shitposting is justified desu, a real classic he is
Never seen it, but going to take a wild stab in the dark and say at no point does the film show Black slave owners?
Because that historically correct fact would go against the propaganda.
Am I wrong?
so far, no
it just showed some fucking indians though wtf
are they slaves or what.
indians had guns and later were shown to stupidly dance and play on an improvised shitty instrument like on a violin
what is this madness.
>slavery was white
It wasn't so bad
>slavery was jewish
Indian tribes used slaves as well. OR So ive heard but hey, there is no objective truth in this world anymore....
oh yeah i sure there were such instances, but those indians were just random group. random event, nothing explained, i dont know.
Black Americans may be ignorant, but their rebelliousness and non-compliance is partially due to this awful bit of history. We cannot deny it, or we will get a free pass to do simply whatever the fuck we feel like. And if we down that slippery slope of brutality again...nobody will ever take us seriously.
Niggers dont make movies about niggers. Jews do, and leftists.
In every movie, the nigger is portrayed as being a thoughtful creature with abstract ideas and deep spiritual musings.
Thats because they are actors reading lines written by Jews and leftists.
In reality, most can barely form humans speech once they pass the age where their jaws diverge from human form. They cant typically hold a thought for more than 20 seconds, and their conversations are more like a contest to see who can howl louder.
This is why, apparently, a large segment of white Americans seemed surprised to recently learn that the Jewish owned teams they related to consists largely of apes that were fast-tracked through college with an 8th grade education and cant even hold a moral pretense with millions of dollars, thus typical white-hating thugs all along, and not Cliff Huxtable, Urkel and Will Smith.
cracking up
all movies are fiction, do not let a compelling story in a film influence and/or change your opinions. even the ones "based" on a true story are always exaggerated or saturated in one way or another.
you got documentaries for your "really makes you think" meme.
oh shit it doesnt save subtitles
it said DAMN QUEEN