Women make the best pare-


>A mother who bashed her toddler so badly she had to be hospitalised has boasted about not being jailed and 'surviving' a storm of social media outrage against her.
>In a text message sent by Norman to her former partner Shane McMahon after being sentenced, she said: 'So, I'm not going to jail... even with everyone against me on social media I still made it'.
>The adorable toddler was left with sickening bruises to her eyes, nose and cheeks at the hands of her mum, who after the incident threatened to throw her off a balcony.
>Despite the shocking nature of the attack an Adelaide District Court judge sentenced the 26-year-old mother to only a two-year good behaviour bond and a $500 fine
>She tweeted, ''and I'll be having part custody in a year :^)

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yum, psychopaths are one of my favs

Death to biocunts!

I couldn't imagine being a woman in todays world under constant attack and oppression, scraping by with nothing but my skills and mind.

Bless them.



Judge Jack Costello for anyone curious.

I bet at some point she's tweeted or at least thought to herself "where are all the good men at"

She even sent a message to his ex husband saying “ aha see i don t go to jail what are you going to do “ and “ i m gonna send pics with my family and my daughter, i m gonna get custody in 1 year “ .

Honestly if i was the husband i would break her legs , puting her in a weelchair for life.

Experts all agree , this was caused by
Toxic Masculinity.


Literally who gives a shit?

A daughter raised right would make a fine gift for a trusted friend or young man who you think is good for the future.

Bring back dowry's by sticking electronic chastity belts on them linked to your bank account.

>have a daughter makes you a cuck

She carries your genes so if she procreates your genetic line is carried on, even if she is the trashiest piece of shit to ever exist.

That is the opposite of spending resources on another man's genetic offspring.

Never go full retard.

>feed me vaginas
>fuck up everything
>where are my tits im a babby too!

Abused daughter grows up with exaggerated primitive survival instinct. Mom gets old, loses her looks, has no skills or friends to fall back on because she fucked over everyone she ever met. Mom now sickly and impoverished. Meanwhile abused daughter has channeled rage into work ethic, neglect into meticulous money management. Mom calls daughter begging for help because she is evicted, hungry, and out of meds for her fat-diabeetus. Daughter laughs as she presses "end call". Checks if brokerage account has sent settlement check, smiles at 12-years younger hubby, and looks pridefully at photos of her own high-achieving adult children. Hopes shit-mommy's upcoming funeral doesn't coincide with her son's tech awards dinner.

This is how I dealt with my abusive mom and the corrupt system that supported her. Hope baby girl does the same.

Why dont the dad beat snap her legs with a baseball bat??

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Husbamd you

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Who would censor this? What kind of person?
They should fucking die.

>Your husband is 12 years younger than you?


KEK you guys got your own flags already?

Can't you spell? Are you the twelve year old husband?

That's so sad. I'm a father and I'd make sure that this bitch never saw her child again. I don't care if I went bankrupt on lawyers, I'd make sure she never had custody of that child.

Horrible woman.

kill just to keep her away from my child... jesus. If the courts won't do anything what else is left?
We're programmed to save our kids.

Pretty much what I've always said, evil women are sanctioned by government to act as domestic terrorists on men and children.

Your husband is twelve years younger than you?

>12 yr old husband
>24 yr old wife

Now that's what I call white privilege, mirit?

> be me - fuck crazy younger chick
> have child - changes my life
> crazy chick gets crazier
> eventually goes so crazy I get full custody

Yeah sometimes it happens...

*white male

>Shane McMahon

Why doesn't Shane just challenge her to Hell in a Cell and solve this.

>she said: 'So, I'm not going to jail...

Mean while in some place of America at this precise moment a poor lad is going to get fucked in the ass over some made up bullshit rape charges

I can't help but laugh at shit like this. I just came from reading some shitty FB post about how women are oppressed in our society and feminism is the answer. I should link the girl who posted that shit this story, see how oppressed this woman is.

Why are women so fucking evil?

As much as I hate John Lennon he was right to say that women are the nigger of the world. They really are the worst

Hol up

Your husband is 12 years younger than you?

Remember when you were trained to think force against women was abhorrent prior to experiencing life. As you gain wisdom through the years you reach the realization that women are stuck in permanent adolescence, and need to be restrained by force.