Two new chapters got released today.
Botan gonna lose and it will be fucking sad.
Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru
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>Botan gonn alose
I can't get what the author mental process is like. Bottan is clearly a better match for MC but she will lose for no reason other than not being main girl.
Sorry, can't help it
Botan will lose won't she?
Fuck it.
In trap manga I always want the trap to get a sex change and become lovers with whatever boy is in love with them
Is the series over?
The latest raw I've seen is when MC's blow his disguise.
I could see her dating non-trap MC while trap MC dates main girl.
If that happens though it wouldn't last long.
I'm not sure if this is the last raw or not:
But MC done fucked it up.
>Main girl wins
>Forces MC to crossdress forever
I'm okay with this
>Button eventually understands the circumstance and forgives him first
>successfully convinces the disgusted main girl before makes up with MC
>BTFO on her own device
You all know it's gonna be realer than real.
Side girl having better chemistry with MC and winning in the end has happened before though, right?
>cute-as-a-Botan will lose because of shitty first girl wins cliche
>They agree to share MC
>With the condition that it'll go like this
Would buy 10/10
>They agree to share MC
That'd be shit would not buy in my book, because Botan is the only one ever tries to understand and accept MC for who he really is and has actual interaction with the actual person.
Yankee-kun is cute too but he's no better than main girl in this regard. Well at least he doesn't blame everything on some lame mental condition and tries his damnest to win the g-girl.
>botan gonna lose
Hintana and Orihime beat out Sakura and Rukia, theres also that kokoro connect show where the main girl lost.
That was Kubo's fully purposed one last fuck you and nobody wanted it
>kokoro connect
I thought it was cancelled
Like it or not, Orihime won, why she won doesnt matter, she still won.
It might not be kokoro connect, but its that one show where that one girl told the guy she masturbated while thinking about him.
>that one show where that one girl told the guy she masturbated while thinking about him
Yeah it was Kokoro Connect
Why is Botan so much better than the first girl?
Author knows what's up
We need to catch up to raws badly.
I think the translator only translate tankobon and it's just been released.
So then we're going to catch up to chapter 17, just one from the actual raws.
I agree Yankee best boy. I'd be devastated if Botan loses. But rules of Japan.
If Botan don't win i will riot!
Almost went to sleep without reading the new chapters. We need more Botan.
But new chapters get released every month or so.