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Why not just burn the building down. It'll yield the same result.
fuck that would be sweeeeeeeeeeet
Ron Paul would dismantle that shit faster then Sup Forums dismantled the Vegas shooting
What a Time line that would be. 1 can oy wish.
Fuck YOU OP for getting my hopes up :(
Why does Sup Forums love Ron Paul? 2008 was before my time. Isn't he a lolbertarian anti-Trump cuck?
>Oy wish
(((Freudian))) slip?
He calls out the Fed Reserve on a regular basis.
>calling Ron Motherfucking Paul a cuck
>post yfw he nominates another kike
I don't know what his current stances on it would be, but back in 2008 Ron Paul wasn't for open borders or any of that bullshit so libertarianism hadn't yet fully become lolbertarianism at that time.
Where does it say?
Oy and ju in the ID
You're not fooling anyone
wouldnt surprise me. he still hasnt fired mcmaster
Sorry, this board is for adults only.
That's not how federal law works.
>yeah having a guy who doesn't know what money is in charge of its supply would be super rad bro
He's great on this one thing. I wouldn't put him in charge of enforcing the border, but in charge of whatever Trump wants to do to the FED, he could be great.
The only problem I can see is that it's too soon. Trump needs to bring the FED to heel first, and he's already pretty busy doing that with the FBI, CIA, and MSM. Paul doesn't seem shitlord enough to take on the FED by himself, without Trump hitting it with a killing stroke first.
>before my time
at the time he was the best hope we had.
What happened to the Paulbots?
Nice bait, leaf.
On the scale of anti Trump in the Republican party, Ron Paul barely registers.
Libertarians always believed in open borders. Before the 2008 election Ron Paul also agreed with them and wanted open borders. He changed his opinion when he saw it was becoming a literal invasion of the USA. He was the best of both worlds.
We're still here, friend
still shillin out Spicy Memes on the daily
was created to shave off all the econ threads, then they got BTFO there because they don't know anything about anything, especially not monetary economics.
How does this insinuate Paul will be the choice?
Nocoiner spotted
We became Trump supporters.
He was seen as a prophet for the predicted blowback of terrorism in the west from constantly interfering and becoming bogged down in Middle Eastern affairs, uncorrupted, strong to his ideals, etc. He wanted to destroy the fed bank, various governmental institutions, cut regulations, reduce spending, lower federal involvement while increasing state choices, lower foreign military intervention, reduce military spending, foster domestic trade and economy, privitize certain governmental functions, institute the gold standard back as to keep the fed bank from just endlessly print money. He emphasized personal choice and responsibility with the personal consequences that might follow. All the other candidates seemed as if to advocate instilling strict moralistic laws and leading us into further fruitless wars as they were neocons/rhinos.
Everyone loved him on the internet and shilled for him constantly. Sadly, during the time, the internet wasn't as influential then as it is now. So it didn't help him as much as Trump. Back then, people weren't completely dejected from the Republican party and the cracks were just starting with the young conservatives. It took the young generation then some years to grow up and become more influential. Ron Paul was pivotal in the cracking and revolting in the party.
True if big
Thanks for clearing that up. He really is. It's sad that his son doesn't seem to be willing to follow in his footsteps. Too big a shadow for him to walk in I guess.
Thanks for the explanation
>Why not just burn the building down. It'll yield the same result.
That's exactly the plan:
1) Pick Ron Paul as Fed Chair
2) Doompaul buys flamethrower and other flammable supplies
3) ?
4) Profit
look, i want to believe ron will dismantle the fed and get us nuked by the deep state as he hides in a bunker and we get to purge all degenerates and niggers while forming a coalition to crusade into the middle east and reclaim Constantinople and then destroy israel and turn africa into a wasteland and mine the whole continent to find the gold to payback our debts and create enough space ships to colonize our solar system and use titan to gather enough fuel to power a million year mechareich and mine whole planets to create enough raw material to create a dyson sphere to harvest the sun's energy to have enough power to mine the rest of the planets after creating a space station bigger than saturn to house humanity while we use leftovers in atomic restructuring device to create elements dense enough to plunge into an event horizon and harvest the energy of our super massive black hole in our galactic center consuming every particle within and creating a ship big enough to house our new artificial home wrapped entirely in elements denser than any in our universe with a million em drives to travel faster than light and cut through the event horizon of the universe and conquer the heavens of god as much as the next guy but where's the proofs?
I don't have anything against investing in digital commodoties, or what you morons mistakenly call crypto-currency.
Trumpbots are Paulbots with MAGA hats. Get with it.
So you were born 2008?
>this is why leaf posters seem like literal retards.
They are all around 10 years old
If it zeroes out all the stolen wealth the Jew have hoarded in banks then fuck I'd put someone from Zimbabwe to run the US (and by extension, global) banks. Fucking hard reset.
If he did that then it's a sign for a reset/default soon. Trump's after the master of defaulting on shit and coming out unharmed.
Still I doubt it, I would doubt it even if you showed me a video where he names Ron Paul as FED chair.
Implying Trump can't do all at once. The motherfucker is already double-fucking the FBI and CIA simultaneously, and they never saw it coming. Trump effectively told the CIA yesterday that the US will be ready for full disclosure, April 26th, 2018, of the JFK files. This means that the CIA is pissing itself.
I will tell you this, if they'd gone full disclosure:
1. George H.W. Bush would be in jail
2. Israel would get a war started just to get out of the limelight
3. The CIA would be completely dismantled and all current operations would cease and the world would begin revolting against the US
Trump is taking the fed down with these others, and I guarantee you that they are already planning a bubble crisis, Trump knows about it, and already has plans a-z to deal with it.
I don't think Ron Paul would accept. He's not a big fan of Trump.
Oh he would, if Ron has been working towards one single goal in his life then it would be dismantling the FED.
Fuck off leaf newfag. Ron Paul is an American hero.
We grew up
Ron doesn't strike me as someone who would turn down the chance to help in government just to signal about the president. Being the fed chair doesn't mean you're endorsing the president
>no source
>unrelated instagram screen
>you only had to listen
He's been fighting the deep state for longer than most of us have been alive.
>let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy.
1. Anti-interventionalist
2. Anti-open borders
3. Fiscally "Austrian School"
4. Good on trade
5. Good on taxes
6. Secretly anti-multicultural
7. Won all the debates hands down
8. Was ignored/ridiculed by the media and his colleagues - which made his supporters that much more infuriated
He won Colorado in such a way that it caused the GOP to switch to caucus voters in order to try and weed out the mainstream. It failed miserably, btw, and backfired like a motherfucker (Trump).
Oh, he also won the military vote by a HUGE fucking margin.
Ron Paul dropped more red pills to more people than anyone in the history of humanity.
Still alive and kicking. With the Catalan happening now.
That was a rollercoaster ride user, thanks
You forgot he's pro gold backed currency and against any kind of government created inflation.
He wasn't a libertarian he was an isolationist constitutionalist
Because surprise surprise, most people in the military don't want to be killed in a worthless sandy country for zog
>Why does Sup Forums love Ron Paul?
I am no lolbertarian, but This man's entire career is to be in charge of the Feds. He would be better at that than Trump would be as president. Guaranteed. Knowing who winners are is one thing. Knowing where to put them is the other. Trump has a great eye for picking the right cog for the job.
RP would show the world our dollars real value. I really hope to sell my home before he does lol.
In particular to Sup Forums, everyone loved him here. The "It's Happening!" meme one of the biggest and most beloved memes that came out. Even other boards regularly adopt it in times where something big happens. As partaking/viewing happenings/events destroy the monotonous/repetitive boredom. They are exciting and some mark/intiate drastic changes within the status quo. There's also this happening everyone refers to that I call the "great happening" where an apocalypse or WW3 nuke Armageddon happens. Where everyone else in the world turns panic, scream, and lament the end of everything, we lift our heads, close our eyes, and make a big smile. That is how we came to praise and crave happenings.
>Calling Ron Paul a cuck
I want nu-Sup Forums to leave
also theres zero chance of trump actually nominating ron paul
fucking pls
I was a hard core Paulbot at the tender age of 17. Pissed off so many people.
ron paul 2012
That was long. Have a (you)
might be his single greatest achievement
>well, that and deporting illegals
Now that I think of it I believe every Western government MUST SEE that a gold backed currency is the only way forward.
They already do understand that usury in the long run will cause default, that's why they are all struggling right now with near or sub zero interest rates for years to somehow reduce debt to an acceptable level.
So when you already came to the realisation that interest destroys societies in the long run then what's the point of having inflation?
There is none, except if you want to destroy your economy.
This is probably why Russia and China have been buying gold frantically over the last decade and EU countries had their gold returned from the US and UK.
They are already working on the fiat currency endgame.
They'd kill Trump for doing such a thing.
They killed JFK for trying to reign in the Federal Reserve
>you will never relive coordinating money bombs and spreading the good word via youtube and social media in the 2007 primaries again
2007 /new/ was a good place to be
He would destroy the dollar by letting the fiat dollar collapse and replace it with a gold backed dollar.
And of course erase all debt in the process. But there's not even a theoretical possibility to prevent the default, no matter how hard the US gov fights it.
I have no doubts that, if they aren't successful in removing him, they'll try killing him. Imagine the red pills that would be distributed by an attempt on Trump's life
Damn, that's witty. Inshallah, it was a good joke.
You guys are incorrect and including OP.
One of his choices is Prof John Taylor who is a follower of Ron Paul.
Ron Paul has stuff about making him Fed Chair.
yeah there is no chance it will be ron paul, although I would absolutely love to see that happen. It'll probably be another jew like we've had for the last 30+ years
Fuck off underage
Fucking leafs need to be country wide ip banned for the stupid shit that they say on the regular.
For a Muslim you seem not to know what "Inshallah" means. Interesting.
Ron Paul was the last great libertarian, now it's just a bunch of pot smoking retards.
Definitely not. Especially not Fed chair.
Shame it'll never happen
He was that once-a-decade guy that campaigns on rolling back "progress" to a radical extent. He wanted to put us back on the gold standard and end the fed. Foul play from the GOPe killed his chances once and for all in 2012.
The 90s version would be Buchanan or Perot. Trump is the 2010s version obviously.
How is this even really good news? Oh sick new chairman for the Federal Reserve? How about get rid of the fucking Federal Reserve.
>How about get rid of the fucking Federal Reserve.
That sounds familiar, like someone else has been saying that. I can't quite put my finger on a name....
It's gotta fall from the inside. This is how you achieve it's removal, by putting in place someone who wants it to be removed
you do that by installing the guy who wants to nuke it at its head
He is perhaps one of those very few politicians that managed to keep being a man of integrity despite being elected several times.
A patriot and an honest man, the hero we needed but not the one we deserved.
That would make a certain Simpsons episode credible!
Trump really is Batman isnt he? The mother fucker has a contingency plan for everything and always gets his way even when it looks like he tripped himself up.
lets do it
We're Trumpers now.