Hillary Sex Tape About To Be Leaked!!!


pre-emptive damage control via yahoo says video of hildog fucking a nigger is fake

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Headline: Hillary Clinton 'Sex Tape' Was Made By Russian Trolls


"A Russian man who said he once worked as an internet troll claimed the nation’s propaganda factory produced a sex tape featuring a Hillary Clinton look-alike and an African-American man, among other accusations."

How old is she in it?

yesssss fake. yesssss made by trollll - russsssian trolllllll. good goy

The one where she rapes and kills a child?

This timeline tho

someone has to get a hold of that fucking tape so the weaponised autism here can prove its real


Please no

Please no.

Id watch it. Hope she gets choked by a black guy while she takes it in the bum.

This is good ....
Pornhub should get an exclusive and front page it. Hilldawg taking BBC down her bootie cavity. Should really melt the tuna of some libtards.

>implying you wouldn't watch it


Skeeting the future of liberal diversity all down her sugar walls. Skeet running down da bootie cheek like ..

Fucking here we go
*Unzips Pants*

Made in late 80s/early 90s or today? Please be from the early 90s...

I'd watch Hilldawg get railed anyday. Both for the novelty of one of the most powerful politicians the world has ever known getting fucked, and also, despite her being a reprehensible human being, she's always been a pretty woman. It will just fall under gilf, but whatever man. There's literally boys cutting off their dicks on this site to look like girls. A Hillary sex tape would be vanilla compared to other shit people are into.




pinko russion trolling

Underrated post.

it'll just turn into another stupid empowerment thing for feminists.
>suddenly every purple-haired dyke starts uploading their filthy pig sex tapes on pornhub
>yass queen slaayy

>greentexting a link

OP is a faggot.

Good, then that will make them look worse

Would be a game changer.. Would just go to sure that no matter what type of posturing a woman makes and all the horseshit that flies out of her mouth.. At the end of the day, every last one of them bends over a takes a dick up their ass including this loud mouth bitch Hillary.

Dam, I hope he pulls out and blasts all over her face in the video

i'd fuck it

>implying you wouldn't watch it
>I'd watch Hilldawg get railed anyday.
>implying it would be hetero sex




fake or real?

Imagine if she took multiple black guys at once? I'd love to watch that

or is this the state-made cover up vid?

What the fuck is wrong with her eyes

>unzips dick

>Roast beef fetish

0:05 in you see her face and it's not her. Yet another disappointment in my day.

Repulsive, if true.

"We must"


"Put these Negros to Heel"

>Chokes on cum


I doubt it, looks too professional to me.

Where is a fucking terrorist when you need it.wemb

Damage control. Just like your posting.

the soundtrack is too catchy

Fake as fuck


I see Hillary Clinton as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what Hillary is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon Hillary Clinton does it for me.

multiangle color/bw from same angle, fake

>A Russian man who said he once worked as an internet troll

yup. but don't stop looking for the real one.


Niggas gettin woke

every day is muh russia day. can we blame russia for the holocaust?

Lesbian sex tape with Huma Abedin?

*unzip pants
*cuts dick

Fucking Australia.

Fake. A real Hillary sex tape would involve her with a woman and not a man.

All the sites that reference this don't even reference the video, just that it's fake. There is no video. Who said the left can't Meme?

If it's real it will energize her base

>worked as an internet troll

Living the dream I tell ya.

>an African-American man

I'm so triggered, so every black man who sticks his dick into an US politician is a "African American?!" Insulting I tell you.

what if it is her pegging bill?

literally shaking puke from my beard.

This. It's a stronk and independent move to be impregnated by a masculine black bull. Yaass. Queen. Slay.

Now that one was real. But the nigger tape... some things even Hillary wouldn't do.


Lol holy shit... made me laugh and throw up at the same time



Hell fucking yeah! Would so balls deep those juicy lips.


Bill might be a lot of things but there's no way he's one of those "straight" men who takes a strap on.

God speed ol' chap. Someone had to.

This still bother me

then why would (((yahoo))), just out of the blue, "report" about a fake sextape? read between the lines

gross plz don't

I agree partner!!


how long until hilliary’s bull that leaked this shit has a freak basketball accident

Reptoidius Hilldeabeastius

Who do I pay not to ever see this?

dat camel toe.
Do you think she can deep throat?


woah this may be a step of winning I wasn't prepared for

i would love to see this fuck

guys be real with me, what are the chances that this is legit?


Bill is that you?
What a sick bastard

Syphilis! That's why she's degrading so quickly! It all makes sense now.

>implying it wasnt Joe

What the hell, Australia??


Good laugh. Thank you sir.

I can think of nothing I want to see less than Hillary having sex.

Hand it over, Hillahry.

For...investigative purposes, of course.

Heh heh.

rerolling for early 90's

The same reason why our white bros create small dick white boi threads. To whip up a counter-sentiment. They're sowing distrust in authenticity by running a fake story.

Newfag City. Population: (You)

>mind control techniques used by the CIA

Oh fuck off.

This is just Republicunts trying to play dirty bc Trump was smeared by pee pee tape

Faker than holocaust.

>force of a gladiatorial chariot
Fucking poetry, m8.

i 2nd that