Burgers, how are you feeling about Monarchy?

Burgers, how are you feeling about Monarchy?

As far fetched it could be, would you mind Emperor Donald I? Even if he just like Augustus were Emperor in all but name?

We need to go back to what the founding fathers envisioned no further and no sooner.

Monarchies with any real powers are cancer. Our "democracy" has been a joke forever and look where it got us with incestual politics.

reminder founding fathers grew hemp
legalization should be a position on the right

It'd be cool to see thier dream realized (probably take 1000 years to do).

I would cut your face off and force feed it to your children you pathetic swede.

Fucking die slowly you cucked traitor to your own.

>Fucking die slowly you cucked traitor to your own.

Oh, it's an internet tough guy.

Stop hiding behind that meme-flag faggot.

somewhere around Jackson is optimal

Unrealistic goals give society something to work for. We don't need to get every detail right away, we just have to start moving in the right direction.

Nobody cares that you smoke weed. It's about cracking down on the destructive sub cultures surrounding it. Grow up.

Fuck no I don't want some one as liberal as Donald as supreme ruler

One of the last and hardest red pills to take is monarchy

democracy is too easily corrupted

Monarchy would never work here. We've never really known true monarchy. Even under the English gov't there was an entire ocean between us and our king.

But we have known aristocracy.

Putting Roosevelt on the line between far left and moderate shows how hopeless and stupid this board has become.

A few years back I visited the england, it was my first out of north america (unless you count beanland). It was like stepping into a fairytale, I grew up in an area that was pretty rich in history, but it couldn't hold a candle to some of the stuff I saw in england. The biggest plantation manor would be like a shack compared to some of these castles and estates. Even little country cottages and urban areas had this magic to them, like interwoven into the land's natural beauty. Even the food was really something else, I always hear Americans bitching about food in england, only bad meal I had was in London, out in the country its all top of the line like sausages made out of blood and sheep stomach or something, whiskey cheese sauces, and tea with cream. When I was over there I got to thinking, maybe the benefit of an aristocracy is cultural preservation. Like, it keeps things in a sort of stasis, people just kind of stick to the station they're born to and keep things as they've always been for decades, maybe centuries. I thought, for a little while, maybe that wouldn't be so bad in America. Then I grewed older and realized that's all fine and good if your aristocrats maintain their connections to their warrior roots, but if they end up cucked, then the whole country ends up cucked with daily estrogen injection, and nobody can do anything about it because their the ones that're supposed to make the hard thinking decisions, and your the one that's supposed to milk the sheep or whatever.

Yes but ideological factors like liberalism destroyed all the authority of the nobility to actually do anything.

But yes a monarchy would be best.

Its the default system of human organization for a reason.


I am unironically a monarchist, anyone who continues to cling to Democracy or Democratic Republics is a fool.

>Stalin was far-left
>created the most orderly society in existence

There, your graph BTFO.


I mean I guess it's fine even if the nobility is cucked so long as they don't fuck around with your sheep milking. Like my impression was that life was pretty good out in the country, so if the faggotry just stays isolated to the cities I'd be fine just pig farming for the rest of my life, especially if I can get more of that good whiskey cheese sauce.

Monarchies are retarded

>not realizing "liberty" is the cause of all that we are dealing with right now
>not realizing Enlightenmentfags were the first liberals and the destruction of the old order led to the Wests's coming collapse

The most powerful monarchs in history often were the ones pushing progress. The kings who created Golden Ages tended to be progressive. Advocate education and learning so that you have a better country as a whole which in turn allows you to have a better military.