What does /pol think about bullying?
Of course nobody really is pro bullying but think about it for a moment...
Nowadays there are so many autistic kids and fucking grown up people who never grew out of childish behavior... It's hard to explain but I think you know what I'm talking about... The type of people that when you talk to them you can tell they kinda live in their own reality it seems.
The kind of guy that actually thinks it's cool to wear his monster cap sideways and vapes..
Or people who never talk because they have no life but when the conversation drifts into movies or video games he starts talking for 10 minutes straight...
I feel like if young people around the age of 12 start bullying each other again maybe many of the victims lern not to be weak and we wouldn't have so many beta male cucks...
I'm of course against bullying people who are just ugly or cant affort to buy good looking clothes but I'm just saying maybe bullying is a natural way of making weak boys into men and not pussies...
What do you think?
What does /pol think about bullying?
Go fuck yourself.
I tell my son, if someone defames you online, you beat them up before school.
It only happens once, everyone learned there lesson.
i'm pro bully. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. if you're kid kills themself because of bullying; you've failed as a parent.
pls post a video of bullying
guess how people get made into autistic screeching brony shut ins?
guess how your formative years being spent results in you viewing other people?
being afraid of being around other people
>maybe many of the victims lern not to be weak and we wouldn't have so many beta male cucks...
The opposite happens.
this, so we can all point and laugh.
bullshit. anti-bullying movement enabled the autists. you either grew from bullying or you killed yourself.
I think bullying for okay reasons like some one being weak emotionally, no will power, lazy, willfully ignorant, and prolly more I don't care to go into. Is totally fine. I was a whiny bitch when I was a kid. I got beat up so bad my entire face got blacked when I was beat with a motorcycle helmet. I started taking martial arts, extremely seriously. Eventually could punch so fast that out of well over 50 fights? No one blocked a jab unless they were covering up.
It toughened me up and made me mentally and then physically strong. Then I transitioned to female and now carry a pistol because Im much more physically weak, but I aint afraid of a mother fucking soul on this planet.
I'd say bullying some one for like having dead parents or having glasses, or skin color, or like sharing furry porn like my faggot fucking room mate does.. Thats okay? They need to be bullied to learn to survive.
When I see teachers bullying little white kids for being white it does indeed make me pretty fucking angry. After growing up my hatred for bullies knows no bounds. They used to do some horrid shit and i'd just sit there with my buddies and watch.
'bullies' are the ultimate cucks
Going to say. I brought in a room mate because they were "transgender" said their mormon family made them repress and what not.
So I bring them in, its been 7 months and they haven't got a job. Told me yesterday they can't make rent this month. Caught them jacking off on the couch twice to furry porn. Will not look any one in the eye. No joke, so fucking weird. Went on a drive to Vegas and my husband and I forgot they came with us, they're so so awkard. I went to McDonalds one time, drive through. I ordered what I wanted within 30 seconds, keep in mind. I was HEAVILY stoned. Ate several edibles and took a few dabs. This Autist fetishist spends 5 minutes just saying "Ummm. Oh yeah.. Noo ummm.." I pull up to the window after getting tired of this shit and a line forming behind us. They start crying.
I have started to bully this person and in one month, they started becoming a slightly more tolerable person.
I cant help but feel like their parents gave the fuck up on them. Honestly? I see why.
Boys are pussies because of bad parents. Girls are sluts because boys are pussies.
it's always the fathers fault no matter what.
Bullying is necessary.
Notice how millions of beta cuckold losers simply appeared out of nowhere after the anti bullying campaign started in the 90’s after Columbine.
This is the shit you end up with when hurting someone’s feelings is considered worse than pedophilia.
>bullies and kids being bullied usually raised by single mothers
really makes you think
kick them out or give them an ultimatum. dead weight must be dropped at all cost.
They have until December 1st. They've already tried to be like "Okay I'll just go squat some where" to which I was like "You have no friends, you'll get beat up and have all your electronics stolen in the street. Those were some fun tears.
I got a good heart, but I used to bounce and be an enforcer for a group. Already told them. This is sink or swim and this is your last god damn chance. Made sure to show them the exact law that say I can throw their shit out on the street with out notice.
>Of course nobody really is pro bullying but think about it for a moment...
That's where you're wrong, senpai.
I was bullied through middle school and into high school. Finally started standing up for myself and beginning winning fights.
>Fuckers stepped back.
>People who bullied me later became friends.
You know all that shit about character-building? All fucking true. I'm a stronger person than I ever would have been had I not been bullied.
>For example, all the whiny millennials on college campuses these days.
Plus, once I went into college and became an adult, I watched others buckle under pressure; they never developed any coping mechanisms to any resistance or adversity.
Tl;dr: I was bullied and yet am still pro-bully. It pays off in the long-run.
I wouldn't dare say this in real life but the extensive physical bullying I went through as a teenager really prepared me for life in the real world. These people cry and cut themselves over 'hurtful comments'. I could take sucker punches and verbal abuse all day and it wouldn't get to me now.
You're right.
Killed Nietzsche who kissed a horse and went totally insane whom you quoted. So no what doest kill you scars you for life or sends you insane in some cases.
How old are you, and when was your last meaningful realationship?
Oh...that was subtle! You deserve your (you).
And checked.
sink or swim buddy.
bullying is what weak people call banter that they can't handle.
I was bullied until I grew up. When I hit adolescence I was bigger than my bullies. They tried to chase, but I didn't run.
Attitudes were changed that day.
what is it good for?
I hate when famous actors come out as anti-bullying, or anyone successful for that matter. They wouldn't have succeeded without that resistance early in life.
A sprout which survives the wind, buries its roots deep and grows tall.
>I feel like if young people around the age of 12 start bullying each other again maybe many of the victims lern not to be weak and we wouldn't have so many beta male cucks...
No one really cares what you "feel like", man. There's literally nothing that supports this statement. It's retarded and reactionary, and tends to do more to cripple the kid than anything, especially if it comes from a place of authority.
Some grown as man or woman watching SU is a lot nicer to see than one who just shuts themselves up with terrible memories and thoughts.
Fuck's sake, just look at it from a problem solver's angle instead of regurgitating something you heard from someone else (probably a bully).
>You have this guy who's reading Harry Potter instead of Nietzsche.
>If I just make him "feel" bad enough about reading Harry Potter, or not reading Nietzsche, he'll HAVE to read Nietzsche!
There is any number of things that person can do besides that, and often they'll involve getting shitfaced, high, and reproducing out of wedlock, great. You really improved THAT person's life!
The point is to sell it to people who want to buy it and then let the rest fuck off and try to be happy with life. You don't make them feel bad for not reading something more stimulating, you talk them into wanting to read something more stimulating. Males in particular. Build them up, physically and mentally, and you'll produce someone more resilient and level headed than some angry punching bag for niggers.
We need WW3.
what an unamerican post. i am very dissappointed user.
S'all truth. I just needed to bitch about this. I finally understand why pol thinks the way it does about people like me. Cause I blend in, this fucking faggot does not.
Fun fact: My husband is military and while he is an excellent shot. He learned Jiu Jitsu and striking from me.
This person I live with though? In They can't handle any sort of pressure, they just fall apart. Their parents failed them hard core by not making them do stuff in life. Now I have to play their parent, except their grown and I'm grown and I'll soon be done with their shit if they fail this in November.
Of course bullying is bad.. but it helps to prepare kids for the real world.. just look what happend to millenials.. people became pussies after bullying stopped and just look at this thread...
It's shit but people should be taught how to deal with it properly.
Vengeance. Don't fucking roll over, fight back
I agree... instead of stopping bullying we should rather teach kids how deal with it properly
Agreed. Some times you gotta flatten some ones nose.
exactly what came to mind top kek
MDE:WP s2 self-produced when??
>but it helps to prepare kids for the real world
So does having a fucking set of parents to do what I talked about.
>people became pussies after bullying stopped and just look at this thread...
Would you call someone posting on Sup Forums a well-adjusted person? We might not be pussies, but that doesn't mean we're very happy boys.
if the "victim" doesn't manage to snap out of it at some point and go against the bully their probability of living a healthy and successful life is already doomed anyway
That's what I'll teach my kids to do when they are bullied
That's why you teach your kid not to be a pussy
do you even WOLOWOLOWOLO?
Most people who get bullied get bullied for a reason
>we're very happy boys
did you just assume my gender?
You goys are dumb
If you are supporting bullying, you are supporting the low iq brainlet over high iq potential
i dont knnow i have autism. i kind of wanted someone to bully me as a kid so i had an excuse to kick the shit out of someone. instead i got in trouble for punching kids that annoyed me.
Yeah cause weak minded beta male millenials have such a superior IQ
Girls are never happy anyway.
>brings in roomate because trans
>posts on pol
also i had this crazy plan that if someone bullied me i would just sneak up on them while they are opening their locker and put the full force of my body into the back of their skull slamming their face into the wall. i had a friend who did that to someone who bullied him. iwas like thats a great fucking plan. they cant be on alert all the time. the kid had to get facial reconstruction surgery
I'm some one who supported bullying in this thread. My IQ was tested at 142 out of high school 18 on my first ACT. 29 on my second.
I recently tested at 131.
Yeah but they would though. Why do you think bullies are almost always low iq thugs? Because Tyrone/Jamal/Mohamed have problems of their own, and they feel a need to project it.
That is the literal example of low iq; rather than improving themselves for their shortcomings/family shortcomings, they feel like the need to inflict violence.
Shoulda checked the before post where I supported bullying.
So fuck your hivemind meme shit. Pol used to be reasonable.
>If you are supporting bullying, you are supporting the low iq brainlet over high iq potential
i support bullying
t. 32 act and 131 iq
I agree.
Fights are and should be normal for boys... It's normal childish maskulin behavior and you dont even have to win the fight to be a man but atleast have the guts to fight back
Some people have to learn to be alpha.
>using one example to prove the bigger picture
I expect better when Sup Forums is supposedly red pilled about the bell curve and mean
And no one knows whether you were bully yourself, or if you were bullied yourself. Because the latter often become bullies later on
i honestly dont think it fucking matters one way or the other whether bullying exists. if you get bullied deal with it. if it doesn't happen who gives a fuck. if you want to fight go join ufc boxing or some shit
Click my ID and scroll up friendo.
No one is ACTUALLY against bullying in principle. Sure, the stereotypical fat mean stupid kid with the wife heater & backwards baseball cap grunting "gimme your lunch money or I'll pound ya dweeb" is something pretty much nobody stands for or actively encourages. But as we broaden the net to actually understand the core element of what bullying is...
Bullying is just using your relative power (be it brute strength, authority, status or numbers) in order to pressure people out of behaving in a way you consider unacceptible. Fucking everyone does it. And everyone believes when they do it it's justified because the behaviour THEY discourage is bad and shouldn't be practiced.
Trying to get rid of it only allows specific agendas to bully & coerce people freely while the population in general becomes less and less resilient to it.
/Pol is pro bullying
Fuck the weak
lets fight tough guy
and thats how you find a weak pussy
only fags bully the weak
speak the truth good sir!!!!!!
In some part I think the not bullying is a problem. You need to learn some people are cunts. I think the constant telling kid they did good even if they came last in something then giving a reward fucks them up and gives them subconscious fear of failure later in life
I kind of get the "pro bully" stance, but think of going to a school with majority dindus or majority muslim/arab as white, and see if the bullying helps. Whitey will end up a wigger or a beta muslim. Bullying in a 100% white school may have some benefits. In my own experience, real alphas never bullied, only insecure wanna be Chads with broken homes did.
>good sir
but for what it's worth, you will never ever see a bully take on someone larger than himself, they only prey on those they deem "easy targets". that's the key reason why they deserve no respect.
Bullying is a whites-only affair, if minorities get involved it's either assault and battery or harassment and you should call the police.
yah. i only imagine myself fighting people bigger than me because it means more. you cant call someone a pussy for fighting someone bigger and stronger than them. besides bullies are stupid a shit ton of them get stabbed or shot by the prey. its dangerous to bully people. i say dont bully people so you dont get shot.
Bullies are shit but bullying is still important to grow from it
i fucking love squidbillies lol. whooohhohohoh. slap that pig
I think you need to stop using Sup Forums as a blog.
go back to facebook, emo kid
Why do people like to pretend bullying does anything but take resilience away from people?
That can't come from real experience. That just isn't how reality functions.
Why is it such a popular fantasy among normies?
It sounds like a good idea in theory, but keep in mind, most loser numales and ANTIFA faggots are former bullies themselves, despite the whole "popular football-playing bully" stereotype. They just moved on from calling people gay to attacking people for not being gay. Go try and find the old social media of all those insufferable male feminists you see on Facebook or Tumblr, not even 5 years ago most of them were "Fag this, fag that" about everything.
Just look at that bitch who stole that kid's Trump hat. She just took it to be an asshole, then made up the "fighting racism" story retroactively. The left even tried to create a "Bring back bullying" campaign against "Toxic Geek Culture" a few years ago.
Whining aside, I do have SOME clue.
People think of as "bullying" things that are basically "having some standards".
They often fail to think of as "bullying" things that actually fucking hurt.
Anti-bullying campaigns hold back the wrong behaviors.
That's even without mentioning that they do less than nothing to restrain actual sadists.
(Actual sadists are rare.)
It's okay to have some standards for people around you.
You can offer both negative and positive social feedback.
It's really only bullying if you're hurting someone.
If the lesson you're teaching isn't fucked up, and the way you're teaching it isn't fucked up, there's nothing fucked up about putting a bit of pressure on someone.
come at me
>i only imagine myself fighting people bigger than me because it means more
why imagine that. nike just do it. I've had no problem
>bullying is still important
Well in my middle school, they took this shit way too seriously, like if you bring a plastic knife or you stole someone's phone ( which kids shouldn't have until they are out of middle school ), you get expelled for stupid shit like this. I had to sit over a " important " bullying and cyber-bullying presentation with principal nigger which wasted my whole time in science. I could've learn what e=mc2 was instead of sitting on the floor with some kids i have no idea who they are learning about something that will stay in the future. So yeah, I kind of took bullying like a joke further along.
I am pro bullying....
when kids start to come of age, some start being weird, bullies are a way to tell those kids "Stop being so fucking weird" because their parents sure as hell aren't going to step in.
With the whole anti bullying thing going on the last 10-15 years, nothing is stopping these kids from being so weird, which is adding a lot of degeneracy to our society.
Bullying is when a much greater force goes against a much weaker force when the greater force knows it won't have any consequences.
That makes a bully a coward by definition.
It is never an equally sized guy, it is never two equals of equal sizes, one on one - because then it would result in a fight.
It is a cunt, or a group of cunts abusing someone because they know there are no repercussions.
That doesn't enforce social cohesion or morality, that enforces sadistic cunts being sadistic cunts.
That's like saying an adult man going around kicking the shit out of rude teenagers on the street is justified, and will make those rude teenagers into better people by doing it.
Or better yet, a gang of adult men, with pipes and baseball bats, smashing the knees of any children that start crying while watching Bambi.
The reality is, the people who deserve to be bullied, the fucking senseless cunts, are not the ones being dealt with.
In the past, it was the cunts and the scum who were made outcasts from society.
Now it is the other way around.
>because their parents sure as hell aren't going to step in
This is the crux of the issue. Parents don't tell their kids not to act like spastics anymore. It's all "ur perfect da way u iz" and non-contact punishment.
Im pro-bullying insofar as the knowledge it imparts upon the child. Being bullied teaches you what you are made of, what you really hold dear, and what kind of man you are on the path to being vs what you want to be. It gives you a blatant, in the open taste of what the world will bring your way in more underhanded ways in adulthood. Of course it requires a parent to ensure the wrong lessons arent learnt
stupid faggot
you enabled a faggot that had been correctly kicked out by his family for being a disgusting degenerate.
Should have been quints for this truth.
Bullies of all ages should be pubicly executed.
Consequence is the only way they will learn.
>Of course nobody really is pro bullying
I am
bullying is prime example of social Darwinism
it's natural
Bullies are inherently weak, low self esteem faggots.
That's why they only pick on smaller people, that's why they hang out in gangs.
Someone actually superior doesn't bother with people weaker than himself, and doesn't need a gang to back him up.
>The reality is, the people who deserve to be bullied, the fucking senseless cunts, are not the ones being dealt with.
the guy who bashed my teeth against a drinking fountain on my first day in school was dealt with
>only pick on smaller people
>that's why they hang out in gangs
just like animals
n a t u r a l
Bullying is good. Of course there's an extent but at least it either makes men out of beta bitch cucks or keeps them in line. Either way is fine. You shut in NEETs can argue against it all you want because your primary and high school were shit since you couldn't find your balls or wit to stand up for yourselves. You make fine stepping stones for me as we've gotten older.