Are you up for the challenge?
Are you up for the challenge?
I'd rather a Mitsuba
But surely I wouldn't complain
I want to fondle Mitsuba's flappy stomach while she rides my cock
Yeah i'm up for the challenge of raping her and using my special forces advanced stealth training to not get caught by the police. It will take a few days of planning
Nice joke user haha real funny
Only if its Mitsuba.
Why does Futaba get so little porn compared to Hitoha and Mistuba?
Pure girls are very difficult to sexualize.
I am .1 percent of the way toward funding a 3rd season.
She's pure genki (off limits to most otaku) and she has an obsession with Shin.
I thought otakus liked genki girls?
They like them a lot. But consider them 'pure'. Otaku are very weird and the minute a character has a confirmed relationship or happy ending, they suddenly become taboo for self inserting sexual fantasies.
Just look at how Belldandy went from being the queen of doujins for 20 years to suddenly having nothing. Just because they finally cemented their relationship at the end.
What is wrong with her
How differently would the girls react to their first time?
I love Mitsudomoe forever
I don't need to see any more anime after Mitsudomoe. It has everything I'll ever need.
There's been a couple of recent ones that are spectacular
She also wants to get nailed in the butt by Shin-chan
I'm more upset that 90% of the Mitsudomoe fanart never captures the chubbiness.
Probably because the ideal image in Japan is not chubby. Also because the fans of the manga hated the anime designs.
The Japanese fans were so wrong.
>the fans of the manga hated the anime designs.
Could nukes even be enough to fix such shit taste?
Hitoha is the innocent one, not Futaba
Sounds about right.
This fucking set of pics is great man
He should do the other girls
Mitsuba liek dogboy
Amazing show was amazing.
Mitsuba, don't use my eyebrows as a steering wheel!
what does her feet smell like
Like pool chlorine
Who is the artist for them? They have ugly designs
Would not fug/10
underrated grill
What a slut.
>They have ugly designs
The fuck you say?
I particularly like the puni plush design. I like it more than conventional lolis.
One of these is not like the other.
Their names mean one leaf, two leaf, three leaf, and four leaf
Leave it to me!
how did such a literally who studio get it so right?
Will someone please feed this fat fuck.
I fed her an hour ago
Still Japan's greatest comedy.
With Nichibros second.
All the glorious porn that this series spawned.
Thread needs more Futaba
Where did everything go so thicc?
I want to fuck that fat child.
The better question is what do they feel like?
"Mitsudomoe isn't supposed to be erotic", they said.
Nice meme, you guys.
>Otaku are very weird and the minute a character has a confirmed relationship or happy ending, they suddenly become taboo for self inserting sexual fantasies.
Tell that to the hordes and hordes of people who waifu Saber
I think they did a great job with visual adaptation. I tried reading the manga after the show and was repulsed by it, even the later chapters when the art improved was still way worse than the show (obviously accounting for lack of color etc...).
You know what Mitsudomoe threads need? Webms. Funny and lewd alike. I don't know how to make 'em but I heard it's not rocket surgery and there's a guide on /gif/ but that's not gonna happen anytime soon so feel free to do my work for me, it is after all for great justice.
Eyebrows a best