Is the verdict on Clannad here still the same?
>pic related, worst girl
Is the verdict on Clannad here still the same?
>pic related, worst girl
Girl chart
Nagisa>Tomoyo>Kyou>Fuko>Ryou>That autistic bitch that reads.
>That autistic bitch that reads
>implying "special" girls aren't hot as hell
It should be. Pic related are the best girls.
Cockroach or Ryou are usually considered the worst.
>worst girl
Kill yourself
Also Clannad is still very good. Only that I believe now that the ending could have been a little better
Ryou is love, only Kyoufags are butthurt about her.
>Only Ryoufags are butthurt about Kyou
Seems like the reverse is true.
No, Kyou is a violent bitch, so it's no wonder she's disliked.
You better be trolling. Kyou is best Clannad, or at least top tier.
She is literally a bad end, you don't receive a light at the end of her route.
And Ryou is a boring emotionless moeblob, so it's only natural she's disliked by the majority.
>This shit taste Ryoufag
Kill yourself retard.
Keep telling yourself that, Kyoufag (note the singular form).
Tomoyo is the worst girl
You're rejecting facts and are now butthurt about it, evident accusing same person. Way to show face for Ryoufags.
Tomoyo>Kyou>Fuko>Akio>>everyone else
you fucking retard
I think you all could learn something with Nagisa here
Great anime, but it's no surprise that the VN is better. Comfy as shit to watch every now and then with friends.
He's completely right, looks great and is the obvious majority opinion, Kyoufag.
I'm sad we live in a time where Clannad no longer gets art.
fuck you Kyou was my first waifu. tho at the time I didn't know you could get emotionally attached to an anime character
You do realize Ryou is the least popular girl in Clannad, but Kyou is usually 2nd or 3rd, right?
You're way too obvious and are in denial.
You misspelled best.
Tomoyo is the best. It's the reason she got a sequel.
You're rejecting facts and are now butthurt about it, evident accusing same person. Way to show face for Kyoufags.
It doesn't work like that when you're the only Ryoufag in here, especially the only one who's hating Kyou.
Your posts are:
(first post)
That's Kyou and not Ryou, OP. I know, they're twins so mistaking one for the other happens sometimes.
It doesn't work like that when you're the only Kyoufag in here, especially the only one who's hating Ryou.
Your posts are:
(first post)
Rather than admit when you lost, you now are attacking everyone. You're insane.
And too, of course.
I really hope you're a falseflagger.
I'm sorry but Fuko is almost single-handedly enough to ruin this anime.
How anyone can like that retard and not like Kyou is completely beyond me. Kyou actually has character. Fuko is literally just a fucking retard that spends WAY more time annoying the viewer with her stupidity than she needs to. Like seriously, fucking die or wake up already. Pick one you autistic fuck.
>when you lost
So, never?
No, just you.
>You're insane
No, it's called being right.
Now add up Nagisa, Kotomi and Ryou's votes, considering they're basically the same. Kyou got wrecked pretty hard.
I don't even need to say anything now. You are clearly a troll and have already shot yourself twice in the foot. Enjoy yourself.
>I don't even need to say anything now.
You never did, since your loss was clear from the beginning.
>same as Ryou
>this straw grasping
Holy shit, you're that guy who's always getting butthurt in tsundere threads, aren't you? Your posting style is recognizable as fuck.
I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. I don't lurk Sup Forums frequently liked I used to for a couple of years now. Clannad has always been highly relevant to my interest and I saw a Clannad thread on my semi-periodical catalog scanning, so that's why I'm here.
Speaking of butthurt, why didn't you direct your energy to the other guy who's exactly that?
Elder God tier: Sunohara
God tier: Fuuko
High tier: Kyou, Tomoyo
Mid tier: Nagisa
Low tier: Ryou, Kotomi
No, Kyoufag, you're the only butthurt one.
Clannadman agreed, don't bother him about it
It's not disagreeable, but what about Fuuko?
Waifu wars aside I feel like Clannad has actually aged very poorly. It used to be my favorite VN but I can't imagine reading it today. The art style, storylines, character archetypes, etc. are all so outdated.
What am I supposed to get out of this second chart? Is the R18 not included in the 1st chart? why not just keep raw numbers?
meant to quote
>Is the R18 not included in the 1st chart?
It is. The second chart shows the percentage of r-18 in the first chart.
>pic related, worst girl
>post best girl
i see your bait and highen it with a sage
>This recognizable writing style, autism, butthurt, resorting to trolling and samefag implications when he can't argue to save his life whenever a tsundere is involved
You got your ass handed to you hard, THK. Never change.