What does Sup Forums think about Fairy Tail?
What does Sup Forums think about Fairy Tail?
its shit
its stupid shit
Worst of its kind.
So did the iron dragon guy actually die or what happened?
Only worthwhile as fap material
It was kinda good, then it became shit.
Shit. I tried watching it once and I didn't even make it 60 seconds.
Comfy and god tier girls. Don't take itself seriously. Better than most battle shounen.
I'm mad that it got DLC in MHGen instead of any one of the countless better series out there
>better than most battle shounen
it's easily in the bottom tier of popular battle shounen
Samey kiddie fair.
If it at least tried to be consistent with it's power levels instead of deus ex machinas tied together with rule of cool then it would be a bit better.
I also firmly belive that if it was aimed at and was for a younger audience then it would be better recieved.
shoubeb garbage
Pretty funny. It has boobs, if you like those. The action is subpar. The storytelling is abysmal. It is unabashedly a rip-off of One Piece.
I would recommend it to a prepubescent boy who thinks One Piece isn't cool enough for them or a battle shounen fan in desperate need of more manta.
I would not recommend it to anyone who already follows One Piece or likes medieval fantasy, because they will be let down.
Wanted to drop it early on, but I was intrigued by the cool masked mage that actually fought with staves.
Then his arc finally arrived and I was disappointed beyond belief, at least it got me to drop it for good.
its shit
needs more h-doujins
Most battle shounen take themselves way too seriously for what they worth. FT is better in that sense.
Something about the art style really rubs me the wrong way.
That's a good defense for Bleach, which has a lot of cool visuals and hilarious plot twists, and some good comedy, but half-asses the story just to get characters to fight.
Fairy Tail is like an avalanche of problem after problem. It's not "dumb but fun," it's aggressively insulting.
How many times do they hype up a character or story element and then just drop their importance unceremoniously?
How many arcs end with a dude just walking up and shutting that shit down, like we were lied to about how dangerous the situation was?
How many hyped up characters are revealed just to be that fucking blue-haired faggot with the face tattoo that Mashima sticks in every fucking manga?
it's a decent long-form ecchi that was too many retards mistake for a legitimate battle shonen.
> the shipping is pretty much all there ever was to it
No, the world reset before he died or some shit like that.
>Better than most battle shounen.
It's really not, it's easily one of the worst of them.
Fairy Tail rule was always hyping up the villains as maximum then one shot KO. I don't see how anybody could expect something different after 200 chapters' of repetition.
Not just shipping. It is more or less cute hot girls doing battle stuff cutely.
I was thinking of checking it out for hot girls.
But even I have limits to how shitty anime can get.
Read the manga
It's still going to be the same shit except not poorly animated, right?
Good OST. Good Takahashi Yuuya KA from time to time.
Rave was better, and Rave was really goddamn average. FT is just straight up trash.
Don't forget all the fake-out deaths and ceremonial jobbing that happens.
It's to the point there's absolutelty no tension with any of the current villains. They will lose promptly with exception of the top dogs (Acnologia, Zeref etc).
> It doesn't take itself seriously so it's good!
> It's comfy so it's good!
> It's a comedy, so it's good!
Fuck you. Even a comedy and comfy should have standards. It's like having a jagged rock as a pillow and calling it soft. And no, the rock is not special or anything that makes the rock soft, it's a rough, sharp rock that should never be slept upon and used as a pillow. Not very convincing, is it?
I wish Natsu and Gray were in a different show, they're too good for this one.
The only actually fun arc we had was Laxus and even then the final fight was a complete cop out.
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