Wolfenstein 2 maybe SJW Crap...but it did give rise to the best damn theme of all time
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The white race marches on.
There is only one HELL MARCH
very boring and uninspired desu you have terrible taste op
mediocre at best
Join the Sup Forumsacks here on discord who are making a Redpilled game. Give ideas.
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This leaf gets it.
>redpilled game
This is terrible. You should feel bad for posting this.
Best Korea edition
wtf I love nazis now
I unironically wouldn't mind this.
Also, why the fuck are right wing death squads taking so fucking long it's pissing me off
Not bad, I enjoy it. Even if it is a bit simplistic.
But will always hold a special place in my heart.
You are my kind of user, I would buy you a drink..no homo.
Audio / video pro user here.
The marching increases in number as song goes on.
Id edit the fucking shit down massively from 10 mins to 3.3 which is always comfy.
Mix in images to match a couple people then show jewish propaganda, then more, then more. MORE
willing to work with other anons if needed.
You cannot reach me now
looks like 2:10 would be good end possible depending how much content we could find / create to make it aestethic
le edgy spooky marching bad guy music
Perhaps this is more fitting?
A song for our Leader is a song for us.
>piano playing pop chord progressions
even more cancer
>stops at 0:10
Listen to the rest of it
>same 5s strip of music replayed over and over at a different tone.
Boring and awfully repetitive. Real ones had actually good music.
The intro lays the foundation of the song. It's generic piano chords with bullshit on top of it.
No point in getting it across through a crack in the window, would just break the whole glass.
Nevermind, just the lyrics.
I am split on classical music, what you provided is decent, but I think most sound too chaotic or something as opposed to having consistency. I like moonlight sonata specifically because it seems to be more "consistent".
>hey you guys, I am a hip fresh teenager just like yourself, you guys, and boy are we excited about the latest product from Tomico!
>unarchived or unhooktubed YouTube link
OP, your snivelling ways sicken me.
Oh whoops Sorry faggot
here i found a theme for you
Better version
good taste
neat, this goes into my militarist/totalitarian music folder.
when does it start?
That pic would be good for a fashwave image
That was fucking terrible, I kepts expecting the song to "kick in" but it didn't since it was a short loop. A tremendous waste of time.
This is miles better.
raging leaf knows...
I bet you want to kill the muslims too, eh?
>SS music
>Thread is full of neckbeard metal and faggy fashwave garbage
Get some taste
Just posting this in every Wolfenstien thread.
>Wolfenstien 3: The Fallen Titan
>Nazis are losing
>The Resistance is invading Europe
>subtile redpills
>Blacks rape and loot instead of completing miltary objectives
>Whites are cannon fodder, see the first games mission 01
>Cities are getting nuked left and right
>Set the Jew is building something
>Keeps muttering about a "heavens door"
>as you progress you see more and more atrocities
>mass rapes (by blacks) mass murder (of Whites even ones who did nothing)
>finally fight robot Hitler
>you win
>he starts talking
>"What have you done? Do you know what (((They))) are? "Do you know what they WANT!?!" "You've Doomed us all!"
>find Set
>He mutters
>"I've finished it, finally"
>"The Heavens Door is ready!"
>"it's a door through space and time."
>"we came here long ago, and found your kind."
>"You were primates, only useful as slaves"
>"but you rebelled and we had to hide"
>"We created your (((religion))) to retard your technological advancement
>wormhole opens, Space Jew Army pours out
>I must kill the Space Jews!
>"but bill, you are the Space Jews!"
>then bill was an alien
some other to consider
Yea its totally a honey pot. Go away.
Some one has to entertain the troops.
Sorry mate. That's utter shit.
The Heroes and Generals one is miles better.
The Fury's April 1945 OST is fitting as well.
Not some uninspired pseudo-rhythmic looped marching.
It's important to keep in mind that the entire idea of the role of music relative to the listener was different back then.
These songs weren't something you'd have playing while you were working out or driving to work or dancing in the club. And they weren't intended to be separate 5 minute songs you'd listen to on their own. When the great composers of classical music were writing their symphonies, music was performed exclusively live and you'd listen to whole hour long (or longer) symphonies in a single sitting in a concert hall as your evening's entertainment, much like we'd go to a movie theater now. It was a sort of narrative experience in sound, and you wouldn't want a repetitive beat or refrain any more than you'd want to see the exact same scene repeated a dozen times over in a movie.
i personally like this one more
Fuck off with your electronic farts and shitty metal numales
anything besides this is wrong