Watched princess mononoke

so, that was it? yea it was all nice animation soft and easy watch but thats the best miyazaki movie i always hear about?
also watched spirited away and moving castle, again nice but not impressed

whats the deal?

its cuz ur gey lmoa

>nice but not impressed

You're probably of such a high caliber that such pleb works aren't good enough for you. You probably only drink the finest wine, eat the best food, and live in complete luxury. Such as this will not be good enough to fill your intellectual craving.
>tips fedora


I didn't find Princess Mononoke to be a standout anime, let alone movie, in any way either.

Why are Ashitaka's sleeves so sexy?

Stick to Naruto if you're too retarded to enjoy shows that aren't just about mindless action.

What did you find lacking?

t. Shinkai

Spirited away is overrated. Princess Mononoke is so much more enjoyable.

Also I think you may suck cock


It's a cool movie. I liked seeing renaissance-era (and earlier) firearms depicted.

Yes, the shoulder-fired monstrosity existed for a brief moment in history.

You're probably dead on the inside

God, Miyazaki is such a wonderful designer. Truly the greatest in all of anime.

OP is a fucking moron.

this 2bh

wow all these hate. people here definitely have problems

Watch Mononokehime again sometime and realize that Ashitaka is the main character, not Mononoke. It still has a bittersweet, inconclusive ending, but the whole build up of the film is so much better when you look at it from the perspective of Ashitaka and not just three idiot factions fighting each other.

Spirited Away is good like Mononoke, but not the best Miyazaki film by far. No matter what that idiot Lasseter says.

Howl's Moving Castle was basically a failure as a movie. Half of it was done by one director and nearly fell apart. So Miyazaki came in and finished the other half of the movie. Its very easy to tell where Miyazaki's scenes are compared to the other director. And makes the film feel like it has no solid flow.

Basically, you haven't seen the best Miyazaki or Ghibli films at all. Those would be the films made between 1984-1995. You saw the films made by the more jaded and solemn Miyazaki. After two of his major friends died and he started to focus more on the moral of the film instead of entertainment.

Welcome to the internet. Where its always the cool thing to hate what is popular and well known. And you can't get more mainstream and popular than Ghibli.

OP is the one bashing Miyazaki you dumb faggot.

>Watch Mononokehime again sometime and realize that Ashitaka is the main character, not Mononoke.

Are you retarded? Seriously, how the fuck did you not pick up on that from the moment he was on screen?

>Half of it was done by one director and nearly fell apart. So Miyazaki came in and finished the other half of the movie. Its very easy to tell where Miyazaki's scenes are compared to the other director. And makes the film feel like it has no solid flow.

Wrong, Hosoda's version never made it past the storyboard stage and Miyazaki made his own version from scratch. It's all him.


Also, her fucking name is San, there isn't a single character named Mononoke. Did you even watch the movie?

Damn that's such a melancholic picture. I love porco rosso.

>Are you retarded? Seriously, how the fuck did you not pick up on that from the moment he was on screen?
Obviously he did since he pointed it out. How did you not understand his statement?

If you don't like fantasy, watch The Wind Rises or Takahata's Grave of the Fireflies/Only Yesterday. Or Whisper of the Heart by Kondo.

The people in the mining camp call her Mononoke. If she was never called that, then the title of the film would have no relevance.

Did you even watch the movie? Check your own facts before you try and rant about others being wrong. Idiot.

Princess Mononoke is pretty impressive in that it created a whole new setting for fantasy. I mean we always get medieval Europe or feudal Japan inspired fantasy, but this was something completely made up by Miyazaki about how it could have been in northern non-yamatofied Japan.

>I mean we always get medieval Europe or feudal Japan inspired fantasy, but this was something completely made up by Miyazaki about how it could have been in northern non-yamatofied Japan.
That's not making a new setting. Its using an existing setting in a new way. Its even got its own genre name, Historical fiction.

It's not historical fiction because it contains many counter-historical, speculative elements and fantasy elements. It's historical fantasy that doesn't fit into any of the typical settings of other historical fantasy.

>It's not historical fiction because it contains many counter-historical, speculative elements and fantasy elements.
That's what makes it 'fiction'. Holy shit, why are people in this thread so stupid?

this user gets it. Miyasaki was great at directing action scenes and adventure , but he slowed down and got more solemn at the time he directed Mononoke. His producer told him at that moment to do an action movie before he got too old, and seeing Chihiro or Howl I think he had a good point. I still love Mononoke tho, its a good mix but is not as enjoyable as Laputa.

The only Ghibli film that you will watch once and only once....

That movie makes me way more angry then sad. If that fuck up had just maned up and got a job they would have been fine. Fuck him the aunt was a cunt but she was right

>Be a ungraduated high school student
>Be in post 1945 Japan
>Industrial complex pretty much not exist
>No Factory
>No one hiring
>A job

Go back and read more books user.

>get a job
>in the middle of World War II when 50% of the city is destroyed

Tell me did he even try to get a job? No he just sat on his ass the whole time and complained

You are missing the point, if you look over the fact of no one is hiring a high school student during that time, you still have to consider if he gets a job who the hell is going to take care of his sister?
His Aunt? Yeah right...

His aunt would have done more for him if he wasn't a free loader look at the way she treats him at the beginning and watch how it progressively gets worse the longer they are their doing nothing

Ghibli movies are comfy, family friendly films. They're all very well done, but if you're expecting something mindblowing like Evangelion or Madoka Magica you won't find it there.

Are you the youngling watching (sorta) old great movies?
Yesterday gits now this.

Because it's entry level. You suppose to watch it before any other animes.


ok im listenin u. watchin porco meanwhile

i like fantasy. i like everything that is done good enough. i generally dont like dramatic cry shit tho.

i reaaallly like miyazakis drawings and fantasy, creeatures, all that mood etc

i tried that. was boring

i like comfy. didnt watch eva or madoka. they look boring/annoying i checked some


well what is a good non entry level anime movie? give me the bests