Are 90's kids a failed generation?
How fucked are they?
Are 90's kids a failed generation?
How fucked are they?
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What's ironic about this is that it's boomers getting scare tactic'd into thinking their kids are "addicted" to extracurricular activities, yet at the top right corner of the cover is an ad on how boomers can score more fucking meds.
They're a generation of spoiled manchildren who were victims to a technological revolution before people knew how to deal with it or its negative effects, as well as a victim of systemic political brainwashing from popular culture and the educational system. It didn't help that their parents pampered the shit out of them, either. They're entitled despite never having done anything, then they're told that they're the best thing since sliced bread by people like Obama.
Show me a "90s kid," and there's a 95% chance I'll be able to show you somebody who still plays videogames, doesn't have a real job, has no plans for the future, watches cartoons, is or is self-diagnosed as mentally ill. They're stuck in their childhoods in a way and to a degree that previous generations weren't.
Angry we aren’t taking loans Schlomo?
>everyone blames millenials
>not the boomers who embraced communism and spread FREE LOVE and DIVERSITY to the country, permanently fucking it
Show me a boomer and there's a 95% chance I can show you someone who actually collected a pension when they retired and was able to make money in an economy that hadn't completely collapsed yet.
What do you mean not taking loans? There's a post on the board right now talking about the $1,500,000,000,000.00 in student loan debt that American students are in right now. They're the most indebted generation ever.
I don't know. Here in Catalonia the 90's were pretty okay for kids.
90s kids can get fucked if they're not properly raised and mentored. just look at CWC
Can confirm. Im one of them. Internet an vidya has consumed my life in primary and middle school.
How is it possible that those 3D models are vastly better looking than what we have in todays pokemon games?
Tangela is the best Pokémon. Also after sand niggers fly hijacked planes into buildings and the government wastes trillions on stupid wars while the economy tanks and you lose all hope of a future even close to a standard of living your parents had its no surprise millennials and generation zyklon prefer to obsess over the "good ol days"
>Show me a "90s kid," and there's a 95% chance I'll be able to show you somebody who still plays videogames, doesn't have a real job, has no plans for the future, watches cartoons, is or is self-diagnosed as mentally ill. They're stuck in their childhoods in a way and to a degree that previous generations weren't.
Stop psycho-analyzing me you creepy fuck
what's your favorite pokemon Sup Forums? Mines is raichu
Shitoddledo only makes low effort games now because they know their retarded manchild nunale fanbase will still eat it up regardless
why do they say "a new movie" at the end as if it's the worst in the list, when a movie both costs less and uses less time than games and collecting cards?
Too close to home, my rice-eating friend?
idk but that chicken noodle soup was delicious.
they all look retarded, you're just used to them
Anyone else always find it weird that of all the Pokemon they put front and center, taking the spotlight, they chose fucking Poliwhirl? Now I'm not going to reach and say this is Pizza related but I just find that incredibly odd especially when the Pokemon everyone knows, Pikachu, is off to the side.
I was speaking with my dad who is nearly 70 and he told me that when he graduated high school only 4 kids in his class had 80 average.
When I grew up, for many classes you basically had to show up and you got a 70 minimum.
The age cohort known as "Millennial" is a whole cloth fabrication and the product of sloppy generational thinking by "baby boomers", mostly for marketing purposes. "Millennials" do not exist apart from their imagined meaning (comprising those born from one exact date through another exact date), and there is little point to claim that label other then to identify yourself as a fool who believes in trendy pop psychology babble.
It should be noted that since "millennial" is often code for "useless shit bags" we must ask ourselves, from whose loins did these "useless shit bags" get crapped out of? Whose schools did these "useles shit bags" attend? Perhaps a millennial is nothing other then a manifestation of the idiocy accrued from the previous generation.
Yep. I'm guilty of that last bit as I'm in my mid 30s, been working at Walmart for over a decade, and stream vidya nearly my entire time I'm home. This is, unfortunately, the best I will ever have it.
The prologue at the beginning which Mewtwo's friends die was a great moviation setup that was absent initially.
Slowpoke and its evolution, though I prefer Slowking to Slowbro.
There isn't a Pokemon in this or any other gen who gives as few fucks as a slowpoke.
Also just to get Sup Forums's opinion: Which Gen had the best pokemon?
>Show me a "90s kid," and there's a 95% chance I'll be able to show you somebody who still plays videogames, doesn't have a real job, has no plans for the future, watches cartoons, is or is self-diagnosed as mentally ill. They're stuck in their childhoods in a way and to a degree that previous generations weren't.
it used to be the unofficial mascot until pikachu took over
Poliwag (whirl by the time of the manga's beginning) was Red's first pokemon and had a weird prominence in first gen marketing so its not that far fetched.
Also for scare mongering put a big hypno swirl on it.
This is me. I feel like that other 5% is pretty damn talented though.
Change is the only constant
1990 here and kind of. Most people my age are cucks
Tangela. Pokémon is more proof of the success of Japanese culture. Imagine what Americans could accomplish if we had the same racial and cultural homogeny rates as Japan
>reading my entire life as a shitpost on Sup Forums
>best Pokédex
Gen 2, no exceptions.
>far fetched
T. Degenerate gen X who peaked 10 years ago.
Can't wait for you to get the boot for having an unofficial poll again
Wow I had no idea.
>They're stuck in their childhoods in a way and to a degree that previous generations weren't.
Fact: old people say this cliché to feel better about grandpa's molestation being the only form of entertainment back in the 1970s
Early 90´s kids are alright, the rest is fucked.
Late 80´s kids are alright too, early 80´s are dumb as fuck, poorly educated and settles for a dull life.
Are you fucking retarded?
Still into video games?
Thats like saying "Ughh pooor john he's stunted! He never grew out of movies/books/television series' "
You literally sound like a retard.
seriously consider the gas.
Gen 4 was my favorite I love platinum.
easy one. it's the second
B-but video games are for kids! Only kids played video games in the 90s
okay but it's not just 90s kids taking student loans. Lots of people in their late thirties and early 40s going back to college. Lots of kids who were born in the mid-late 90s also. Their "childhood" experiene was after the 90s. they don't count.
Whats your point
because they're getting paid for advertising youignorant twat.
That was the whole inspiration for the article, I'm sure. a paid fucking plug.
You know me so well. Come over and jack me off my hands are tired from vidya.
t. millennial
Raichu is dope, and yes surfing raichu is also dope.
Not true. One of the most avid gamers I'd ever met was a 40 year old man in the nineties. He was into pc gaming.
Sure if we're talking about Crash bandicoot and super mario bros 3 those were primarily geared towards kids.
But it is not the end all be all.
My favorites are Blastoise and Feraligatr. Favorite gens 1 and 2. Not very original but I don't give a fuck
>You're literally one of the most indebted generation ever with regard to student loan debt, actually
Nah, I was just being sarcastic desu. Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.
The Japs are to blame.
90's kids seem to be the next step in a multi generational march towards failure and ruin.
We should have never let the 60's happen.
lol no you were clear. I thought you might be, but the second half threw me off.
was lanza right?
That's actually pretty funny.
I really cant tell if I should hate boomers or millennials more.
To me the primary issue is the failure of the education system
Too many people investing too much time and money into useless knowledge and skills.
A generation of parents afraid to tell their kids that they aren't exceptional.
A lot of people point to technology but i'm not sure it's much different then the dawn of television in the 50's and 60's
The primary cause was and remains the internet. Nobody exists outside the net anymore.
It's totally ruined dating, too. And allowed women to become strippers without the shame.
Why not just hate them both equally and a fuckton?
yes, and very
Leaf is not wrong for once
I agree that the last ten years or so of the internet has completely fucked up social discourse, but I'm not sure it's the reason young people don't have jobs.
The reason young people don't have jobs is because the "recession" never went away during the mid 2000's. Obama put it off with his stimulus package, but now it's hitting hard. Especially in Leafland after our oil industry collapsed.
The most you'll find is a shitty part time job, and that's not looking like it'll improve any time soon.
No job generation
i live in london
Pokemon is still a console game. They needed 17 years to make you walk diagonal. What do you expect?
This is true, but I think it's inaccurate to imply it's emblematic of only 90s kids. Read Houellebecq--boomers were really the first spoiled generation to try to perpetuate their childhoods as long as financially possible. They invented 50s nostalgia, sex tourism, themed cruises, and basically legitimized being a hedonistic manbaby obsessed with the immediate present. Yes 90s kids represent some of the worst so far, but in the big picture they're just one part of a larger downward trend that shows no sign of slowing.
last paragraph was literally me till about a year ago, it's not like I wanted to grow up without a strong foundation, but I found the Rock (Jesus Christ) and my foundation is sure. Any one who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell when they die
Jesus Christ your fucking dumb
While I agree with you, I also think that ultimately if you have valuable skills, you will get paid. And I think this generation large in part has not been good at developing skills. I think this generation was told that if you get a piece of paper, the work will come. but it turns out the piece of paper is mostly useless.
>valuable skills
Which ones?
Give me examples of valuable skills
almost all of my contemporaries are on drugs. This is probably the most drugged up generation in history. In that sense, yes they have failed. Most of these people probably won't become functional adults and the ones who do will be psychopaths. The future is going to hit us like a train
self insert
you know you might be catching me talking out of my ass here but let me give it some thought
You're a loser looking for a scapegoat.
Then End.
I still prefer the GBA/DS style of pokemon games. Ironically as a kid I always wanted a 3D pokemon game on a handheld. The 3DS versions just didn't live up to my expectations.
It's only a problem if that's the only interests they have
or they stick to only a few games like esports losers
With what goal in mind? Housing market is fucked, land ownership is fucked, stuff like coding is heavily based around outsourcing and all the like.
"Valuable skills" mean shit when you can pay an indian peanuts for the same labour.
why couldnt they have had raichu instead of pichu in super smash melee?
It was not my intention bro, I just really want to know
i guess i don't mean any specific skill. Because the moment one exists, everyone will flock to it and it will no longer be valuable. I think the important thing is the ability to develop, that is to adapt to what is needed at the time. Accept failure and keep trying in light of it.
but really, the world is a bit bullshit, because skills may ultimately be enough. Politics, networking, etc play into it as well. luck, good looks, a lot of different things.
It really boggles my mind that industry and businesses, which are actually hiring and in need of people, don't do any outreach to young people. Really, they don't do any outreach at all. You're average 18 year old in burgerland has not even an inkling of an idea about who or what is hiring. Instead, they've been told by the vast majority of entities around them, that if they just go to college, they will win some kind of mystical job lottery. Hence why so many kids go into 'liberal studies' and other such nonsense - they legitimately don't know WHAT field of study will land them steady employment. Somehow, the internet hasn't made this any better, even though it's now easier than ever before for a business to advertise that they are seriously understaffed and have been for decades.
I'm torn between raising a growlithe or a dratini.
N-not trumph!!
>networking, etc play into it as well. luck,
This is the most valuable skill in 2017, if your parents dont know the right people you are fucked
to this day I'm still mystified how anyone could think pokemon is "bad for you"
t. projecting gen Xer
day of the grill when
Any time a politician starts talking about a skills shortage you need to gtfo because they're going to flood that field with h1b workers
>Have stem degree so I applied for a developer job a few months ago.
>aced the technical interview and so they gave me a stupid cognitive test.
>Ended up getting higher on that cognitive than anyone at the company
>still didn't hire me
Gave up on being a developercuck and now I'm making $22/hr as a general laborer. It's hard work but at least my job doesn't get Jewed to Bangladesh
That's not even subtle. You're as subtle as a brick.
Funny story. Everyone heard that welding up at Fort Mac was good shit, so they all took welding programs.
Suddenly welding is worth shit.
I kind of want to be a locksmith but I don't have high hopes for that market.
>general laborer
Whats that?
Honestly, probably the most illuminating thing about my 8 or so years working for a large company is how exceptionally incompetent many people in high positions are. I used to think that the cream would rise to the top, so to speak. But really, a lot of the cream stays at the bottom and gets all the work done despite all of it.
Dont plumbers earn a ton of money in your country?