Can this be a card dump thread? Posting rares.
Can this be a card dump thread? Posting rares
Other urls found in this thread:
>japan: i just found some tunnel on the moon, i'm going to make a kawaii base there
>russia and us: NO
Arigato, user!
I'm not saying it's Hitler, but it's Hitler.
Archive clickbait [x], fake[x] and biased[x] news
I always forget to archive sorry
Arigato, user
Those made me kek
Future Happening
Seems like I remember someone saying that. Maybe pizza or something, for kids school lunches.
Past Happ then
Pied Paper is fucking Unstoppable
Thanks for posting
Pls keep posting these if you have more
I downloaded probably almost all from some link I found on google about a year ago. I can't seem to find the same one now.
Merkel card - she got tomatoes thrown at her
haha 23 sept happening - Stars are Right - get it ? kek
Future Happening
Are those future happenings or past happenings, that I can't remember?
I thought those just described the state of the media today.
I guess
Int is that I was looking at some of the cards before the Las Vegas shooting and I was looking at the Las Vegas card and I was thinking - " Las Vegas!? Wtf nothing happened there"
I don't think I have the normal las vegas card.