If there was a revolt against the ruling class in America, how far would you go?
I would literally rape rich peoples daughters in front of them before I murder the entire family then take all their food and burn down their mansion.
If there was a revolt against the ruling class in America, how far would you go?
I would literally rape rich peoples daughters in front of them before I murder the entire family then take all their food and burn down their mansion.
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But rape is illegal even for poor people
I would shoot as many niggers as I could, because every time "the people" revolt, they only just cause a total shit-hole for a decade, followed by a dictatorship.
You know what should be illegal. Me working my fucking ass off just so my company owner boss can buy a new car for his spoiled cunt daughter and take family vacations to exotic beaches.
You wouldn't do shit faggot
I would literally rather be ruled by a dictator than corporations that give less fucks about people than dictators do.
It's YOUR CHOICE to work for him.
Just like apparently the slaves in egypt had a choice to build the pyramids, in exchange for enough money to buy food from their employers.
I mean like nigga just walk away.
Being American, you've never lived under a dictatorship, then. Tell you what: That fucking dictator sucks you dry even worse than corporations ever will, and you will be hungry, and you won't have a roof because complaining about those makes you a criminal over "reducing morale" or some other bullshit. I've lived under a dictatorship and the only thing I ate for most of my life is fucking excrement.
God Bless the USA, and I'd fucking take a bullet for it. But a lot of you guys don't know what you have.
it wouldn't go anywhere. there is no way for urban retards to touch their masters, they don't even live in the country half the time.
I would rape the faggot who tried to rape daughter in front of her.
>not keeping the mansion for yourself, then barricading it into an impenetrable fortress
Fucking pleb.
>I would literally rape rich peoples daughters in front of them
that's because you're a nigger
>If there was a revolt against the ruling class in America, how far would you go?
I'd kill OP and all his commie faggot friends.
You're no worse than a nigger. Fuck off.
hey when my family's private security contractors blow your brains out with their standard gold plated tacticool Deagles, is there any kind of consolation you want me to send to your wife/kids? Want me to put your daughter through school? Want me to buy your son a car? Want me to hire someone to look after your wife? I know a guy, his name is Tyrone. He's big, strong, and don't take no shit.
>the ruling class in America,
Us? Everyone has an equal vote. We are the ruling class.
why is that shark not red?
Nothing because I'm not a sub-human chimp. You also sound like a triggered leftist.
If it gets bad enough we'll use the government and if the government won't help then there's bigger issues than rich people.
Just use my rifle to end some redguards in the chaos. About it really. Maybe even some people with dyed hair.
End up tortured by society or hopefully blow my brains out before.
Maybe you should work hard AND smart retard
Take bullets you will then.
>ITT delusional /leftypol/ fantasies
start your own fucking business then faggot
In fairness Tyrone you'd do that to poor people
then stop working for him shithead.
this is a stupid thread and you're a stupid person.
>herpdy derp the person who gives me money in exchange for labor is evil because he doesnt give me all his money derpy hurp
>collectivists burn down the country to enact "justice"
Gotta get those kulaks rite
Not very far. Even though the exponential growth of wealth is a serious problem and will inevitably explode someday, I'm above chimping out like a nigger
>then stop working for him shithead.
>this is a stupid thread and you're a stupid person.
>>herpdy derp the person who gives me money in exchange for labor is evil because he doesnt give me all his money derpy hurp
There are 7 billion people on this planet. Not everyone gets to start his/her own business.
t. antifa "spy" on public website
i live in california. the rich are not the problem the politicians are the problem. gas taxes that don't pay tot fix the roads are the problem. the train to nowhere is the problem. welfare leeches are the problem. people on foods stamps are the problem. i can't wait for commie faggots like op to be hanged in the streets.
literally acts mao
you fucking commie.
>ITT delusional right winged fantasies
Ruling class has always been left wing, you aren't fooling anyone with that flag.
I would shoot you in the head, rape your mother and bury you both in your basement/bedroom.
I would round up wealthy leftist celebs (including Democrat politicians) and skin them alive, then exterminate their nigger pets.
If you don't work, you don't eat retard
Millenials in a nutshell: the post
then he should choose somewhere else to work that doesnt make him such a whiny cunt
You can always to what Ted did and abandon society and live in the wilderness.
>If you don't work, you don't eat
>implying there is anything wrong with this
You're the retard here, user.
>being this edgy on an anonymous Laotian mat weaving forum
Like this, OP?
I'll be hunting down faggots like you. I don't even care about the rich pricks. I just want to shoot some filthy hippies.
I don't know any 1%'ers bu I have a sizeable amount of friends in the 5%. All in all pretty good people. A few of them are kind of full of-themselves and think lifes a cakewalk, but doesn't keep me from being friends. I don't really give a shit about rich people existing. They have to. It's just how life works. It's rich people with political agendas who fuck up my vision of culture and society that I hate.
Okay gender fluid commie, time to go back to the gas chamber. Off you go.
Then you would be considered rich to some one less fortonet and be killed
You sound like a looter
You agreed to the amount of money you are paid to do your job when you signed your employment contract, also, you are not entitled to ANY of the company's profits unless you are a shareholder, it does not matter what anyone else in the company makes, all that matters is what you and your employer agreed to.
Oh please. In such a revolt, rich guy (who probably orchestrated it) has already flown out of the country. All the black people then come to your mom and dads house and burn it down. You maybe take a cock up the ass too and if you survive, it's from begging rich guy's dictator friend to come in and oppress everyone so you can be protected from the very poc you were going to antifa events to champion. Rich guy comes back safer than ever with dictator friend giving him assets like national parks that once belonged to everyone, now belong to rich guy.
And you'll have to lap their feet and thank them for it.
That is how it would really go.
...and when you’ve killed the rich, taken their stuff & made yourself rich, will you be ok with people raping your children and burning down your home?
Try again, FBI
Pay an hooker if you can't find a gf but God do something for your hatred
You should never "just" be working a job user, whether you're pursuing education, savings, or entrepreneurship. If you want to be rich one day, you can do it in a single generation you just have to be pretty lucky and be very driven. The fact that you've decided to get into a contract with a business and hate it there, and feel like you can't leave is a symptom of your own inadequacy not the job's chains.
The fact is, in any revolt against the ruling class, the black and Muslim populations would essentially be weaponized by the elite to terrorize the middle class into submission. The .01% wants them in your country for a reason
there will never be a revolt because people like bannon and trump are just conning the proles into a "populist revolution" without actually changing anything. besides, you don't want to start a civil war without the military on your side.
Lol you poor stupid fuck. You are a bluepilled moron. The political elite shill some new "regulation" to get your vote while the business tycoon pays them off because it will help them screw you over and ensure that you will never be able to start a competing product.
Everyone wins except you. Kek.
Keep shouting for more "regulations"
i seriously doubt you'd make it into where i live you fucking scum but sure bring it. just remember us rich people have all the weapons and cops and military on our side. you'll be the one getting ass raped faggot hippy scum.
>do something voluntarily
>complain about it
bullshit, you could just live on welfare
Go live innawoods and eat wild game
>But that's illegal
NOW you give a shit about laws and the structure of society and shit.
>live on welfare
lmao fucking nigger tier career move
Gonna nig out on rich whites? What side are you on, Cletus?
fucking do it
lazy fucks like you wouldn't field strip the game properly let alone know how to do it.
you'd go extinct in days
I don't need to because I'm fine with working for people for money as an exchange. All the faggot commies in this thread who are so pissed that they fucking suck at everything are free to do it though.
you just throw the whole animal in a fire and the fur and non-edible stuff burns away. pretty easy desu
oh god please do it retard
Some of them actually earned their money user.
Us niggers prove this statement is a flat out lie lmao.
Love how all these types of comics always portray the 99% being violent psychos and people are okay with this.
Autists not rich, shill for rich normies elsewhere.
>I would literally rather be ruled by a dictator than corporations
Obviously an underage white kid that lives in an upper middle class income home. You have absolutely no idea what it's like living under a dictator. If the dictator is bored and orders his personal guards to murder your family there is literally nothing you can do about it but die for his 5 minutes of amusement.
>take all their food
Oh no, not all the ice cream! We're sorry!
>If the dictator is bored and orders his personal guards to murder your family
>not being in the personal guard
>having a family beyond the state
Stay pled tier
I'm in the 3% so I want the status quo to be maintained
starting a business is often cheaper than a college degree. what is stopping you?
>Not everyone gets to start his/her own business.
who told you that you can't? they lied to you.
Stay mad commie
Working for starvation fucking minimum wage leaves people with zero options.
>how far would you go?
all the way
>Working for starvation fucking minimum wage leaves people with zero options.
bullshit, you can push a lawn mower for $30 an hour just like the illegal mexicans.
>I would literally rape rich peoples daughters in front of them before I murder the entire family then take all their food and burn down their mansion.
tyrone, when have you ever needed a revolt to do this??
>for 30$ and hour
Complete disconnection from reality, it's more like 5-6$.
> Implying the contractors won't be the first to start raping you during a proletariat revolution.
> Implying you would arm people you pay to defend you with gold plated IWI DEs in 50 AE and not just a standard m4 which is what REAL contractors use in rich communities. (They use rifles, not pistols, faggot, and you can bet your ass it's not good plated unless your a drug Lord or a nig nog)
It's gotta happen someday, resource Wars are a fact.
> What is the American, French, communist, and Chinese revolutions.
Come and get it asshole
That's the shit of it ain't it
No regs. Just fire.
Put all the time and energy in starting your own shit, you serf minded retard.
Being a nigger, the post.
Bad depiction. The 99% should be a bunch of schools of fish fighting over something like fucking Plankton and the 1% are like 14 Sharks.
Fuck the rich, can't wait to hang them and burn their piles of precious money in front of them.
Also, fuck right wingers who defend corporatism and crony capitalism. You're a bunch of spineless cucks who the rich wouldn't piss on if you were on fire. The one thing I will give the left is they understand class conflict. Combine leftist ideology of class conflict with rightist ideology of hierarchy re: race, gender, religion and sexuality and you would have an unstoppable political force built purely on envy and rage
>inb4 100 replies of butthurt libertards
Which dictatorship?
Have fun getting gunned down by the 30 people carrying mp5s on the billionaires security detail payroll, commie ;)
define "rich" plz
If your time is of value you should take control of it. If you are looking for a daddy to do a poor job of taking care of you, vote democrat.
Then go start your own business you lazy cunt
Anyone who picks "democracy" or "freedom" over strong autocracy in the form of monarchy is a faggot.
Monarchism is the best system. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you literally can't.
>As well as earning a pittance, Bangladeshi factory workers face appalling conditions. Many are forced to work 14-16 hours a day seven days a week, with some workers finishing at 3am only to start again the same morning at 7.30am. On top of this, workers face unsafe, cramped and hazardous conditions which often lead to work injuries and factory fires.
What the fuck is their problem? If they didn't bitch all the time, maybe they wouldn't be so poor, huh? Have you ever thought about that commie fuck? Why don't these lazy ass shitskins who made the clothing I'm wearing right now just start their own sweatshop if they don't like how they're being treated?
Whoa. Powerful and true post.