Holy shit it's the real deal

Holy shit it's the real deal

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Doesn't look like him. Prove me otherwise.

wow such high resolution

Also he has longer hair and no comb over. Hair is completely different

What is 10 years of aging? Lmao he thinks they didn't have a backup plan for him in case of defeat. Der Führer lived till 96 in Argentina, you fucking normie.

Im not downloading. Give
me the scoop

Not that I believe this, but he would look 10 years older wouldn't he? His skin would sag more...ect.

I can't think what's crazier. Hitler survivng the war or some random guy in South America holding himself out to be Hitler 10 years after WW II.

cia releases psyops documents and people believe it just like the remote viewing and ufo shit


tweet related

Funny watching autistic people talk about facial features.

his nose is actually smaller looking. can't tell shit from that photo really

Definitely looks like him. Looks like the posture/face of someone that did meth daily ~10 years earlier

he is not here
it is futile to look for him

funny watching shills say the fbis 2 autistic to know hitler


noses grow till you die you pleb fuck

Movie ; The Boys From Brazil , about Hitler and a new master race in S America. ( Wonder if it was another CIA preempting of a leak ? )

Hitler had a huge fucking nose. The picture in the file shows his nose looking smaller than what actually happens in age; your nose gets bigger. I just can't see any resemblance other than the outline of his face and mustache. But there are millions of people with Hitler's outline of face; all it took is someone to have his mustache to make this picture.

wrong pic

pls Hitler come and save us

Why the fuck would the CIA tweet this shit?


its fun to watch the people who drink the government kool aide get their minds blown.

"No! It can't be true! I've ridiculed those who said Hitler survived! I'm NOT a goddamned fool!"

Well, of course they are. a sane man might say "I don't know", or have some doubt. Not these people. They were never taught to question things, they were never taught to think for themselves.

This evidence is just one of many that make the "Hitler survived" hypothesis more credible than the Soviet lies that Hitler died.