What's the point of anime and manga?



What isn't the point?

self-inserting wish fulfullment


hot anime boys

To distract us from the dull reality of our day-to-day lives.

Reaction images.

to please my dick


I like anime.

To entertain. Different stories do that in different ways. You see, it all started back when people would tell stories to each other around the fire, before the written word even existed. It was then that people first theorized the possibility of loli.

what is the point of you being alive?

>/c/ has always existed
>85% of Sup Forums is still made of moe shit

Yeah, I wonder the same.

It supports 2D animation where 2D animation is all but dead in the west. It has an entirely opposite outlook as western media, allowing for overly cute and overly weird things that you would never be able to air on TV in a country like America or Britain. Anime is also a lot more experimental than other mediums, possibly due to it being niche and not trying to target the general market.

In short, its unique and does things the west won't.

>2d animation
>dead in the west

pretty much this

I said nearly dead. And the statement is true. Name some 2D animated movies that have come out recently. That's right, they're all 3D and the rare stop motion film. That leaves all 2D animation to TV. Which is not a lot. In one year, you'll see 15x more 2D animated shows in Japan than the whole west combined.

too bad japan is so dead creativity that almost all new anime movies are fucking garbage

Why make 2D when the west mastered 3D. The west even does japan better than the japanese.

To feed starving kids in Africa.

>Why make 2D when the west mastered 3D.
Why make 3D animation when you can just make a live action film? Why make a movie when you can just make a play? Why make a play when you can just masturbate in your basement and get instant gratification?

>Why make 3D animation when you can just make a live action film?
Limitations of real life.

>mastered 3D
>shills a stop motion movie

>The west even does japan better than the japanese.
Except this isn't true, and Laika is a meme company at this point.

Escapism, cute girls, and fap material

There's limitations in every medium. They still haven't made a 3D animated movie that can pull off expressions and reaction images anime did in the 1980s. This is mostly self imposed limitations however, since 3D movies are all trying to copy each other. No matter how good 3D animation gets, it still will never produce something like Princess Tutu or Azumanga Daioh. Because the west will never attempt something that 'risky'.

Some of us like drawings
t. Animator

show us your work dumbass

How's that gamegrumps animated going, faggot

Can't this is a blue board.


3d belongs in the trash. No redeeming qualities.

why do people like this garbage?

Ohhh yess~

Too bad 95% is pure unadulterated crap like everything else

What's the point of entertainment?

Entertainment tailored for my tastes

To convey a message that speaks to one's soul.
I'm only half joking.


Look up Sturgeon's Law.

>faggot jojo fans

But the second guy literally said "like everything else." To be fair, that more or less makes his post pointless, but he did acknowledge it at least.

Exactly, user that's what I wanted to get across, this whole dick measuring contest between media is pointless when overall it works the damn same.

Books, manga, movies, cartoons, live-action shows.

Different problems, same shit.

>tfw I actually like this show

All my friends make fun of me but I don't give a fuck. S2 is dumb as hell though