National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
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More or less like they look now, no?
Sup Forums will blame immigration.
It's not illegal immigrants and blacks fault that white women are making babies with them and not white men.
Blame your white women for making brown babies.
You can't yell at the dog if you left the room with a steak on the floor.
National Geographic has gone to absolute shit
taken over by SJWs
Immigration certainly plays a big role in the eventual total downfall, but what you wrote plays a big part of it. Especially with lower income white Americans, their kids are majority mongrels these days, moreso with blacks than with spics.
So going left to right, top to bottom
Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, asian nigger
Gook, Jew nigger, Jew nigger, IDK, Sicilian
femininst, halfbreed, imaginary nigger, halfbreed, gook
Don't know where y'all living, but race-mixing is heavily frown upon around here.
>(((National Geographic)))
As soon as I found out they were jews I stopped watching it for good. Same goes for the (((History Channel)))
>people are like paint
Fucking retards, whites have been around for millenia- having a liberal government wont change evolution or instincts
If a baby sets a house on fire because you gave it a match and dared it to should it be arrested for arson?
The anti-White regime encourages people that don't know better to engage in their own genocide. You trend-following anti-Whites are in the latter category.
W-why do they all have lizard slit eyes?
but what about britbongistan?
I don't get this, show me which one is beautiful? They all look as ugly as fuck
here's his gf
I would gladly put them back in their place but unfortunately the women have the law on their side.
>No more audrey hepburn and ingrid bergman for sure
White women have the lowest percentage for race mixing across all races. White men race mix more, fuck off shill.
They all look soulless!
still need mo money for dem programs
Every two weeks we see this fucking post, Christ, it's like three years old.
Fugly people
Where did you live in?
If you say something like Idaho or new england states
That don't count
That place only handful of white people live there and non-white are really rare
Ohio white population are bigger than New England states
If the RAISE act doesn't pass and if we don't return to European immigration. Those people in OP's pic will be the average American sadly.
And every single one of them are ugly as fuck.
Fucking underrated.
Fucking disgusting
Maybe stop fucking Indians girls and Chink girls then, faggot
National Geographic Determined What American Architecture Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
Blanc est bel.
holy shit, I'm gonna turn into a mexican in 33 years!
you only did half the job, post also the opposite, pictures of pure races.
it's true, it's like you can't even look at a minority girl without them keeping your baby because muh social gains
If you actually believe this you'e an idiot not even joking. If you actually bothered to learn about what is happening to this country it isn't that everyone is becoming a race mixed person its that our demographics are shifting from 90% white to whites being a minority we aren't being race mixed out of the demographics we are being replaced by spics, spics will be the majority population in 2066.
now stop repeating garbage like everyone will become race mixed.
Imagine all the murder, rape, drug dealing, prositution
I meant that people are going to be filthy spic mongrels. That's why I want the RAISE act to pass, so that we can mostly get European immigration. I don't believe in the White Hispanic Myth.
Aren't you just repeating what you originally wrote that we will turn into mixed race people?
Things like affirmative action are to blame though
Black people in general would never have any real income as a group without whitey helping them out, however good thing to come out of this is that when USA becomes dark, they will sink hard. They have so insane debt at the moment, that when they lose their leverage in human 'value' China will break the country into their little bitch and their quality of life is forever South America tier, if not worse due to the escalating issues of brain power immigrants leaving for greener pastures, they moved to USA after quality of life & if the country becomes incapable providing it, I have hard time imagining they would stay
And you bitches deserve all of it
Nope, the most popular mixed pairing is White-Spic and it's already happening in California. I'm planning on having many white children in Western Pennsylvania. I hope that immigration bill passes so it could prevent future spic immigration.
Nope 99.6%
Northwestern European
British & Irish
French & German
Broadly Northwestern European
Southern European
Broadly Southern European
Eastern European
Ashkenazi Jewish
Broadly European
South Asian
Broadly South Asian
East Asian & Native American
Southeast Asian
East Asian
White men really do have themselves to blame.
Racemixing was usually the result of a white man and non-white woman. Trade and Wars sent white men to places far and wide. For centuries, white men have been dicking non-white women thus improving local gene pools. White women at home have known about this and it has pissed them off for centuries. White women participating in this racemixing now is just blowback of the worst kind.
Yes you are you just did it again you said that the problem is race mixing the problem is not just race mixing the problem is our immigration there should be no non white immigration they are bringing in 1.5 million people a year and 98% of those people are non white. Do you get that the problem is them being brought here?
Yes of course, I'm saying race-mixing is just as bad as well and we need to cull both problems. Why do you think I support the RAISE act? It would make spic immigration nonexistent.
Looks like someone kept hitting random on a character creator.
Notice how the lighting is used to vivify the eyes. They are all black eyed subhumans.
Won't happen.
I know it's a problem but these shills that post these threads multiple times a day write this is what the avg American will look like in 2050, It's literally just shilling in 30 years white women will not all go for non white men it's a shill tactic to demoralize people.
Please nuke us.
This, women are children and do not deserve freedom of choice.
You are fucking stupid. Fuck all white women racemix. They keep importing spics, Chink, poomen. Then they out breed white people because whites culture has been subverted and we aren't having kids or large families
Holy fuck, confirmed humans to go blind in order to reproduce.
people are going to mix toghter in the end. maybe not for a long time but its going to happen. if we survive long enough we will start to evolve seperatly and over time create new races and even species like some star wars shit
just accept it a move on. there are more problems to fix. people should be worried about the growing gap in cognisance and economic divide. maybe gene editing and eugenics can help some but there will be a economic barrier for the working and middle class and they'll suffer a dysgenic affect
>tl;dr stop crying about race mixing
>65% white with hispanics breeding with whites only 90% of the time
Im sorry but where does this meme come from?
>So many blue eyes
These people are fucking retarded. Do they really think blonde hair and blue eyes will survive mixing with niggers and spics?
The four females on the bottom row look especially ridiculous. The boy on the end is what a fully mixed American would look like
>good goys under the president Zucc
Yep, and the white/Asian upperclass will live in secure neighborhoods. The shitskin mongrels will live like this, except they'll all be fat fucks too
...and that's a (((good))) thing.
...and that's a (((good))) thing.
...and that's a (((good))) thing.
...and that's a (((good))) thing.
>No more blonde qt .....
They're all too thin. Plus
>No grown men in shorts
>No grown men in baseball caps
>No sportswear to be seen
Burgers look fucking awful
>blame women
oh how controversial here
Nah. Most Americans will look like Morena Baccarin and Mumar Gaddaffi.
White hispanics exist but you just allow mestizos to ruin the term just like they ruined hispanic because you are mentally weak
She's a fucking kiwi
Why do they all have reptilian eyes?
People love blue eyes, ((((((NATGEO))))) wants people to feel safe race mixing and keeping blue eyes, even though in real life blue eyes almost never show up in shitskins
White Hispanics are a myth made up by the census to make White Americans less scared about demographic displacement. They're all mestizos you dumbfuck
Hispanic is a made up term to lump in all people who have linage from a spanish speaking country you dumbfuck
Hispanic's not a race you dumb nigger
>durr niggers with blue eyes!
>hurr chink eyes hurr!
Race mixed people don't look like this, godamn it! They'll just be niggers with black eyes and hair! Genetics aren't lego!
Fuck NatGeo! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Most Hispanics in America are filthy mestizo and amerindian subhumans. Why do you nigger spics always get offended by that?
Less than 7% of white wonen give birth to a non-white baby. On the other side, 15% of Hispanic and 25% of Asian eomen give birth to the baby of a white man.
So Barbados then
>people are going to
>its going to happen
>we will start
Gas yourself—NOW
>tfw quapa but don’t look like any of these people
Idaho has as many race-mixers as the national average, 7%.
Why don't you just call them mexicans or mestizos? Why should non mestizos be blamed for mestizo breeding? Asshole
"White hispanics"
According to US government the average "White Hispanic" is 30% native AND 10% African.
You're not convincing anyone but mestizos and amerindians that youre white.
There's pic related instead.
WTF is that?
Why do you even care?... Serbia by then is going to be a total abortion of Kangs n SHeeeit
>According to US government the average "White Hispanic" is 30% native AND 10% African.
Then that's not a white hispanic, I'm talking guys like Martin Sheen (Look at his real name)
Citation needed
reminder that Nat Geo is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.
Any "liberal" or "globalist" themed articles are pure agitprop to inflame Murdoch's right wing cohorts.
Is that you krautanon with the statistics, show the spic that's arguing with me the truth on why white hispanics don't exist.
It's the mixed race hispanic Larps as a white Mexican episode again.
>All hispanics are mexican
> Americans
Could i have a quick rundown on the relation between racemixing and globalism?
Why should I care you're a mix of races and you larp as a "white person" informing people that hispanic is a shitty term because it also includes people that live in Spain it's fucking autistic dude.
2/3 of Hispanics in the US are Mexican and about 10% of all Mexicans are white. The other 1/3 is about 20-25% white.
2/3*0.1+1/3*0.2=4/30~=1/6 actual white.
Genetic tests have also shown that Hispanics are about 65% white and "white" Hispanics (according to census) are on average 75% white.
If you can accurately guess their ethnicity you are a God
>Martin Sheen
half irish half SPANISH (from spain)
that has nothing to do with US "white hispanics" who carry 30% native and 10% african genes. Fuck off nigger shitskin, turn off the nazi flag.
>niggers with blue eyes
Yea maybe 1/1000000
Me, my wife and my kids will be alive in 2050 and we look nothing like that